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Subudhi, M.; Lasker, L.; Koplik, B.; Curreri, J.; Goradia, H.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1979
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1979
[en] A three-dimensional dynamic code has been developed to determine the nonlinear response of an HTGR core. The HTGR core consists of several thousands of hexagonal core blocks. These are arranged inlayers stacked together. Each layer contains many core blocks surrounded on their outer periphery by reflector blocks. The entire assembly is contained within a prestressed concrete reactor vessel. Gaps exist between adjacent blocks in any horizontal plane. Each core block in a given layer is connected to the blocks directly above and below it via three dowell pins. The present analystical study is directed towards an invesstigation of the nonlinear response of the reactor core blocks in the event of a seismic occurrence. The computer code is developed for a specific mathemtical model which represents a vertical arrangement of layers of blocks. This comprises a block module of core elements which would be obtained by cutting a cylindrical portion consisting of seven fuel blocks per layer. It is anticipated that a number of such modules properly arranged could represent the entire core. Hence, the predicted response of this module would exhibit the response characteristics of the core
Original Title
OSC3D code
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1979; 8 p; International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; Berlin, F.R. Germany; 13 - 17 Aug 1979; CONF-790802--8; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue