Progetto TourX: cosa ci aspetta nel 2025 ⁉️ 📌 Rafforzeremo la cooperazione internazionale nell'istruzione e formazione professionale dedicata al settore turistico. 📌 Promuoveremo reti globali, scambi accademici e programmi di mobilità per favorire la nascita di una comunità di apprendimento mondiale. Queste iniziative sono fondamentali per stabilire partenariati a lungo termine, facilitare lo scambio di conoscenze, attrarre nuovi talenti e migliorare la qualità dell'#IFP nel #turismo. Non perdetevi i prossimi aggiornamenti 📢
🌍✨ Boosting Internationalization in VET – TourX 2025! ✨🌍 In 2025, the TourX project continues to strengthen international cooperation in vocational education and training (VET) for the tourism sector! 🚀 By fostering global networks, academic exchanges, and mobility programs, we aim to build a vibrant international learning community. These initiatives are key to establishing long-term regional and international partnerships, facilitating knowledge exchange, and attracting global talent, ultimately enhancing the quality of VET in tourism. Following the success of the Internationalization Box tool – a digital resource designed to help VET providers set up mobility and career offices – we are now taking our internationalization efforts further with International mobility actions! 📢 What’s next? In 2025, over 300 students, teachers, industry professionals, and public authority representatives will travel to Spain, Italy, Greece, and Germany for job shadowing, staff training, and professional exchanges. 🌍✈️ These experiences will deepen collaboration, strengthen skills, and drive innovation in tourism education! 🔹 Stay tuned for updates as we continue to expand opportunities for international learning and cooperation in VET! #TourX #VET #InternationalMobility #EUEducation #TourismEducation #FutureOfVET iekAKMIedu| AKMI International| European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB)| BK CON |Camera di Commercio Italo-Ellenica di Salonicco | DAISSy research group | Small Enterprises' Institute - IME GSEVEE | ENAIP Veneto | Confindustria Veneto SIAV | Universidade de Aveiro| ASOFUER Turismo Fuerteventura | EU Project Innovation Centre | Escuela de Hostelería Europea | Ausbildungsverbund Teltow e.V. -Bildungszentrum der IHK Potsdam | EOPPEP | Regional Development Fund of Attica | ST Skills Together | Regione Veneto | DEHOGA Bundesverband Brandenburg | Landkreis Spree-Neiße | European Vocational Training Association - EVTA| European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME