Good morning and #HappyNewYear2025 to all our followers! Among the many emails we received this morning, one from the #netherlands really made us smile. It made us realize that, whether it’s for work or for celebration, Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery is always at the heart of the most special stories! Our customer Van der Pol Pallets organized a moving Christmas concert in their production hall, inviting the community of #Woensdrecht. In a truly unique setting, Baby Jesus was placed next to the Cursal saw, symbolizing how a good "education" starts with Cursal 😉 😉 😉
Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery
Produzione di macchinari
SAN FIOR, TREVISO 345 follower
Gli esperti del settore legno scelgono Cursal.
Chi siamo
Cursal macchine per la lavorazione del legno – PRODUZIONE – VENDITA – ASSISTENZA. La specializzazione è il nostro plus, ed è una scelta precisa, per poter rispondere al cliente: SI, POSSIAMO. Un percorso partito dal 1977 di pura energia e determinazione, una sfida quotidiana, possibile solo quando il lavoro è dedizione e passione, come per il nostro gruppo: veri esperti tecnici del settore. Benvenuti nel mondo delle macchine per legno firmate Cursal, da quarant’anni specialista nella consulenza, progettazione, vendita e assistenza di ottimizzatrici per legno, troncatrici semiautomatiche e personalizzate, sistemi di carico-scarico automatici, accessoristica dedicata, con oltre 3.000 impianti installati in Italia e all’estero. Tutti i macchinari Cursal sono marcati CE e conformi alla Direttiva 2006/42/CE del 17 maggio 2006. Dal 1987 partecipiamo alle maggiori fiere di settore come la famosa LIGNA in Germania, XYLEXPO in Italia, EUROBOIS in Francia, WOODEX in Russia, FIMMA in Brasile e tanti altri eventi in Stati, dove ad oggi collaboriamo solidamente con un’attiva rete di vendita. Siamo soci ACIMALL, associazione costruttori italiani macchine ed accessori per la lavorazione del legno. La clientela che innova, la clientela esigente, sceglie Cursal.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery
- Settore
- Produzione di macchinari
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 11-50 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 1977
Dipendenti presso Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery
😉 Fun Fact: did you know that PVC (polyvinyl chloride) was discovered almost by accident? In 1835, French chemist Henri Regnault stumbled upon it during his experiments. However, its true success only came in the 1930s with large-scale industrial production. During World War II, PVC proved essential for pipes and coatings, and today, it’s everywhere—from construction to packaging, and even medical applications. A truly irreplaceable material! At Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery we know how to adapt to a wide range of needs: our cutting machines, when properly configured, are not just for wood—they excel at cutting plastics too. Recently, we designed and installed a customized push-feed saw for a century-old #Dutch company, specialized in the production of #PVC, PP, and PE-HD components for piping and drainage systems. A project that delivers precise, reliable cuts and meets the highest expectations. 📽️ Don’t miss the grand reveal! In #2025, we’ll be releasing a video showcasing our technology in action. Stay tuned! #pvccomponents #pipecuttin #precisionsaws #plasticprocessing #IndustrialInnovation
#Google recently opened its first fully mass timber building in Sunnyvale, California, reducing carbon emissions by 96% compared to traditional concrete and steel buildings. An extraordinary example of sustainable construction, where solar panels, natural wood, and biophilic design create an environment focused on the future, reducing ecological impact and improving well-being. Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery optimizers embody the same commitment to innovation and sustainability. With cross-cutting technology and superior durability, our machines are designed to optimize wood usage, reduce waste, and ensure efficient, eco-friendly processing. 💚 Choose Cursal, because every cut matters for a greener, more sustainable future. Contact us: #cursal #sustainability #innovations #wood #AdvancedTechnology #greenbuilding
Carpe Diem ! Du 5 au 7 décembre, retrouvez-nous lors de l'Open House de Schene SA, dans la région de Liège, BELGIQUE ! Si vous recherchez des solutions complètes pour la découpe du bois, cet événement est fait pour vous. 📅 Horaires d'ouverture : • Jeudi 5 décembre : 9h00-20h00 • Vendredi 6 et samedi 7 décembre : 9h00-18h00 Notre équipe Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery sera à votre écoute pour vous offrir les solutions les plus adaptées et innovantes. 📍 Où : Avenue du Parc 16, 4650 Chaineux (Liège, Belgique) 📞 Infos : 087/33.59.68 📧 Email : #cursalsrl #troncatriciCursal #openhouse #schene #belgio #liegi #macchinedataglio #innovazione #eventi2024 #cursalZaagmachines #belgië #luik #zaagmachines 💪
Lo scorso venerdì, la Roadmap di Conlegno ha fatto tappa a Salerno - Mercato San Severino, registrando un grande successo in termini di partecipazione e interesse. Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery, in qualità di sponsor dell'evento, ha colto l'opportunità di dialogare con i principali leader del settore pallet, consolidando partnership strategiche e presentando soluzioni innovative. L'evento ha rappresentato un momento cruciale per confrontarsi sulle sfide attuali e sulle opportunità future del comparto, con uno sguardo già rivolto alle prospettive del 2025. 💪 #cursal #cursaltroncatrici #cursalsrl #conlegnoroadmap #woodpackaging #palletindustry #troncatrici #legno #woodindustry #palletsolutions
En estos días, Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery está presente en Expocorma 2024, uno de los eventos más importantes de América Latina para la industria de la madera y la celulosa, gracias a la colaboración con nuestro distribuidor oficial Molimac. ¡Ven a descubrir nuestras soluciones innovadoras en el stand de Molimac! Una oportunidad única para explorar las últimas tecnologías dedicadas al sector. #Molimac #Cursal #Expocorma2024 #IndustriaMadera #Tecnología
Today, one of our dealers, whom we hadn’t heard from in a while, gave us a pleasant surprise. At 83 years old, he just closed a sale of a Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery crosscut saw, delivering the order... written by hand! His extraordinary energy and constant commitment remind us that passion for work knows no age. In an increasingly technological world, his personal and direct approach teaches us that perseverance and customer care are what truly make a difference. People like him are an inspiration to all of us. #cursaltroncatrici #passionforwork #determination
Prossimo appuntamento 2024 DAL VIVO con Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery? Incontriamoci al Convegno "MERCATO DEL LEGNO, PALLET ED IMBALLAGGI". Non perdere l’ultima tappa del roadshow 2024, venerdì 29 novembre a Mercato San Severino (SA). Un'opportunità imperdibile per scoprire le novità del settore. L'evento si terrà presso il Banco Alimentare - Piazza Don Luigi Giussani, zona Sibelluccia, 84085 Mercato San Severino (SA). Registrati quanto prima, i posti sono limitati. Per informazioni:, +39 333 6426769. Dettagli e registrazioni: Conlegno
Just a glimpse of Cursal S.r.l. Woodworking Machinery latest installation: dynamic movements and innovative design change the experience of space. #cursaltroncatrici #dynamicmovements #innovativedesign #spatialexperience
This morning, during one of our photographic reports on the saws ready for shipment, we felt that some images could "speak" more effectively than extensive written explanations. Here are two key details of the TRSI 600 pusher in its most fundamental form. The Cursal s.r.l pusher and pressure beam are engineered to provide exceptional robustness, and I would say, aesthetically pleasing as well. The pusher ensures smooth movement of the boards, both individually and in bundles, while the powerful pressure beam guarantees optimal stability during cutting operations. These components work in harmony and are essential for transforming a good cut into an impeccable one, as Cursal is known for. When selecting a pusher, keep these images in mind. Investing in technical details allows us to achieve outstanding results. Discover the quality of Cursal saws at!