[en] This paper concerns application of genetic algorithm in maximum likelihood image reconstruction in emission tomography. The example of genetic algorithm for image reconstruction is presented. The genetic algorithm was based on the typical genetic scheme modified due to the nature of solved problem. The convergence of algorithm was examined. The different adaption functions, selection and crossover methods were verified. The algorithm was tested on simulated SPECT data. The obtained results of image reconstruction are discussed. (author)
Primary Subject
Rehak, P.; Hutten, H. (eds.); 896 p; ISSN 0140-0118; ; 1999; p. 970; European medical and biological engineering conference EMBEC '99; Vienna (Austria); 4-7 Nov 1999; Available from Institut fuer Elektro- und Biomedizinische Technik, TU Graz, Inffeldgasse 18, Graz (AT)
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