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Harrison, N.T.; Simmonds, J.R.
National Radiological Protection Board, Harwell (UK)1980
National Radiological Protection Board, Harwell (UK)1980
[en] The procedures, dosimetric quantities and basic data to be used for the evaluation of Generalised Derived Limits (GDLs) in environmental materials and of Generalised Derived Limits for discharges to atmosphere are described. The dosimetric considerations and the appropriate intake rates for both children and adults are discussed. In most situations in the nuclear industry and in those institutions, hospitals and laboratories which use relatively small quantities of radioactive material, the Generalised Derived Limits provide convenient reference levels against which the results of environmental monitoring can be compared, and atmospheric discharges can be assessed. They are intended for application when the environmental contamination or discharge to atmosphere is less than about 5% of the Generalised Derived Limit; above this level, it will usually be necessary to undertake a more detailed site-specific assessment. (author)
Original Title
Contamination of air, food, water
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Dec 1980; 21 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Robinson, P.D.
Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WA (USA)1981
Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WA (USA)1981
[en] The ICRP 26 cost/benefit approach to establishing operational radiation protection guidelines is discussed. The purpose is to aid the policy maker in the decision making process, using as a basis the dose-response curve
Primary Subject
1981; 13 p; Health Physics Society annual meeting; Louisville, KY, USA; 21 - 26 Jun 1981; CONF-8106144--6; Available from NTIS., PC A02/MF A01
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The first part is the Code of Practice approved by the Board of Governors of the IAEA in June 1976 as part of the Agency's safety standards, which are applied to those operations undertaken by Member States with the assistance of the Agency. The following topics are concerned: 1) Responsibilities. 2) Environmental considerations affecting siting and discharge limits. 3) Wastes requiring management. 4) Mine wastes. 5) Mill wastes. 6) In-situ leaching wastes. 7) Decommissioning requirements. 8) Financial arrangements. 9) Periodic inspections of wastes and the environment. 10) Transfer of ownership. The second part, the Guide to the Code, indicates ways in which the requirements of the Code may be met. The information reflects current best available technology. This technology was considered to provide an acceptable degree of safety
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Safety series; no. 44; 1976; 50 p; IAEA; Vienna; ISBN 92-0-123276-4; ; Also published in French, Russian and Spanish.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Schlenker, R.A.
Argonne National Lab., IL (USA)1984
Argonne National Lab., IL (USA)1984
[en] This paper identifies some of the issues which arise in the consideration of the derivation of new limits on exposure to internal emitters. Basic and secondary radiation protection limits are discussed. Terms are defined and applied to the limitation of risk from stochastic effects. Non-stochastic data for specific internal emitters (131I and the radium isotopes) are presented. Emphasis is placed on the quantitative aspects of the limit setting problem. 65 references, 2 figures, 12 tables
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
15 Aug 1984; 84 p; 20. annual meeting of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements; Washington, DC (USA); 4-5 Apr 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A05/MF A01; 1 as DE84016243
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Radiation protection of personnel and the public is accomplished by establishing a well defined Radiation Protection Organization to ensure that appropriate controls on radioactive materials and radiation sources are implemented and documented. This Requirements Identification Document (RID) applies to the activities, personnel, structures, systems, components, and programs involved in executing the mission of the Tank Farms. The physical boundaries within which the requirements of this RID apply are the Single Shell Tank Farms, Double Shell Tank Farms, 242-A Evaporator-Crystallizer, 242-S, T Evaporators, Liquid Effluent Retention Facility (LERF), Purgewater Storage Facility (PWSF), and all interconnecting piping, valves, instrumentation, and controls. Also included is all piping, valves, instrumentation, and controls up to and including the most remote valve under Tank Farms control at any other Hanford Facility having an interconnection with Tank Farms. The boundary of the structures, systems, components, and programs to which this RID applies, is defined by those that are dedicated to and/or under the control of the Tank Farms Operations Department and are specifically implemented at the Tank Farms
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Apr 1994; 278 p; CONTRACT AC06-87RL10930; Also available from OSTI as DE94012302; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Methodological indicators to fulfill the state supervision of the radiation protection in the nuclear installations
Original Title
Indicaciones metodologicas para la realizacion de la supervision estatal de la proteccion radiologica en las instalaciones radiactivas
Primary Subject
1992; 37 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Description of the method to limit cesium ingestion via food, stipulated by the National Institute of Radiation Protection, Sweden. The dose contribution from food-stuffs is limited to approximately 1 millisievert per year. This means that the yearly ingestion of cesium 137 for the majority of the Swedish population will be limited to 50000 Bq. The Nordic agreements in the field are described
Original Title
Projekt Tjernobyl - Laangsiktig begraensning av cesiumintag via livsmedel
Primary Subject
29 Apr 1987; 13 p
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Togawa, Orihiko; Yamaguchi, Yukichi; Homma, Toshimitsu
Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo1987
Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo1987
[en] The recently published ICRP report, ICRP Publication 48, presents the new metabolic data of some transuranic elements, compared with those employed in the calculation of ALI and DAC in ICRP Publication 30. Values of ALI and DAC for 72 radionuclides were calculated using the metabolic data presented in the Publication 48. The calculation was performed by a computer code system DOSDAC, which can systematically calculate ALI and DAC by the same method as that described in the Publication 30. The calculated values of ALI and DAC were tabulated in the same format as that of the supplements to the Publication 30. For the convenience of using in the dose assessment, also given are values of committed effective dose equivalent per intake of unit activity. It is expected that these values will be applied to the radiation protection purposes. (author)
Primary Subject
Jul 1987; 297 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This report is a compilation of ANS and ANSI/ANS, ANSI/ASME american standards, Regulatory guides (Power Reactor Division), IEEE standards, to which are added ANSI american standards, AFNOR french standards, all of them being updated until to day. This computed compilation is divided into three parts: 1) main descriptor categories; 2) list of american standards in chronological order, list of AFNOR french standards, list of Regulatory guides in numerical order. 3) list of descriptors in alphabetic order
Ce rapport est une compilation des normes americaines ANS et ANSI/ANS, ANSI/ASME, des Regulatory Guides (Division 1: reacteurs de puissance), des normes IEEE auxquelles ont ete ajoutees les normes americaines ANSI, les normes francaises AFNOR et les mises a jour de l'ensemble effectuees jusqu'a ce jour. Cette compilation sortie sur ordinateur comprend trois parties: 1) Grandes categories de mots cles; 2) Liste des normes americaines par ordre chronologique; Liste des normes francaises AFNOR, Liste des Regulatory Guides par numero, 3) Liste des mots cles detailles classes par ordre alphabetique au centre de la page (en caracteres gras)Original Title
Catalogue des normes existant a la bibliotheque du departement d'analyse de surete au 1er mars 1987
Primary Subject
1987; 191 p
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Lombard, J.
Centre d'Etude sur l'Evaluation de la Protection dans le Domaine Nucleaire, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)1986
Centre d'Etude sur l'Evaluation de la Protection dans le Domaine Nucleaire, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)1986
[en] To estimate the efficiency of radiological protection systems we have to compare the cost involved in putting each system into operation (cost of protection) to the collective dose that can thus be avoided. This comparison is facilitated if a man-Sievert monetary value is available. The man-Sievert value can be estimated from various detriments that can be attributed to this unitary exposure: whether there are lethal or non-lethal somatic effects, genetic effects and psycho-social effects. ICRP recommends, in its publication 37, to break down the cost of radiological detriment Y into two parts. The first part, Y1=αS, corresponds to the somatic and genetic effects; the second part, Y2=β ΣNjf(Hj), corresponds to the relevant effects of psycho-social considerations. This breakdown leads to the definition of two man-Sievert value components: α, which reflects somatic and genetic detriments; and β, which reflects the psycho-social effects. Several different methods can be used to determine α and β. Here, we will analyse the following: the a priori evaluation based on the Value of Human Life (VHL) or the costs of repair (for non-lethal effects); the a priori evaluation based on the loss of life expectancy; the evaluation based on what an individual would agree to give up to reduce the risk associated to a man Sievert-dose; the evaluation based on the expenses effectively incurred in the past to reduce the risk associated to a man-Sievert dose
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Sep 1986; 22 p; CONTRACT NRPB/CEPN, NO.B16-105F
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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