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[en] This thesis deals with three complementary economic approaches of the climate challenge. First, a critical analysis of integrated assessment models is carried out using the RESPONSE model. It concludes to their relative usefulness as a transparency tool for reasoning and hypotheses of the negotiating parties in the climate diplomacy. A methodology to compare modeling structures is then proposed and tested. Finally the economic conditions for not trespassing the 2 deg. C threshold are put into light, inside a cost-benefit framework, as well as their implications for the diplomatic agenda. Second, we analyze some obstacles and driving forces of a real economy in its interaction with the climate constraint. Three levels of viscosity of an economy are highlighted, having sufficiently different properties to justify a different analytical treatment. On the institutional level, we lower the importance of the pure time preference in the Stern/Nordhau controversy. On the infrastructure level, we show that the introduction of climate uncertainty can justify precautionary investment in the long-term sector and also define some properties of an infrastructure relevant to the climate question. On the technical change side, we build a critic of the AABH model and present some elements of an alternative research program on the subject of its redirection. Third, we introduce money in this description of a real economy, or more precisely the financial sector. We describe and model an innovative tool for the energy transition respecting the constraints highlighted in the two preceding parts. (author)
Cette these aborde sous trois angles complementaires les enjeux economiques des negociations climatiques. Plus precisement, elle utilise trois cadres distincts pour analyser la nature du blocage actuel de ces negociations, ses causes et enfin ses issues envisageables. Le premier cadre est celui de la modelisation integree economie-climat, qui agrege en un petit nombre de fonctions essentielles les elements cles de l'interaction entre ces deux champs. Nous analysons ainsi la facon dont les differentes hypotheses sur ces fonctions essentielles peuvent refleter les positions et les visions du monde des acteurs de la negociation. Le second cadre est celui des viscosites de l'economie reelle, qui met l'accent sur les facteurs, les secteurs, les institutions, en ce qu'elles reagissent a la contrainte climatique ou aux politiques climatiques mises en oeuvre. Enfin le troisieme cadre inclut l'intermediation financiere et la monnaie, comme elements cles de comprehension de l'orientation plus ou moins intensive en energie des investissements, et comme sources possibles d'une issue au blocage actuel des negociations. (auteur)Original Title
Trois essais d'economie sur les politiques climatiques dans un monde post-Kyoto
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
27 Oct 2014; 302 p; [350 refs.]; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; These Docteur de l'Ecole des Hautes etudes en Sciences Sociales, Specialite: economie de l'environnement
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue