Approaches for accounting and prediction of fast neutron fluence on WWER pressure vessels and results of validation of calculational procedure
Borodkin, P.G.; Khrennikov, N.N.; Ryabinin, Yu.A.; Adeev, V.A.
Transactions of the 9-th International scientific and technical conference Safety assurance of NPP with WWER. Scientific and technical electronic edition2015
Transactions of the 9-th International scientific and technical conference Safety assurance of NPP with WWER. Scientific and technical electronic edition2015
[en] A description is given of the universal procedure for calculation of fast neutron fluence (FNF) on WWER vessels. Approbation of the calculation procedure was carried out by comparing the calculation results for this procedure and measurements on the outer surface of the WWER-440 and WWER-1000 vessels. In addition, an estimation of the uncertainty of the settlement procedure was made in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. The developed procedure is applied at Kola NPP for independent fast neutron fluence estimates on the WWER-440 reactor vessels when planning core loads taking into account the introduction of new fuels. The results of the pilot operation of the procedure for calculating FNF at the Kola NPP were taken into account when improving the procedure and its application to the calculations of FNF on the WWER-1000 vessels
Original Title
Podkhody po uchetu i kontrolyu flyuensa bystrykh nejtronov na korpusakh reaktorov VVEhR i rezul'taty testirovaniya protsedury raschetnogo opredeleniya flyuensa
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)); Gosudarstvennaya Korporatsiya po Atomnoj Ehnergii Rosatom, Moscow (Russian Federation); AO Atomehnergomash, Moscow (Russian Federation); AO Kontsern Rosehnergoatom, Moscow (Russian Federation); AO Atomehnergoproekt, Moscow (Russian Federation); AO ATOMPROEKT, Sankt-Peterburg (Russian Federation); AO TVEhL, Moscow (Russian Federation); NITs Kurchatovskij Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation); AO OKB GIDROPRESS, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); vp; ISBN 978-5-94883-138-1; ; 2015; vp; 9. International scientific and technical conference on safety assurance of NPP with WWER; 9-ya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya Obespechenie bezopasnosti AEhS s VVEhR; Podol'sk (Russian Federation); 19-22 May 2015; 9 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.
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