Foto di copertina di 22nd International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction
22nd International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction

22nd International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction

Ingegneria civile

Salerno, Campania 111 follower

The 22nd International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction 22-25 July 2024, Salerno, Italy

Chi siamo

This symposium, the annual event of the International Consortium on Geo-disaster Reduction (ICGdR), aims to bring together academic scientists, leading engineers and students to exchange and share their experiences and research results. The topics will span from landslides to tsunami, including earthquake related disasters and human related activities towards a common goal to reduce geo-disasters

Sito Web
Ingegneria civile
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Salerno, Campania
Settori di competenza
risk reduction, Geo-disasters, Landslide risk, Geo-disasters caused by earthquake, Geo-disasters and climate change, Geo-disasters related to volcanism, Geo-disasters related to human activities, Tsunami e Geosynthetics and other solutions for mitigation



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