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ZEIJTS, J. van
BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY (United States). Funding organisation: DOE/OFFICE OF SCIENCE (United States)2004
BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY (United States). Funding organisation: DOE/OFFICE OF SCIENCE (United States)2004
[en] The magnetic settings in RHIC are driven by an on-line model, and the quality of the resulting lattice functions depend on the correctness of the settings, and knowledge of the magnet transfer-functions. Here we first present the different inputs into the model, including dipole sextupole components, used to set tunes and chromaticities along the ramp. Based on an analysis of measured tunes along the FY03 polarized proton ramp, we present predictions for quadrupole transfer-function changes which have been implemented for the FY04 Au ramp. We show the improved model agreement for tunes along the ramp, and measured transverse phase-advance at store
Primary Subject
5 Jul 2004; 5 p; 9. European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC-04); Lucerne (Switzerland); 5-9 Jul 2004; KB020204; AC02-98CH10886; Available from PURL:
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ZEIJTS, J. van
BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY (United States). Funding organisation: DOE/OFFICE OF SCIENCE (United States)2004
BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY (United States). Funding organisation: DOE/OFFICE OF SCIENCE (United States)2004
[en] The longitudinal bunch profile acquisition system at RHIC was recently upgraded to allow on-line measurements of the bunch spectrum, and collision vertex location and shape. The system allows monitoring the evolution of these properties along the ramp, at transition and rebucketing, and at store conditions. We describe some of the hardware and software changes, and show some applications of the system
Primary Subject
5 Jul 2004; 5 p; 9. European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC-04); Lucerne (Switzerland); 5-9 Jul 2004; KB020204; AC02-98CH10886; Available from PURL:
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Zeijts, J. van; Witherspoon, S.; Watson, W.A.
Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc., Newport News, VA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States)1997
Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc., Newport News, VA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States)1997
[en] The authors describe the design and implementation of a C++ client/server based slow orbit and energy control package based on the CDEV software control bus. Several client applications are described and operational experience is given
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1997; 4 p; 17. IEEE particle accelerator conference; Vancouver (Canada); 12-16 May 1997; JLAB-ACC--97-17; CONF-970503--12; CONTRACT AC05-84ER40150; Also available from OSTI as DE97006533; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2002
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2002
[en] RHIC in gold operation shows significant intra-beam scattering due to the high charge state of the stored ions. Intra-beam scattering leads to longitudinal and transverse emittance growth. The longitudinal emittance growth causes debunching in operation; the transverse emittance growth contributes to the reduction of the beam and luminosity lifetimes. The longitudinal and transverse beam growth was measured. Beam growth measurement are compared with computations
Primary Subject
2 Jun 2002; 3 p; 8. European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2002); PARIS (France); 3-7 Jun 2002; KA0202011; AC02-98CH10886; Available from PURL:
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Lebedev, V.A.; Bickley, M.; Schaffner, S.; Zeijts, J. van; Krafft, G.A.; Watson, C.
Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc., Newport News, VA (United States). Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility. Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1996
Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc., Newport News, VA (United States). Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility. Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1996
[en] During the commissioning of the CEBAF accelerator, correction of dispersion and momentum compaction, and, to a lesser extent, transverse transfer matrices were essential for robust operation. With changing machine conditions, repeated correction was found necessary. To speed the diagnostic process the authors developed a method which allows one to rapidly track the machine optics. The method is based on measuring the propagation of 30 Hz modulated betatron oscillations downstream of a point of perturbation. Compared to the usual methods of dispersion or difference orbit measurement, synchronous detection of the beam displacement, as measured by beam position monitors, offers significantly improved speed and accuracy of the measurements. The beam optics of the accelerator was altered to decrease lattice sensitivity at critical points and to simplify control of the betatron function match. The calculation of the Courant-Snyder invariant from signals of each pair of nearby beam position monitors has allowed one to perform on-line measurement and correction of the lattice properties
Primary Subject
1996; 22 p; JLAB-ACC--96-02; CONTRACT AC05-84ER40150; Also available from OSTI as DE96015328; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Bowling, B.A.; Akers, W.; Shoaee, H.; Watson, W.; Zeijts, J. van; Witherspoon, S.
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States)1997
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States)1997
[en] Traditional approaches to computational modeling and simulation often utilize a batch method for code execution using file-formatted input/output. This method of code implementation was generally chosen for several factors, including CPU throughput and availability, complexity of the required modeling problem, and presentation of computation results. With the advent of faster computer hardware and the advances in networking and software techniques, other program architectures for accelerator modeling have recently been employed. Jefferson Laboratory has implemented a client/server solution for accelerator beam transport modeling utilizing a query-based I/O. The goal of this code is to provide modeling information for control system applications and to serve as a computation engine for general modeling tasks, such as machine studies. This paper performs a comparison between the batch execution and server/client architectures, focusing on design and implementation issues, performance, and general utility towards accelerator modeling demands
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Secondary Subject
1997; 6 p; JLAB-ACC--96-24; CONTRACT AC05-84ER40150; Also available from OSTI as DE98001201; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Trbojevic, D.; Ahrens, L.; Bai, M.; Ptitsyn, V.; Satogata, T.; Zeijts, J. van
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2001
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2001
[en] The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) provides collisions of the fully stripped gold ions for four experiments. This report shows results from measurements of the betatron functions within the Interaction Regions (IR) as well as in the arcs in both ''blue'' and ''yellow'' rings. A single quadrupole excitation or the beam position monitors' RMS. values at injection are used to obtain the betatron amplitude function
Primary Subject
18 Jun 2001; 3 p; Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 2001); CHICAGO, IL (United States); 18-22 Jun 2001; KA--0201; AC02-98CH10886; Also available from OSTI as DE00789232; PURL:
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Brown, K.; Niederer, J.; Satogata, T.; Alai Tafti, A.; Tsoupas, N.; Zeijts, J. van
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research ER (United States)1999
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research ER (United States)1999
[en] The RHIC/AGS online modeling environment, a general client-server modeling package that supports cdev and straightforward integration of diverse computational modeling engines (CMEs), is being adapted to model the AGS and Booster at BNL. This implementation uses a version of MAD modified at BNL that allows traditional lattice structure analysis, single pass beam line analysis, multi-particle tracking, interactive graphics, and the use of field maps. The on-line model system is still under development, a real working prototype exists and is being tested. This paper describes the system and experience with its design and use for AGS and AGS Booster online modeling
Primary Subject
29 Mar 1999; 5 p; 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference; New York, NY (United States); 29 Mar - 2 Apr 1999; KA-02-01; AC--02-98CH10886; Also available from OSTI as DE00770770; PURL:
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Hovater, C.; Chowdhary, M.; Karn, J.; Tiefenback, M.; Zeijts, J. van; Watson, W.
Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc., Newport News, VA (United States). Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility. Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1996
Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc., Newport News, VA (United States). Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility. Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1996
[en] The CEBAF accelerator at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) successfully began its experimental nuclear physics program in November of 1995 and has since surpassed predicted machine availability. Part of this success can be attributed to using the EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) control system toolkit. The CEBAF control system is one of the largest accelerator control system now operating. It controls approximately 338 SRF cavities, 2,300 magnets, 500 beam position monitors and other accelerator devices, such as gun hardware and other beam monitoring devices. All told, the system must be able to access over 125,000 database records. The system has been well received by both operators and the hardware designers. The EPICS utilities have made the task of troubleshooting systems easier. The graphical and test-based creation tools have allowed operators to custom build control screens. In addition, the ability to integrate EPICS with other software packages, such as Tcl/Tk, has allowed physicists to quickly prototype high-level application programs, and to provide GUI front ends for command line driven tools. Specific examples of the control system applications are presented in the areas of energy and orbit control, cavity tuning and accelerator tune up diagnostics
Primary Subject
1996; 7 p; JLAB-ACO--96-01; CONTRACT AC05-84ER40150; Also available from OSTI as DE96015330; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Chao, Yu-Chiu; Bowling, B.; Witherspoon, S.; Zeijts, J. van; Watson, W.A. III.
Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc., Newport News, VA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States)1997
Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc., Newport News, VA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States)1997
[en] An orbit correction algorithm is developed to achieve the following goals for the CEBAF accelerator at Jefferson Lab.: (1) Pre-processing of orbit input to account for estimated misalignment and monitor errors. (2) Automatic elimination of blind spots caused by response matrix degeneracy. (3) Transparency of exception handling to interchangeable generic steering engines. (4) CEBAF-specific demands on control of injection angle, path length, orbit effects on optics, simultaneous multiple pass steering, and orbit control at un-monitored locations. All of the above can be accomplished by the introduction of virtual monitors into the processed input orbit, whose theoretical basis is to be discussed in this report. Implementation of all or part of these features and operational experience during the CEBAF variable energy runs will also be discussed
Primary Subject
1997; 4 p; 17. IEEE particle accelerator conference; Vancouver (Canada); 12-16 May 1997; JLAB-ACC--97-15; CONF-970503--182; CONTRACT AC05-84ER40150; Also available from OSTI as DE97008137; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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