Preliminary tests of real-sized triple GEM detector with high intensity gamma source at GIF++
Agarwal, A.; Ghosh, C.; Sikhwal, P.
Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics. V. 672023
Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics. V. 672023
[en] The Compressed Baryonic matter (CBM) experiment plans to explore the phase space diagram of strongly interacting matter at finite baryochemical potential. Several detectors will be commissioned at the experiment like silicon tracking station (STS), Time of Flight (TOF) etc. A muon beam along with three trigger scintillation detectors were also part of the experiment to undertake efficiency and gain estimates. For the first time, we successfully operated two modules with full acceptance with a Common Readout Interface (CRI) based data acquisition (DAQ) subsystem. In this document we present the preliminary results for GEM module from the afore mentioned experiment. From the preliminary test results we observe that the detector is now proven to work in full relation is showing a single sharp peak which is similar to expectations. The branch current fluctuations are also noted to have reduced as compared to previous experiments. In summary, the preliminary tests hint that the detector is working well within the operational parameters
Primary Subject
Pandit, S.K.; Shrivastava, Aaradhana; Gupta, Anit K. (Nuclear Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India)) (eds.); Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai (India); [1435 p.]; ISBN 978-81-959225-12; ; Dec 2023; [2 p.]; 67. DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics; Indore (India); 9-13 Dec 2023; Article No. G36
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