Agreen Biosolutions Srl SB

Agreen Biosolutions Srl SB

Fabbricazione di prodotti chimici per l’agricoltura

Campoformido, Friuli-Venezia Giulia 235 follower

Agreen develops fully organic active substances for plant protection nutrition, enabling sustainable agriculture

Chi siamo

Agreen Biosolutions Srl SB is an Italian ag-biotech startup developing fully organic active ingredients for biostimulation and crop protection, helping the transition to more sustainable agriculture. Our active ingredients are ozonized oils, which are natural vegetable oils where the double bonds of fatty acids are saturated with ozone through our proprietary and specific chemical reaction and reactors. Ozone is the usable natural element with the highest sterilizing and sanitizing capacity (Redox index), through this characteristic we can obtain active ingredients combining the biostimulantion, helping the natural plant defenses, and the biocontrol effect by acting directly against pathogens.

Fabbricazione di prodotti chimici per l’agricoltura
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Campoformido, Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso Agreen Biosolutions Srl SB


Pagine simili

Raccolta fondi

Agreen Biosolutions Srl SB 1 round in totale

Ultimo round


184.924,00 USD


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