Sports Law is constantly evolving, along with its legal and regulatory framework, as well as case law.
Olympialex aims at simplifying the daily work of sports lawyers, while at the same time facilitating the tasks of all those who work in the sports industry.
Olympialex provides thousands of industry-leading cases, a library of singularly indexed and fully searchable documents, constant updates on the most important sports law events, and much more.
All of this, for the first time, in-the-pocket.
Olympialex hosts the most complete sports law database available. This database includes the latest sports-related rulings. It is constantly updated and includes decisions rendered by the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, the decisions of the European Court of Justice, the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber and Player Status Committee, disciplinary, regulatory, and dispute resolution bodies various national and international sport governing organizations, and arbitration tribunals.
Olympialex provides analyses of key jurisprudence by renowned national and international experts in the field, whose contribution makes research results more valuable.
The Olympialex search engine is based on an innovative algorithm that can guide you in searching, optimizing your results and saving time and cost.
Servizi informativi
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Lombardia
Società quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Sports Law, Diritto Sportivo, Law, Diritto Internazionale, Legge, Sport, Federazioni, Database, sport e Banca dati