A new possibility of separate the natural and industrial components of the ambient radiation background
Purghel, L.; Valcov, N.; Celarel, A.
SIEN'97 - International Symposium on Nuclear Energy. Radioactive Waste Management1997
SIEN'97 - International Symposium on Nuclear Energy. Radioactive Waste Management1997
[en] The ambient radiation background, sometimes considered as a gamma-ray background, is actually composed by a natural radiation field and an industrial radiation field, produced by nuclear facilities. This work presents a possibility to separate and to measure simultaneously both components by using the statistical discrimination method. As the statistical discrimination method is able to measure mixed radiation fields, characterized by essentially different statistical factors k = σ 2 / I (I - the mean value and σ 2 - the variance of the ionization current), this basic assumption of the method is checked, for the natural background and the gamma-ray checked, for natural background and the gamma-ray fields. The obtained value of the ratio kB / k γ = 9 has confirmed the validity of the statistical discrimination method as well as the assumption of a small contribution of the gamma-ray field to the ambient radiation background. Some estimations of the statistical uncertainties, associated with the measurement of two components of the ambient background field have been made. For a 10 liters, atmospheric pressure air - filled ionization chamber (or its equivalent, i.e. 2 liters, 5 atmospheres air -filled chamber) and a 30 s integration time constant, the minimum detectable absorbed dose rate of gamma-rays, for a 0.1 μ Gy / h natural background absorbed dose rate, is equal to 0.02 μ Gy / h. The statistical relative uncertainty of measurement for a 0.5 μ Gy / h absorbed dose rate gamma-ray field, corresponding to the admissible value of the equivalent dose rate of 0.6 μ Sv / h, for non-professional population is about 4 %. (authors)
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Vasile Plesca (ed.); 346 p; Oct 1997; (pt.1) p. 342; Energy Info-Documentation Centre; Bucharest (Romania); SIEN'97 - International Symposium on Nuclear Energy: Radioactive Waste Management; Bucharest (Romania); 24-25 Oct 1997; Available from the author(s) or Energy Info-Documentation Centre, Roma-nian Electricity Authority, RENEL - Engineering Studies and Research Group, Bldv. Energeticienilor No.8, Sector 3, R-79619 Bucharest (RO); Available from the Energy Info-Documentation Centre, Romanian Electricity Authority, RENEL - Engineering Studies and Research Group, Blvd. Energeti-cienilor No.8, sector 3, R-79619 Bucharest (RO)
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