

Fabbricazione di prodotti alimentari e bevande

Trieste, Italia 156.207 follower

#LIVEHAPPilly is working together with people, respecting nature and the local communities for a better world.

Chi siamo

illycaffè is an Italian family business, founded in Trieste in 1933 and committed to offering the greatest coffee to the world. illycaffè produces a unique 100% Arabica blend, combining 9 of the best varieties in the world, selected by illycaffè. Each day more than 8 million cups are consumed in over 140 countries in the finest cafés, restaurants, hotels and in offices and homes. illy has become the standard forerunner of espresso, and thanks to three critical innovations, it contributes to the coffee technology progress at global level. With the bestowing of the first “Ernesto Illy Award for quality espresso coffee” in 1991 in Brazil, illy also pioneered direct sourcing, sharing know-how and paying a premium price for the best quality, based on partnerships underwritten by the principles of sustainable development. The company also founded its University of Coffee with the aim of fostering and spreading its culture, providing comprehensive academic and hands-on training for coffee growers, baristas and coffee lovers in order to cover every aspect of the product. Everything ‘made in illy’ is enhanced by beauty & art, which represent founding values of the brand, starting from its logo – designed by an artist, James Rosenquist – and including the renowned illy Art Collection, comprised of over 100 cups designed by international artists. In 2021, the company had 1305 employees and a turnover of about €500 million. There are 205 illy single-brand shops in over 40 countries In the same year, illycaffè -first Italian company in the coffee sector- obtained the B-corp certification, which identifies companies meeting the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and responsibility, confirming its determination to reach its sustainable targets to create durable and shared value. It is also the year in which Rhone Capital became a shareholder with a minority share to support the company in its international growth.

Fabbricazione di prodotti alimentari e bevande
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Trieste, Italia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Coffee, Coffee Machines, Coffee Retail, Coffee Global Manufactures, Art, Sustainability, B-corp e bcorporation


Dipendenti presso illycaffè


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    156.207 follower

    Determination and teamwork were the keys to our success in 2024. Check out our CEO’s message, that reflects and celebrate these results, looking ahead to 2025 with confidence. When the climb gets though, we need to accelerate! #Leadership #Teamwork #Growth #Innovation #Sustainability #CEO

    Visualizza il profilo di Cristina Scocchia, immagine
    Cristina Scocchia Cristina Scocchia è influencer

    Amministratore Delegato illycaffè, Consigliere di Amministrazione EssilorLuxottica e Fincantieri

    "Le persone forti non sono quelle che vincono sempre ma quelle che non mollano mai." Questo è stato il nostro mantra nel 2024, un anno ricco di sfide, prima fra tutte l’aumento del costo della nostra materia prima, il caffè verde, che ha raggiunto massimi storici e ha comportato una campagna acquisti molto più cara dell’anno precedente. Una sfida che avrebbe potuto rallentarci ma che, al contrario, ha rafforzato la nostra determinazione. È grazie all’impegno, alla passione e alla grinta di tutto il team, che abbiamo chiuso un anno straordinario: il fatturato è in aumento in tutti i principali Paesi e in tutti i canali, il margine operativo lordo e il profitto netto crescono addirittura a doppia cifra. Grazie a tutto il mio team per non aver mollato mai! So che è stato un anno intenso ma sono orgogliosa di voi e del lavoro che stiamo facendo insieme. Ora guardiamo al 2025 con la consapevolezza che sarà un anno ancora più difficile e sfidante ma con una determinazione incrollabile: in salita si accelera e non si lascia indietro nessuno! Grazie a sara bennewitz per l’intervista a tutto tondo. #ceo #leadership #team #teamwork #thankyou #growth #innovation #sustainability illycaffè Francesco Bosso Eva Gallocchio Evangelos Touras Guido Strampelli Claudio Bianchi Andrea Sentimenti Olga Bologna Violante Avogadro di Vigliano Massimo Malaguti David Brussa @massimolovise Javier Valle Goyanes Marcello Canetti Mag. Otmar Frauenholz Frédéric (Fred) Ermacora Frederico Canepa Sandro Gastaldi

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    Our DEI journey is a shared, global mission, connecting teams across borders to champion respect, equality, and collaboration. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are cornerstones of our identity, rooted in the work of our Trieste headquarters with initiatives like the DEI Committee in Italy and the prestigious PdR 125 certification for gender equality. Carrying this vision forward, the North America DEI Committee, established in 2021, has become a driving force for inclusion on a local level. Through the educational programs, cultural celebrations, and community-building activities, this group is creating a workplace where every voice is heard and valued. From Trieste to North America and beyond, we are building a future where diversity unites us all. #QualityLovesDetails #DEI #LIVEHAPPilly

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    With nearly 50 years of family tradition, the restaurant Lanterna Verde, led by our Chef Ambassador Roberto Tonola, stands out as a shining example of culinary excellence. Awarded with the Michelin Green Star, the restaurant is celebrated for its commitment to minimizing waste, cultivating local ingredients, and transitioning to an all-electric kitchen. At Lanterna Verde, immerse yourself in its innovative and sustainable ambiance, along with the rich notes of his personal blend. Quality is served. #QualityLovesDetails #RobertoTonola #ChefAmbassador #LIVEHAPPilly

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    156.207 follower

    We continue to work alongside the best food schools in Italy. This time with CAST Alimenti - La scuola dei mestieri del gusto, together with our Università del Caffè, we created a made to measure training dedicated to students of the Alta Formazione Pasticciere course. We are proud to uphold our partnership with CAST and the best future chefs of tomorrow. This synergy offers a unique chance to share knowledge and passion, aimed at enhancing quality and excellence among both current and future professionals. With a teaching staff comprised of industry experts and Masters, CAST Alimenti stands out as a beacon of innovation and excellence in the realm of Made in Italy, focusing its training programs on core values such as Quality, Innovation, and Passion. We are thrilled to support the next generation of Pastry Chefs in their educational journey, thus contributing to the development of the skills that make the Italian culinary landscape truly unique in the world. #QualityLovesDetails #UniversitàDelCaffè #CASTAlimenti #LIVEHAPPilly

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    156.207 follower

    We are pleased to announce a new partnership with the iconic 10 Corso Como Our shared values, such as the attention to detail, a dedication to sourcing the finest ingredients, and a passion for art, have resulted in a unique and exceptional breakfast offering, with a selection of both sweet and savory delicious proposals. More than simply a meal, it's an experience. At the 10 Corso Como Café, guests can enjoy a combination of exquisite taste and refined ambiance, whether in the elegant interior, in a private suite or in the luxurious garden setting. It's the ideal moment for self-reflection, enjoying company, or simply a relaxing respite. #QualityLovesDetails #coffeeExperience #LIVEHAPPilly

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    Ancora un passo avanti verso la sostenibilità.  Dal 2021 illycaffè e Gruppo Nestlé Italia hanno deciso di associarsi nel progetto RECAP per raccogliere e riciclare le capsule di caffè usate. Grazie al sostegno ricevuto dalla Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia fin dalla fase pilota e, da quest'anno, anche dalla Regione Emilia Romagna e a diversi gestori dei rifiuti il progetto, entra in una nuova fase attuativa. A conclusone della fase pilota del progetto RECAP, in cui sono state raccolte 750.000 capsule di caffè esauste, oggi nelle due regioni sono 37 i centri di raccolta in cui è attiva la collezione. Invitiamo altre aziende e operatori a unirsi a questa importante alleanza, con l’obiettivo di espandere questo modello virtuoso su scala nazionale ed europea, trasformando le capsule di caffè post-consumo in una risorsa preziosa.  Gruppo Hera AcegasApsAmga Net S.p.A. ISONTINA AMBIENTE S.R.L. #QualityLovesDetails #RECAP #sostenibilità #economiacircolare #LIVEHAPPilly

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    "My responsibility is to turn this space and time into an unforgettable moment." With these words, our Chef Ambassador, Domenico Stile, reveals the essence of his cuisine, honored with two Michelin stars and deeply rooted in his Neapolitan heritage. At Enoteca La Torre, set within the timeless elegance of Hotel Villa Laetitia in Rome, guests are invited to experience his cuisine, concluding the journey with the personal blend: a harmony of bold flavors, enveloping aromas and a taste that lingers long after the last sip. #QualityLovesDetails #illyChefAmbassador #DomenicoStile #LIVEHAPPilly

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di illycaffè, immagine

    156.207 follower

    The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women is a reminder that addressing violence and discrimination requires ongoing, daily dedication —not just one day of action. To us is the occasion to reaffirm our commitment to this critical issue that deeply resonates with us. We are dedicated to creating a safe and respectful work environment where every day is an opportunity to make a difference, and actively engaged in various initiatives to raise awareness that support women's rights.   The latest, is the collaboration with the Questura di Trieste, that met all illy collaborators on the occasion of an event to share stories and practical information that might become a tangible tool for those who might need or can give help in fragile situations.   The Gender Equality Certification (Certificazione della Parità di Genere) is a testament to the journey we have embarked on, implementing diverse policies toward ensuring equity and inclusion. Contributing to a future free from violence and discrimination is a matter of all of us, where every day is a chance to create a meaningful change.   #25November #DEI #Sustainability #LIVEHAPPilly

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    We are excited to share our participation in the "In Cibum Extra" event at the In Cibum Scuola di Alta Formazione Gastronomica, a key player in the food sector in Southern Italy. The central theme of this edition, "Save the Food," allowed us to explore one of our core values: sustainability. Nino Rossi, our illy Chef Ambassador, led an unforgettable masterclass, taking participants on a sensory journey through the flavors of Aspromonte paired with his personal illy blend, transformed using the Chemex. Our Università del Caffè contributed to the tasting by leading the Coffee Experience, a workshop celebrating the quality and sustainability of our blend. This event is part of our ongoing dedication to support leading culinary schools and academies in partnership with the Università del Caffè. Through this initiative, we aim to promote knowledge and excellence among culinary professionals, nurturing the talents of future chefs and pastry chefs. #QualityLovesDetails #Sustainability #UniversitàDelCaffè #illyChefAmbassador #LIVEHAPPilly

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