Foto di copertina di Clust-ER Health - Emilia-Romagna
Clust-ER Health - Emilia-Romagna

Clust-ER Health - Emilia-Romagna

Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro

Bologna, BO 2.988 follower

Il Cluster delle Industrie della Salute e del Benessere della Regione Emilia-Romagna

Chi siamo

The Emilia-Romagna’s Clust-ER Health & Wellbeing aims to bring together companies, universities, research centers and regional stakeholders along with the Emilia-Romagna’s S3 Strategy. The Clust-ER Health aims to forge synergies and set up coordinated and stable networks with public-private agglomerations operating in the same sectors at European and International level. The Clust-ER Health covers 4 different Value Chains in the health & life sciences sector: • New Generation Medtech and Prosthetics • Regenerative and Restorative Medicine • Pharmaceutical and Omics Sciences • Inclusive Services and Usable Technologies for Healthy Living and Active Aging Clust-ER Health objectives are: • Support the development of new diagnostic, therapeutic devices and new drugs maximizing efficacy and improving patient’s quality of life • Support innovation in industrial processes introducing biofabrication and industrial modernization (4.0) and reducing the time to market for innovative technologies whose cost/effectiveness ratio has been proven • Promote competitiveness of medical devices companies that are already excellence in the regional industrial sector • Promote people's health and well-being through healthy and conscious lifestyles • Increase efficiency and public/private healthcare integration, focusing on de-hospitalization, patient-centric care pathways, and individual’s autonomy • Ensure a continuous industrial innovation, through shared projects between companies, research laboratories, healthcare systems, in order to improve their competitiveness

Sito Web
Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Bologna, BO
Non profit
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Salute e Benessere


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