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Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

Chi siamo

OGS is a public internationally oriented research Institute financed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research - MUR, which performs research studies turned to the knowledge about Earth and its resources in the fields of basic and applied research in Oceanography, Geophysics and Marine Geology, Applied Geophysics and exploration. OGS applies its own expertise in Earth Sciences, and in Marine and Polar regions to contribute not only to the spreading and widening of the knowledge, but also to the practical solution of environmental, economical and social issues. Counting on its own vessel, the icebreaker Laura Bassi — an oceanographic research ship — and other strategic infrastructures of excellence, OGS works for the safeguarding and enhancement of the environmental and natural resources in order to evaluate and prevent geological, environmental and climatic risks, with the aim of spreading scientific culture and knowledge. All these efforts are also made in collaboration with analogous European and international institutions, with private high-tech industries and qualified enterprises. Research activities are grouped into 5 major themes: ▪ Environment and climate ▪ Biodiversity and ecosystem functionality ▪ Natural hazards ▪ Natural Resources ▪ Energy Resources 
OGS, also in collaboration with other institutions, engages in studies related to: • applied geophysical and environmental disciplines • delineation and evaluation of mineral and energy resources and the development of environmentally friendly technologies for their exploitation • marine sciences, related in particular to the interaction of the oceans with the atmosphere and the lithosphere • seismicity, hydrodynamic and geodynamic phenomena having an impact on the environment and population, also for civil protection purposes • development of techniques for the acquisition, processing, interpretation and storage of geophysical data • integration of research and capacity-building activities.

Sito Web
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società quotata
Settori di competenza
Oceanography, Geophysics, Seismology e Blue Growth


Dipendenti presso OGS


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    Welcome Denmark that recently joined ECCSEL ERIC

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    THIS JUST IN: Denmark joins ECCSEL 🚨 What a way to start the week! We just got the final confirmation that Denmark is officially a member of ECCSEL ERIC—strengthening Europe’s research infrastructure for Carbon Capture, Transport, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS)! - Give a warm welcome to Denmark by dropping a congrats in the comments below! 🥳👇 Denmark brings world-class expertise and cutting-edge facilities from Aalborg University (AAU Energy), Aarhus University, DTU - Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and Danish Technological Institute—expanding our network and accelerating the path to net-zero. A special shout-out to Lasse Rosendahl, who has been instrumental in making this happen! Together, we’re unlocking new research opportunities, fostering international collaboration, and pushing the boundaries of science and technology to tackle climate change. INNO-CCUS

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    #pnrr ⚡iNEST is a PNRR project aimed at enhancing #digital technologies for businesses and services in the Northeast of Italy across various sectors such as industrial manufacturing, agriculture, #marine, mountains, construction, tourism, culture, health, and food. OGS is actively involved in this initiative. ♊Recently, the International Workshop on "Digital Twins: Mathematical Analysis, Formal Methods, and Scientific Machine Learning" was held, featuring a full day dedicated to showcasing some exciting results. OGS participated alongside SISSA and the University of Padua to highlight their research within Spoke 9, focused on models, methods, and technologies for digital twins. -- iNEST is funded by PNRR under Mission 4 "Education and Research", Component 2 "From Research to Business,"Investment 1.5 Innovation Ecosystems. OGS is a founding Hub and affiliated with two spokes: Spoke 8: Maritime, marine, and inland water technologies toward the digital twin of the Upper Adriatic. Spoke 9: Models, methods, and computational technologies for #digitaltwins. 🔎

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    ⚠Call for applications for the Amare-Med 2025 edition: apply by 10 March 🎣The Advanced School on Multispecies modelling Approaches for ecosystem-based marine REsource management in the MEDiterranean Sea takes place annually and travels around the Mediterranean Sea. This year it will take place in Tunisia from 19 to 23 May. 📍As part of promoting sustainable fisheries management and capacity building, this year’s summer school will focus on state-of-the-art methods for analysing trawl survey data and applying them to multispecies models. 👉Apply here: #bluskills #blueconomy #marinedata #research Blue Skills - OGS Sustainable Blue Economy

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    🌊 Sustainability & Blue Economy: Training and Knowledge Transfer Event in Albania 🌍 Today Durres hosted a significant workshop as part of the True Blue project, led by OGS. The event focused on capacity building and knowledge transfer on sustainable blue economy practices. The workshop titled "Challenges to achieve sustainable blue economy in Albania: prioritizing water quality from green ports to sustainable tourism" brought together stakeholders from Italy, Albania, and other Eastern European countries to exchange best practices on environmental protection. The TRUE BLUE project aims to foster scientific diplomacy and support Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro on their path to EU integration by enhancing their expertise in sustainable blue economy. 🌊💧The event will also feature a joint session on best practices in environmental protection in Albania, in collaboration with two other international projects led by Central European Initiative - CEI 🔹 ASAP – Co-financed by the EU through Interreg IPA ADRION, this initiative focuses on transferring knowledge and best practices to strengthen sea protection across the Adriatic, especially during major pollutant spills. 🔹 TREASURE | Testing novel environmental quality measures in and around Euro-MED ports – Co-financed by the Interreg Euro Med Program, aiming to improve environmental quality in Mediterranean port areas by reducing water and sediment pollution. This workshop is co-financed through the KEP Program of the Central European Initiative (CEI), with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. 🔗 Find out more Blue Skills - OGS Sustainable Blue Economy #BlueEconomy #Sustainability #EnvironmentalProtection #TrueBlueProject #KnowledgeTransfer #BlueGrowth #SustainableTourism #EUIntegration #Adriatic #Mediterranean #EnvironmentalInitiatives #CapacityBuilding

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    🌊 Osservazione dell’oceano: la rete di robot sottomarini si rafforza con Euro-Argo ONE Ha ufficialmente preso il via a Parigi Euro-Argo ONE, il progetto finanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito di Horizon Europe, che ha l’obiettivo di continuare a sviluppare la rete globale dei robot sottomarini Argo float, utilizzati per l’osservazione dell’oceano. 23 i partner coinvolti tra cui, per l’Italia, l’#OGS e l’Istituto di scienze marine del CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr-Ismar). Lanciato un decennio dopo la creazione dell’Euro-Argo ERIC, questo progetto segna un momento di importante evoluzione del consorzio, poiché gli permette di allineare i suoi obiettivi con quelli di OneArgo - la nuova visione del programma internazionale Argo di osservazione dell’oceano attraverso gli Argo float - in un periodo in cui un’osservazione oceanica globale, completa e multidisciplinare è cruciale. Rafforzando l’infrastruttura di ricerca a livello europeo, Euro-Argo ONE mira a fornire un contributo europeo sostenibile e a lungo termine al programma OneArgo per favorire la comprensione delle complessità degli oceani, raffinare i modelli climatici e rafforzare la capacità dell’Europa di affrontare le sfide ambientali urgenti. Più info:

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    Un workshop su come progettare programmi di formazione efficaci - l'incontro in Croazia L'incontro, organizzato nell'ambito del progetto MareSkill - Smart and innovative blue skills for competitive blue economy, ha riunito i partner del progetto per rafforzare la loro esperienza nella progettazione di programmi di formazione che supportano iniziative sostenibili nell'ambito della blue economy. I partner si sono riuniti, infatti, per presentare approcci innovativi nella formazione per l'economia blu e si sono concentrati sul miglioramento delle competenze per l'economia blu e sulla progettazione di programmi di formazione in linea con le esigenze del settore. Particolare attenzione è stata data anche alla progettazione efficace dei corsi e alle strategie di apprendimento digitale utilizzando la piattaforma di MareSkill. Il workshop si è concluso con una discussione aperta e riflessioni sui prossimi passi per implementare programmi di formazione che rispondano alle esigenze in evoluzione del settore dell'economia blu. Questo evento ha rappresentato una tappa fondamentale nel progetto MareSkill, promuovendo la collaborazione, la condivisione delle conoscenze e l'innovazione tra i partner. Più info su MareSkill:

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    📣 2nd series of “Oceanography Unveiled” seminars will take place in the coming months in Trieste. The 2025 series will focus on Oceans and Climate as the main theme and will be organised by #OGS. This initiative is jointly coordinated by a number of Italian Institutions, #OGS, CNR-ISMAR, University of Salento Lecce, University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, University La Sapienza Rome, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples. The 1st event, with Filippo Giorgi & Piero Lionello, will take place 27-28 Feb. Learn more and reserve your spot before 24 Feb:

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    ECCSEL ERIC joins the Zero Emissions Platform read more

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    ECCSEL ERIC joins the Zero Emissions Platform! 👏 Collaboration drives feasibility and innovation—and accelerating CCUS development in Europe requires strong partnerships. Zero Emissions Platform (ZEP), the European Union's official advisor on industrial carbon management, and its members aim to expedite the deployment of technologies across the entire CCUS & CDR value chain. This initiative supports the EU's goals of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and net negative emissions thereafter. “Collaboration is key to accelerating CCUS deployment in Europe . Joining ZEP strengthens our mission to providing world-class research infrastructure and expertise world-wide, helping research, industry and EU policymakers advance real, scalable solutions for industrial carbon management.” — Klaus Tobias Mosbacher, Executive Director Exciting times ahead! Let's work together to make net-zero a reality.

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    ❄Antarctica: The Italian winter research mission begins 📢The 21st winter mission of the PNRA has begun at the Italian-French base #Concordia, while the Mario Zucchelli station, which hosted some research activities of the 40th summer campaign that will continue until March on the R/V Laura Bassi, will be closed. 🤝With a symbolic handover, the station manager of the summer campaign in Concordia, Riccardo Scipinotti (ENEA), has entrusted the management of the station to glaciologist Simona Grimaldi (Università di Catania), who will lead the new group of 13 winterovers, made up of 6 Italians from PNRA, 6 Frenchmen from the French Paul-Émile Victor Polar Institute (IPEV) and an English doctor from the European Space Agency - ESA, as winter expedition manager. The 21st winter mission of the National Antarctic Research Programme (#PNRA) has begun in Concordia, on the Italian-French base. The expedition is financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and implemented by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche for scientific coordination, by ENEA for the planning and logistical organization of activities at the Antarctic bases and by #OGS for the technical and scientific management of its research vessel Laura Bassi. 🔎 (📸Credit: PNRA/IPEV) 

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    Il convegno plenario di disseminazione del progetto RETURN dal titolo “Sfide scientifiche e gestionali per una società resiliente ai rischi ambientali in un clima che cambia” si terrà a Trieste dal 4 al 6 marzo 2025 presso la Stazione Marittima. L’evento prevede sessioni scientifiche, tavole rotonde e sessioni “poster” con presentazioni flash di 3 minuti seguite da Q&A. La scadenza per la registrazione e l’invio degli abstract è il 17 febbraio. Dopo la chiusura delle iscrizioni, tutti i partecipanti riceveranno informazioni su date e orari delle presentazioni. Per ulteriori informazioni: Link per le registrazioni: Fondazione Return

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