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EMPIRICA ETS. Studi e progetti socio-educativi

EMPIRICA ETS. Studi e progetti socio-educativi

Programmi di amministrazione scolastica

Teramo, Italy 82 follower

Chi siamo

l’associazione ha l’obiettivo di promuovere la giustizia sociale attraverso studi e progetti mirati. Attraverso l’osservazione diretta e analisi concreta della realtà, l’Associazione si dedica a comprendere e affrontare le sfide sociali ed educative della comunità per sviluppare soluzioni efficaci e progetti innovativi che favoriscono la partecipazione attiva, il progresso sociale e l’educazione, con impatti tangibili sul benessere della società.

Sito Web
Programmi di amministrazione scolastica
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Teramo, Italy
Non profit
Settori di competenza
learning, social research, education, training, social justice e active participation


Dipendenti presso EMPIRICA ETS. Studi e progetti socio-educativi


  • 🌍 🧑🔬👩🔬 Yesterday, on the International Day for Women and Girls in Science, we were confronted with an uncomfortable truth: gender inequalities in STEM are not an issue of the past, but a reality that persists even today. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics remain fields where women are still under-represented, both in numbers and in narratives. 🔬 Change cannot come from abstract declarations of equality, but from an ongoing commitment to deconstruct stereotypes that limit girls' opportunities in STEM. Education must stop being a land where gender roles are confirmed, but instead it must become a tool for empowerment, where everyone can grow with their own inclinations, curiosities and passions.

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione EU Science, Research and Innovation

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    Today, we celebrate women and girls in science!      At the European Commission, we are working with some of the top scientists, who are proving every day that science thrives when there is a diversity of talents, education, and experience.        In honour of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, some of them shared their top advice to all the young women pursuing a scientific career.       However, we are well aware that the gender gap in research, science, and innovation is still very real and very wide. Just as the Commissioner Ekaterina Zaharieva said: women make up only 34% of researchers and 9% of inventors in the EU.       That needs to change, and the EU Commission is here to support women in science, namely through the EU Start-up and Scale-up Strategy.      More in the video below 👇 #IDWGS  #EUScience #ScienceCareer #GenderEquality Adamantia Athanasopoulou Arianna Sala Ludovica de Girolamo Sonia Fereres

  • 🌍 Ieri: Giornata Internazionale per le Donne e le Ragazze nella Scienza 🧑🔬👩🔬 Ieri, nella Giornata Internazionale per le Donne e le Ragazze nella Scienza, ci siamo trovati di fronte a una verità scomoda: le disuguaglianze di genere nelle STEM non sono una questione del passato, ma una realtà che persiste anche oggi. La scienza, la tecnologia, l'ingegneria e la matematica restano, infatti, terreni in cui le donne sono ancora ampiamente sotto-rappresentate, sia nei numeri che nelle narrazioni. 📊 In Italia, il 39% delle laureate sceglie percorsi STEM, un dato superiore alla media europea (35,4%), ma che non riflette affatto la parità. Le giovani donne, nonostante il crescente interesse per le materie scientifiche, continuano a confrontarsi con strutture sociali, educative e culturali che in molti casi non riconoscono loro le stesse opportunità e visibilità dei loro coetanei maschi. 📉 I dati OCSE-PISA 2022 ci raccontano che i quindicenni italiani ottengono in media 21 punti in più rispetto alle coetanee nelle competenze matematiche. Questo divario non è un’anomalia individuale, ma una manifestazione di un fenomeno ben più profondo: le aspettative sociali e i modelli educativi che, fin dalla scuola, pongono delle barriere invisibili, ma potenti. Le ragioni di questi numeri sono culturali, storiche e strutturali.  🔬 Il cambiamento non può arrivare da dichiarazioni di parità astratte, ma da un impegno costante per decostruire gli stereotipi che limitano le opportunità delle ragazze nelle STEM. L'educazione deve smettere di essere un terreno in cui vengono confermati ruoli di genere, ma deve invece diventare uno strumento di emancipazione, in cui ciascuna e ciascuno possa affermarsi per le proprie inclinazioni, curiosità e passioni. 💡 La scienza è per tutti. E ogni progresso che facciamo verso una reale parità nelle STEM è un passo in avanti per una società che non solo vuole innovare, ma vuole farlo nel rispetto delle potenzialità di ognuno, senza distinzioni basate su pregiudizi di genere. #GiornataInternazionaleDonneScience #STEM #ParitàDiGenere #EducazioneInclusiva #BiasCognitivi #Innovazione

  • EMPIRICA ETS. Studi e progetti socio-educativi ha diffuso questo post

    🌟 The listening school: when students' voices inspire change 🌟 At IIS Crocetti-Cerulli in Giulianova (TE), students are protagonists of a project that uses Appreciative Inquiry to tackle a crucial challenge: combating school drop-out.  We start from their most significant experiences, those moments in which they felt valued, welcomed and part of a school community. ✨ Why starting from positive experiences? Because every step towards change starts with what works. Recognising positive experiences and moments when we feel valued helps to build a school that motivates, engages and welcomes all. 📚 Listening in order to grow This workshop, developed by Empirica, offers students a place to - talk about what made them feeling good in their school - imagine a school future in which these experiences are multiplied - design concrete solutions that make the school more inclusive and closer to their needs Why is this important? Because a listening school is a school that grows and fights early school leaving. This pathway: - strengthens the sense of belonging - amplifies experiences that enhance each student - moves ideas and dreams into tangible actions 👉 And now? Step by step, we will continue to work with students to turn their visions into reality. Because change comes from listening and is built together. 💬 At Crocetti-Cerulli, listening becomes action and change takes shape, one step at a time. #EmpiricaETS #CrocettiCerulli #AppreciativeInquiry #Inclusion #earlyschoolleaving #schooldropout

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  • 🌟 The listening school: when students' voices inspire change 🌟 At IIS Crocetti-Cerulli in Giulianova (TE), students are protagonists of a project that uses Appreciative Inquiry to tackle a crucial challenge: combating school drop-out.  We start from their most significant experiences, those moments in which they felt valued, welcomed and part of a school community. ✨ Why starting from positive experiences? Because every step towards change starts with what works. Recognising positive experiences and moments when we feel valued helps to build a school that motivates, engages and welcomes all. 📚 Listening in order to grow This workshop, developed by Empirica, offers students a place to - talk about what made them feeling good in their school - imagine a school future in which these experiences are multiplied - design concrete solutions that make the school more inclusive and closer to their needs Why is this important? Because a listening school is a school that grows and fights early school leaving. This pathway: - strengthens the sense of belonging - amplifies experiences that enhance each student - moves ideas and dreams into tangible actions 👉 And now? Step by step, we will continue to work with students to turn their visions into reality. Because change comes from listening and is built together. 💬 At Crocetti-Cerulli, listening becomes action and change takes shape, one step at a time. #EmpiricaETS #CrocettiCerulli #AppreciativeInquiry #Inclusion #earlyschoolleaving #schooldropout

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  • For every child, every right!

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione European Commission

    2.167.468 follower

    For every child, every right.    On #WorldChildrensDay, we mark 35 years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – a milestone that has transformed global child protection.    Today and beyond, we reaffirm our commitment to children's rights, driven by:    🎠 The EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child: Promoting participation, inclusion, health, education, protection, and digital rights.  🧸 The European Child Guarantee: Addressing poverty and social exclusion among children.  💻 Digital Safety: Ensuring a safer online environment through the Digital Services Act and Better Internet for Kids.  🧠 Mental Health Support: Prioritising children’s mental health with accessible care and early intervention.    In conflict zones, the EU works to protect children’s rights through the Guidelines on Children and Armed Conflict, focusing on safeguarding children from violence, exploitation, and disruption to their education.    The future belongs to children, and they have a right to shape it.    ℹ️ Joint statement:!YTbb9m

    • A repeated phrase 'For every child, every right.' written in bold black text on a textured beige background, creating a pattern. The EU flag logo appears in the bottom-right corner.
  • Let's start a new journey! 🚀 ▶ Today we met our partners Möllans Basement and TechCreas for the kickoff ✈ of the #ErasmusPlus project NARRIANCE: Increasing the self-guidance and active #citizenship skills of #migrant #youth living in marginalised contexts through the narrative orientation approach. For 18 months we will work together to help young #migrants 🙋♀️ 🙋♂️ to develop #selfguidance and active #citizenship skills 🌍

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  • Scuola come fulcro del cambiamento sociale: il libro “Disrupting Hierarchy in Education: Students and Teachers Collaborating for Social Change” promuove un approccio incentrato sul dialogo critico e sulla collaborazione tra tutti i partecipanti al processo di apprendimento:

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