Revert Project

Revert Project

Servizi di ricerca

taRgeted thErapy for adVanced colorEctal canceR paTients

Chi siamo

The REVERT project will address the specific challenge of understanding at system level the pathophysiology of mCRC cancer in patients responding well or poorly to therapies, in order to design optimal strategy for mCRC on a case by case basis, with therapeutic interventions modulated depending on patient’s features. Accordingly, REVERT will build up an innovative artificial intelligence (AI)-based decision support system using the experience and the real-world data of several general Hospitals operating in the EU healthcare system ultimately aimed at developing an improved and innovative model of combinatorial therapy - based on a personalised medicine approach - that identifies the most efficient and cost-effective therapeutic intervention for patients with unresectable mCRC

Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1 dipendente
Sede principale
Data di fondazione



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