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Farah Nurlidar; Rasi Prasetio; Ania Citraresmini
Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)2018
Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)2018
[en] The aim of the seminar Isotope and Radiation Application (APISORA) in 2018 to disseminate the result of research on application of nuclear techniques on agriculture, animal, biology, chemistry, environment, radiation process and industry. This proceeding is a collection of results from the meeting was held in Jakarta, 08 Auguts 2018 has been presented in the presentation seminar APISORA. These are 35 articles which in the seminar were collected into proseedings (PPIKSN).
Original Title
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi 2018
Primary Subject
Aug 2018; 247 p; Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency; Jakarta (Indonesia); Isotopes and Radiation Support National Independence; Isotop dan Radiasi Mendukung Kemandirian Bangsa; Jakarta (Indonesia); 9 Aug 2018; ISBN 978-979-3558-29-5; ; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID)
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Harry Nugroho Eko Surniyantoro; Tur Rahardjo, E-mail:
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
[en] The effect of radiation on the human body depends on the irradiation doses, frequency of radiation doses administration (acute or gradual), and also the sensitivity of the organ/cell. Blood systems are very sensitive to ionizing radiation. The disruption of a blood production is very necessary to the metabolic system and blood functions as a main transporter in the human body. This study was aimed to examine the correlation between radiation dose and years of employment to the hematocrit, platelets and erythrocytes levels of radiation workers. The study was conducted on 57 radiation workers in several hospitals in Indonesia. The blood samples (3 mL) was collected and the levels of hematocrit, platelets and erythrocytes were analyzed using ABX Micros 60 hematology analyzer. The results showed that the mean hematocrit, platelets, erythrocytes levels, years of employment and radiation doses were 43.32 ± 4.07 %; 288,3 ± 66,45 x 103 / mm3; 6.28 ± 1.65 x 106 / mm3; 18.32 ± 9.12 years and 0.87 ± 0.62 mSv, respectively. The test used linear correlation-regression which showed a negative correlation between years of employment and hematocrit, platelets and erythrocytes levels, although it was not significant (P>0.05). The correlation between radiation dose and hematocrit and platelet levels showed positive, while erythrocyte levels showed a negative correlation (P>0.05). The negative correlation can be due to the affects of ionizing radiation to the functions of the hematopoietic system in the body to produce cells and platelets. Negative correlation to the years of employment can be affected by the accumulation of dose and age. The increased of age in human will decrease the hematopoietic system ability and decrease the blood cells production. (author)
Original Title
Korelasi paparan radiasi pengion terhadap kadar hematokrit, trombosit, dan eritrosit pekerja radiasi
Primary Subject
Farah Nurlidar; Rasi Prasetio; Ania Citraresmini (Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 247 p; ISBN 978-979-3558-29-5; ; Aug 2018; p. 102-108; Isotopes and Radiation Support National Independence; Isotop dan Radiasi Mendukung Kemandirian Bangsa; Jakarta (Indonesia); 9 Aug 2018; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 22 refs.; 1 tab.; 6 figs.
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Teguh Wahyono; Nana Mulyana; Shintia Nugrahini Wahyu Hardani; Suharyono; Dito Prasetyo Utomo; Nurhasni, E-mail:
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
[en] Enzymes from A. niger are potential conversion agent to break the structural carbohydrate bonds in rice straw. Structural carbohydrate breaking is required to increase degradability and fermentation process on rice straw for animal feed utilization. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of various gamma irradiation dose on A. niger as rice straw fermentation agent. Fermented rice straw fibers profile was also observed in this study. Research treatments were JC (rice straw/control), JF0 (fermented rice straw with 0 Gy gamma irradiated A. niger), JF500 (fermented rice straw with 500 Gy gamma irradiated A. niger), JF1000 (fermented rice straw with 1000 Gy gamma irradiated A. niger), JF1500 (fermented rice straw with 1500 Gy gamma irradiated A. niger). The rate of dose used was 20 kGy/h. Completely randomized design with three replications were used. The observed parameters were lignin peroxidase enzyme activity, glucose, fungi biomass, lignin, crude fiber, NDF and ADF content. Result showed that gamma irradiated A. niger had significant effect (p<0.05) on all parameters. The dose of 1500 Gy was the maximum dose that could increased lignin peroxidase enzyme activity (58.02 %), cellulose enzyme (216.67 %), fungi biomass (57.57 %) and decreased 5.44 % lignin level. The Irradiated dose of 1500 Gy also decreased crude fiber, NDF and ADF content by 8.99, 6.74 and 5.35 % respectively than control. (author)
Original Title
Aktivitas enzim dan profil serat pada jerami padi yang difermentasi menggunakan aspergillus niger yang diiradiasi gamma
Primary Subject
Farah Nurlidar; Rasi Prasetio; Ania Citraresmini (Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 247 p; ISBN 978-979-3558-29-5; ; Aug 2018; p. 1-8; Isotopes and Radiation Support National Independence; Isotop dan Radiasi Mendukung Kemandirian Bangsa; Jakarta (Indonesia); 9 Aug 2018; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 22 refs.; 8 figs.
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Niken Hayudanti Anggarini; Megi Stefanus; Taufik Hud; Leons Rixson, E-mail:
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
[en] Nuclear research and development in Pasar Jumat nuclear area (PJNA) requires environmental monitoring. One of the environmental monitoring conducted and contained in Environmental Management Plan/ Environmental Monitoring Plan of the Pasar Jumat Nuclear Power Research Center is ground water quality monitoring. Groundwater quality monitoring is conducted every three months at 10 locations within the PJNA and surrounding area. The vicissitudes in environmental quality due to existing activities at PJNA needs to be identified, therefore evaluation of groundwater quality monitoring to determine differences in the average concentration of gross beta activity, pH, and TDS by year and location necessity to be prepared. Determination of this research is to distinguish consistency of average activity concentration of gross beta, pH, and TDS based on year and location. TDS and pH were measured directly using TDS meter and pH meter, while gross beta measurements used Low Background Counter (LBC) through laboratory preparation. Evaluation of activity concentration of gross beta, pH, and TDS based on location and year using two-way annova test by SPSS Statistic 20 software. The result showed that there was a significant difference in average of activity concentration total beta in each location but did not show any difference in each year. Furthermore, the analysis on TDS and pH variables showed a significant difference in mean TDS and pH values based on location, but did not show any significant difference in mean TDS and pH values annually. (author)
Original Title
Evaluasi radioaktivitas beta total, TDS, dan pH pada air tanah di kawasan nuklir Pasar Jumat dan sekitarnya
Primary Subject
Farah Nurlidar; Rasi Prasetio; Ania Citraresmini (Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 247 p; ISBN 978-979-3558-29-5; ; Aug 2018; p. 148-155; Isotopes and Radiation Support National Independence; Isotop dan Radiasi Mendukung Kemandirian Bangsa; Jakarta (Indonesia); 9 Aug 2018; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 11 refs.; 4 tabs.; 4 figs.
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Taufiq Bachtiar; Nurrobifahmi; Ania Citraresmini; Anggi Nico Flatian; Sudono Slamet; Tarmizi, E-mail:
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
[en] Mutiara 2 is a superior black soybeans variety produced by National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) through radiation mutation technique. New superior varieties need to be supported by fertilizer technology to optimize their production. The aim of this research is to study the effect of the type of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) to the number of pods, the stover dry weight, the grain dry weight, the N and P uptake on grains and stover of Mutiara 2 soybean variety. Pot experiments were conducted at the Center for the Application of Isotopes and Radiation (PAIR) of BATAN. Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 3 replication used in this research. The treatment given on the soybean crop included :1. Control (without POC and chemical fertilizers); 2. Corn waste POC; 3. Coal POC; 4. Maja POC; 5. bamboo shoots POC; 6. rabbit urine POC; 7. banana hump POC; 8. NPK 100 % (chemical fertilizer recommendation). The results showed that the POC treatments can significantly increase the production and nutrient uptake of Mutiara 2 black soybean variety. The highest number of pods and grain dry weight were obtained on Corn waste + water rice POC with an increase of 2.45 times and 2.29 times from control respectively. Corn waste + water rice POC also significantly increased nutrient uptake of N and P on soybean seeds 2.35 times and 2.28 times from control respectively. Liquid organic fertilizer has the potential as an alternative fertilizer to support Pearl 2 soybean production and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. (author)
Original Title
Peningkatan produksi kedelai hitam varietas mutiara 2 melalui pemberian pupuk organik cair
Primary Subject
Farah Nurlidar; Rasi Prasetio; Ania Citraresmini (Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 247 p; ISBN 978-979-3558-29-5; ; Aug 2018; p. 41-48; Isotopes and Radiation Support National Independence; Isotop dan Radiasi Mendukung Kemandirian Bangsa; Jakarta (Indonesia); 9 Aug 2018; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 23 refs.; 3 tabs.
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Leons Rixson; Megy Stefanus, E-mail:
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
[en] The efficiency of the radiation counting system is important in conducting total beta radioactivity measurements on water samples. Residual water samples provide varied mass values. This activity was conducted to determine the efficiency and absorption correction factor using potassium chloride salt. The experimental result concluded that absorption coefficient factor by using non gas flow is lower than the system absorption coefficient using gas flow. The system efficiency value is range (30.26 ± 1.53) % to (44.67 ± 3.22) % while the self-absorption factor value is range 0.8196 to 0.9969. The increased number of sample masses will provide an efficiency value and absorption factor is reduced. (author)
Original Title
Penentuan efisiensi dan faktor koreksi absorpsi untuk pengukuran radioaktivitas beta total menggunakan kalium klorida (KCl)
Primary Subject
Farah Nurlidar; Rasi Prasetio; Ania Citraresmini (Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 247 p; ISBN 978-979-3558-29-5; ; Aug 2018; p. 208-214; Isotopes and Radiation Support National Independence; Isotop dan Radiasi Mendukung Kemandirian Bangsa; Jakarta (Indonesia); 9 Aug 2018; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 14 refs.; 2 tabs.; 6 figs.
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Siska Kurniawati; Irawati chaniago; Irfan Suliansyah, E-mail:
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
[en] This experiment aimed to observe the genetic diversity of the Sigah rice genotype in the M2 stage by selection, determine the agronomic parameters of these varieties at the M2 stage and to select lines based on plant height and number of tillers.This research was conducted from August to November 2017 in irrigated rice fields at Sungai Batang, Agam located at an altitude of 500 m above sea level. The experiment was conducted by individual selection (massa selection) method by selecting plants one by one according to the desired character. The results obtained Sigah genotype 19 mutants were obtained with a plant height less than the control plants and a greater number of tillers than the average for the control plants. Sigah genotype that were found to be ideal for further development were the nine mutant strains of line 47. (author)
Original Title
Seleksi mutan padi beras merah lokal Sumatera Barat genotipe Sigah berdasarkan karakter tinggi tanaman dan jumlah anakan
Primary Subject
Farah Nurlidar; Rasi Prasetio; Ania Citraresmini (Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 247 p; ISBN 978-979-3558-29-5; ; Aug 2018; p. 19-24; Isotopes and Radiation Support National Independence; Isotop dan Radiasi Mendukung Kemandirian Bangsa; Jakarta (Indonesia); 9 Aug 2018; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 12 refs.; 2 tabs.; 1 fig.
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Study on mechanic and radiation safety for radiographic equipment model 880 Delta and Tech Ops 660 B
BY Eko Budi Jumpeno; Makmur Rangkuti, E-mail:
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
[en] Study on mechanic (visual) and radiation safety for 880 Delta and Tech Ops 680 B radiographic equipment has been conducted. In radiographic equipment testing, 2 samples of model 880 Delta and 2 samples of model Tech Ops 660 B owned by Education and Training Center - BATAN has been selected. The four are selected as samples because they are well maintained and in a good condition. Selection of model 880 Delta and Tech Ops 680 B radiographic apparatuses as objects of study were based on the presence of BAPETEN Head Act. No. 8 Year 2014, especially Article 46 A and 46 B also Circular Letter Head of BAPETEN No. 4111/K/X/2017. The method of radiographic equipment testing referred to Article 46B paragraph (4) of BAPETEN Head Act No. 8 Year 2014 and SNI ISO 3999: 2008. The mechanic (visual) test result indicates that model 880 Delta and Tech Ops 680 B radiography apparatus pass the test based on the requirements in SNI ISO 3999: 2008 for non destructive testing. Measurement of ambient dose rate on the surface and at a distance of 1 meter on 880 Delta model and Tech Ops 660 B indicate that the value is still below the required maximum ambient dose rate limit of 2000 μSv/h on the surface and 20 μSv/h at a distance 1 meter from the surface. The result of ambient dose measurement shows that the front and rear positions of the model 880 Delta are safer against radiation, whereas in the left, right and top positions of radiographic equipment, the model Tech Ops 660 B is relatively safer against radiation. Although model Tech Ops 680 B meets the requirements of mechanical (visual) and radiation safety, but with reference to article 46B paragraph (6) of BAPETEN Head Act. No. 8 Year 2014 and Circular Letter Head of BAPETEN No. 4111/K/X/2017 item D, these apparatuses is prohibited to be used as of 1 July 2017. (author)
Original Title
Studi unjuk kerja keselamatan mekanik dan radiasi pada peralatan radiografi model 880 Delta dan Tech Ops 660 B
Primary Subject
Farah Nurlidar; Rasi Prasetio; Ania Citraresmini (Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 247 p; ISBN 978-979-3558-29-5; ; Aug 2018; p. 170-176; Isotopes and Radiation Support National Independence; Isotop dan Radiasi Mendukung Kemandirian Bangsa; Jakarta (Indonesia); 9 Aug 2018; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 16 refs.; 4 tabs.; 2 figs.
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Bayu Azmi; Harun Al Rasyid Ramadhany; Firliyani Rahmatia Ningsih, E-mail:
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
[en] Computed radiography (CR) uses the similar equipment as conventional radiography except the presence of imaging plate (IP) that replace films for recording images. The applications of radiography in the industry include products inspection, welds inspection, and others. This paper explores the use of X-ray CR to measure the thickness of metal. Inspection of metal (material) thickness of process industrial units is essential to ensure the production continuity and safety. A steel step wedge was used as the standard value of IP's blackness with thickness of material. The measurement parameters are 130 kV and 5 mA for the X-ray machine and source to detector (IP) distance (SDD) is 600 mm with exposure time of 45 seconds. There are three steel samples with thickness of 8.5 mm, 9.5 mm, and 16 mm with three repetitions of testing for each sample. The results show the pixel values of the standard matches the pixel values at the samples for each thickness. This proves if X-ray CR can be applied to measure the thickness of material in addition to inspect products and welds. Therefore, further research is necessary to get a better method and standard. (author)
Original Title
Pengukuran ketebalan logam menggunakan computed radiography sinar-X
Primary Subject
Farah Nurlidar; Rasi Prasetio; Ania Citraresmini (Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 247 p; ISBN 978-979-3558-29-5; ; Aug 2018; p. 215-220; Isotopes and Radiation Support National Independence; Isotop dan Radiasi Mendukung Kemandirian Bangsa; Jakarta (Indonesia); 9 Aug 2018; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 15 refs.; 3 tabs.; 8 figs.
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Assef Firnando Firmansyah; Nurman Rajagukguk; Nuruddin; Wahyu Edi Wibowo; Pearl Cheach, E-mail:
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
[en] This paper describes the verification of the determination of the absorbed doses to water for 6 MV foton produced from the Hi Art tomotherapy machine. Measurement has been carried out inside water and solid water phantoms at the machine specific reference condition with the source to the surface distance of 85 cm, field size of 5 cm x 10 cm and the depth of 10 cm. Measurement has been carried out by using a 0.6 cc ionization chamber type of TW 30013 connected to a PTW Unidos Webline electrometer owned by PTKMR and a 0.056 cc ionization chamber type of Exradin A 1 SL connected to a TomoElectrometer electrometer owned by Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital. Calculation of the measurement were based on the the IAEA/AAPM recommendation at the AAPM TG 148 publication The result obtained showed that there were a good agreement between the measurement with the difference of 2.0 %, but higher than 2. 0 % against Gold Data. In summary, the Hi Art Tomotherapy machine should be adjusted. (author)
Original Title
Verifikasi penentuan laju dosis serap air berkas foton 6 MV pesawat tomoterapi HI art antara PTKMR dan RSCM
Primary Subject
Farah Nurlidar; Rasi Prasetio; Ania Citraresmini (Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 247 p; ISBN 978-979-3558-29-5; ; Aug 2018; p. 203-207; Isotopes and Radiation Support National Independence; Isotop dan Radiasi Mendukung Kemandirian Bangsa; Jakarta (Indonesia); 9 Aug 2018; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 10 refs.; 2 tabs.; 3 figs.
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