[en] Because most radiopharmaceuticals are introduced into the body via the vascular system and may remain in the circulation for prolonged periods of time, it is useful to have a model of the blood as an aid in the estimation of radiation dose. It is extremely difficult to devise a precise blood model; the geometry is complex and distribution of blood may vary with position, physiological state and disease process. Estimates of blood volume distribution vary among investigators. Furthermore, the regional hematocrit varies throughout the body, thus affecting distribution of the labeled material according to whether it is attached to cellular elements or in the plasma. The size of the blood pool volumes range from the heart to the capillaries. Variable amounts of non-penetrating radiation contributions to organs depend on the volume of blood in the various sized vessels and the energy of the electrons which may penetrate into tissue from the blood vessel. The present model represents an advance in that it takes into account to some extent the distribution of significant blood pools in the body. Further refinement of the macro-geometry is possible with data which can now be obtained from modern radionuclide imaging equipment. A more difficult problem is definging the micro-geometry relative to the distribution of blood in capillaries and sinusoids, and their relationship to one another
Primary Subject
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Adelstein, S.J.; Kassis, A.I. (Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (United States)) (eds.); Burt, R.W. (ed.) (Indiana Univ. School of Medicine, IN (United States)); 341 p; 1989; p. 74-88; The American College of Nuclear Physicians; Washington, DC (United States); Dosimetry of administered radionuclides; Washington, DC (United States); 21-22 Sep 1989; American College of Nuclear Physicians, Publications Dept., 1101 Connecticut Ave., NW 700, Washington, DC 20036 (United States)
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