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Lee, M.A.; Kalia, R.K.; Vashishta, P.D.
Kent State Univ., OH (USA). Dept. of Physics; Argonne National Lab., IL (USA)1984
Kent State Univ., OH (USA). Dept. of Physics; Argonne National Lab., IL (USA)1984
[en] The Green's Function Monte Carlo method is applied to the calculation of the binding energies of electron-hole complexes in semiconductors. The quantum simulation method allows the unambiguous determination of the ground state energy and the effects of band anisotropy on the binding energy. 22 refs., 1 fig
Sep 1984; 13 p; Midwest solid state theory symposium; Minneapolis, MN (USA); 6-8 Sep 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE85013895
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