Sireg Geotech

Sireg Geotech

Materiali edili

Arcore, MB 1.808 follower

Manufacturing of Geotechnical and Civil Engineering products

Chi siamo

SIREG GEOTECH S.r.l. is an Italian manufacturer of specialized products and solutions for Geotechnics and Civil Engineering. Founded in 1936 as SIREG S.p.a., SIREG GEOTECH is today a reference in its sector for designers and developers, both public and private. SIREG GEOTECH manufactures a wide range of products in thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers, as well as in glass fiber and carbon composite materials, both standard and customized. The applications go from the reinforcement and consolidation of weak soil or landslides to enable works of underground excavation, to the strengthening and restoration of infrastructure and damaged civil or historic buildings.

Materiali edili
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Arcore, MB
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Geotechnics, Sleeved grouting pipes, Civil Engineering, Glass fiber anchors, Waterstop joints, Glass fiber reinforcements, Drainage slotted pipes, Inclinometer casings, Fittings for anchors, Composite materials, Corrugated ducts, FRP, GFRP, TAM pipes, Grouting e Sonic casings


Dipendenti presso Sireg Geotech


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    ✨ Il 2025 si apre per Sireg con l'arrivo di una notizia straordinaria e tanto attesa: siamo la prima azienda italiana a ottenere la marcatura CE per le barre e staffe in vetroresina Glasspree®, destinate al rinforzo strutturale di opere in calcestruzzo e di elementi strutturali nuovi o già esistenti. Questo riconoscimento attesta la qualità, la sicurezza e le prestazioni durature (fino a 100 anni) dei nostri prodotti e segna una svolta nel settore delle costruzioni europee. Le barre in vetroresina Glasspree® certificate CE sono un’alternativa sostenibile e innovativa all’acciaio, ideale per ambienti critici, come ambienti salini, in presenza di campi elettromagnetici o di cloruri antigelo. Per Sireg, un altro passo avanti verso un futuro più sostenibile e tecnologicamente avanzato. Per informazioni sulle caratteristiche, i vantaggi e le possibili applicazioni delle barre in vetroresina #Glasspree®, contatta il nostro ufficio tecnico all'indirizzo #Innovazione #MarcaturaCE #GFRP #Vetroresina #Pultrusione #IngegneriaCivile #Sostenibilità InGENIO Associazione Infrastrutture Sostenibili *** ✨ 2025 begins with extraordinary and long-awaited news for Sireg: we are proud to announce that we are the first Italian company to achieve CE marking for Glasspree® fiberglass bars and stirrups, designed for the structural reinforcement of concrete works and both new and existing structural elements. This recognition certifies the quality, safety, and durability (up to 100 years) of our products and represents a turning point in the European construction industry. CE-marked GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer) bars offer a sustainable and innovative alternative to steel, ideal for critical environments such as saline areas, electromagnetic fields, or exposure to de-icing chlorides. For Sireg, this achievement marks another step forward toward a more sustainable and technologically advanced future. To learn more about the features, benefits, and applications of Glasspree® fiberglass bars, contact us at #Innovation #CEMarking #GFRP #Fiberglass #Pultrusion #CivilEngineering #Sustainability

    Barre in vetroresina Glasspree® per il rinforzo di elementi strutturali: Sireg Geotech prima azienda con marcatura CE

    Barre in vetroresina Glasspree® per il rinforzo di elementi strutturali: Sireg Geotech prima azienda con marcatura CE

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    Dall’album di #Sireg. Edoardo Blanc e Amelia De Caro Blanc sono stati una coppia carismatica con caratteri complementari, protagonisti dall'inizio degli anni 70 fino al 2010 della storia aziendale, impressi indelebilmente nei ricordi di chi li ha conosciuti – dipendenti, clienti, collaboratori, giornalisti e addetti del settore. Pionieri dei #materialiplastici rivolti al settore della #geotecnica. I noti tubi e profili speciali Durvinil® ne sono diventati infatti l’icona. 🎄 A ridosso delle festività natalizie, un pensiero indietro – alle persone che hanno animato l’azienda per decenni con passione e attaccamento – e un pensiero avanti, ai tanti traguardi tagliati e ancora da tagliare. La ricerca negli ultimi trent’anni ha visto Sireg sempre un passo avanti nella progettazione e realizzazione di prodotti innovativi in materiali #compositi, a partire dalla #vetroresina. ✨ Il 2025 si annuncia come un anno di importanti novità per il settore delle costruzioni e non vediamo l’ora di condividerle con chi ci segue da anni e con chi comincia a conoscerci. *** From the old #Sireg album. Edoardo Blanc and Amelia De Caro Blanc were a charismatic couple with complementary characters, key figures of the company's history from the early 1970s until 2010. Their legacy is indelibly etched in the memories of those who knew them - employees, customers, collaborators, journalists and industry professionals. Pioneers of #materialplastics for the #engineering sector, their renowned Durvinil® pipes and special profiles have become iconic. As the Christmas season approaches, we look back remembering the people who drove the company for decades with passion and dedication - and forward, to the many milestones achieved and yet to come. Over the past thirty years, Sireg has consistently been a step ahead in the research, design, and production of #composite materials, starting with #fiberglass. The year 2025 promises to bring significant innovations to the construction industry. We can’t wait to share them with those who have followed us for years and those who are just getting to know us.

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    A big thank you to Dimitris-Peter Margaritis and ELEBOR S.A. for hosting us in Athens and organizing the seminars at the ELEBOR S.A. offices. Held on November 25, the seminars provided valuable insights into the use of #GFRP profiles in both temporary and permanent applications. Special thanks to Gabriele Balconi, our Technical Manager, who delivered an excellent presentation showcasing Sireg’s #R&D expertise and the unique advantages of our #Durglass® and #Glasspree® GFRP products, with a particular focus on their #durability factors. At #Sireg we are very proud to be pioneers in the research, production, and certification of GFRP products for reinforced concrete, both above and below ground.

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    On Monday 25/11, an intensive technical seminar took place at our company's headquarters for 2 groups of engineers from the most important geotechnical engineering companies in Greece, with the central subject of discussion being the applications of fiberglass G-FRP (Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymers) in geotechnical projects. The presentation was organized by ELEΒOR SA in collaboration with SIREG Geotech's director of marketing and communication, Mrs. Allegra Blanc. The technical director Mr Gabriele Balconi presented numerous applications from all over the world of the well-known G-FRP DURGLASS & GLASSPREE that the company has been producing for more than 30 years at its facilities in Arcore Milano Italy. The presentation focused on the R&D that the company has focused on over the past 2 decades and the developments in technology and knowledge that has been acquired over the course of all these years. The result of this knowledge is the CE certification that the company has received for its G-FRP products. Of particular interest from the attending scholars was the reference to the durability of these materials to the elements of the environment, which makes them an excellent technical and economic choice for permanent applications as well as in special applications with particularly demanding conditions. Sireg Geotech ELEBOR S.A.

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    A 25 anni dalla riapertura al pubblico della Basilica di San Francesco in #Assisi dopo il terribile terremoto del 1997, in Sireg è vivo il ricordo e l’orgoglio di avere contribuito al #ripristino della volta e della torre campanaria con Ie sue soluzioni per il rinforzo e il consolidamento in materiali #compositi (fibra aramidica, carbonio e vetro). #SiregGeotech è nel cuore e nelle arterie delle più importanti opere monumentali nel mondo. #Carbopree® #Glasspree® #Arapree® Twenty-five years after the reopening of the Basilica of St. Francis in #Assisi to the public, after the strong earthquake in 1997, Sireg proudly recalls its contribution to the restoration of the vault and the bell tower with its #reinforcement and #consolidation solutions using #composite materials (aramid, carbon, and glass fiber). #SiregGeotech is at the heart and core of the world's most important monumental works.

    Venticinque anni fa riapriva la Basilica di Assisi dopo il terremoto del 1997 - Notizie -

    Venticinque anni fa riapriva la Basilica di Assisi dopo il terremoto del 1997 - Notizie -

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    A 25 anni dalla riapertura al pubblico della Basilica di San Francesco in #Assisi dopo il terribile terremoto del 1997, in Sireg è vivo il ricordo e l’orgoglio di avere contribuito al #ripristino della volta e della torre campanaria con Ie sue soluzioni per il rinforzo e il consolidamento in materiali #compositi (fibra aramidica, carbonio e vetro). #SiregGeotech è nel cuore e nelle arterie delle più importanti opere monumentali nel mondo. #Carbopree® #Glasspree® #Arapree® Twenty-five years after the reopening of the Basilica of St. Francis in #Assisi to the public, after the strong earthquake in 1997, Sireg proudly recalls its contribution to the restoration of the vault and the bell tower with its #reinforcement and #consolidation solutions using #composite materials (aramid, carbon, and glass fiber). #SiregGeotech is at the heart and core of the world's most important monumental works.

    Venticinque anni fa riapriva la Basilica di Assisi dopo il terremoto del 1997 - Notizie -

    Venticinque anni fa riapriva la Basilica di Assisi dopo il terremoto del 1997 - Notizie -

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    Sireg Obtains EPD Certification for Fiberglass Straight Bars and Stirrups We are excited to announce that our #GLASSPREE® TS fibreglass bars and stirrups have officially received the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) certification. This achievement underscores our commitment to sustainability, transparency, and delivering environmentally responsible solutions for the construction industry.   Designed for #permanent #concrete #reinforcement, our #EPD-certified #fibreglass products offer superior durability and corrosion resistance, making them the perfect choice for challenging environments such as saline areas, zones with electromagnetic fields, or where antifreeze chlorides are present.   For more details about our EPD-certified products, feel free to reach out to our technical team at   #100 years of #durability, #safety and #sustainability for the near future of our territory.

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    Questa volta, uno sguardo ai giunti Waterstop per pareti diaframmatiche e loro applicazioni in #geotecnica. I #diaframmi di fondazione hanno una funzione statica e/o di tenuta e sono adatti come muro di contenimento, muro di tenuta o elemento di fondazione. Sono composti da pannelli in cemento armato e sono di fatto impermeabili all'acqua.   Il giunto Sireg in #PVC Waterstop #Flexivinil® viene utilizzato - come nel progetto Grand Paris Metro - in posizione verticale per garantire la tenuta idraulica tra due pannelli contigui di diaframma. Il giunto viene posizionato mediante apposite palancole che trattengono il giunto Waterstop durante la fase di installazione, prima della cementazione. *** This time, let’s focus on Waterstop joints for diaphragm walls and applications. #Diaphragm walls have a static and/or sealing function and are suitable as a retaining wall, sealing wall or foundation element. They are created as reinforced concrete walls and are considered almost impermeable to water.   The Sireg Geotech  #PVC #Waterstop #Flexivinil® joint is used – like in the Grand Paris Metro Project - in a vertical position to ensure the hydraulic sealing between two contiguous panels of the diaphragm wall. The joint is put in place by means appropriate sheet piles (stop end) that hold the Waterstop during the installation phase, prior to cementation.

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    Al CEOforLIFE Awards a Montecitorio, nella sessione sull'Innovazione per le Smart Cities, porta il suo contributo anche la nostra Sonja Blanc, CEO di #Sireg e Ambassador del premio GammaDonna (di cui è stata vincitrice nell'edizione 2019). Una occasione prestigiosa per raccontare come Sireg Geotech stia contribuendo allo sviluppo di infrastrutture più durature, sicure e sostenibili grazie ai suoi prodotti innovativi in materiale #termoplastico e #composito, per supportare la trasformazione delle città in smart cities. Le armature in #vetroresina #Glasspree® rappresentano una nuova frontiera alternativa al metallo sia per le opere sotto il suolo urbano (parcheggi sotterranei, metropolitane), sia per le opere di ingegneria civile (edifici, ponti, viadotti, banchine).    La creazione di infrastrutture moderne come linee della metropolitana e vie sotterranee nelle grandi città rappresenta il futuro della mobilità smart e sostenibile. Imprescindibile, per contribuire al cambiamento, la #ricerca sul campo e la sinergia con enti e università come il Politecnico di Milano, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, l'University of Miami, l'Università di Barcellona e di New York. #SmartCities #InfrastruttureSostenibili #CEOforLIFE #Innovazione

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    Here we are, again, to share experience and know-how. Situation: during #excavation works in urban environments (London). Challenge: how to solve the issue of building #temporary structures (diaphragm walls, piles, complex concrete elements) and reinforcing them with rebars easy to be cut through by tunnelling TBM machines. Solution: the use of #fiberglass cages technology applied to #concrete #reinforcement. The application of #SiregGeotech #Durglass® custom shaped stirrups, composed by straight rods and shear links,  was requested for a number of important reinforcement cages works in urban #underground projects: an intermediate structure on a selected shaft along Lee Tunnel (London) was among these examples.   Lee Tunnel is an overflow sewer in East London for storage and conveyance of foul sewage mixed with rainwater. Such infrastucture was built as part of the Thames Tideway Scheme. Along Lee Tunnel, which was excavated a few years ago, a system of deep shafts was conceived, as to meet the project needs. In correspondence with some of these shafts, a custom GFRP reinforced Box Culvert was designed, for operational stages at depth. Such temporary structure was engineered and built to allow a correct and safe maintenance of the Tunnelling Machine tools during the connection shaft crossing.   Our Durglass® fiberglass cages, inside the temporary concrete structure, have met all the structural needs during construction and use of the Box Culvert. Then, after the operations, the Durglass® reinforcement has been easily and quickly removed together with the #concrete from the front of the equipment shield. Photo: Courtesy of Morgan Sindall - Bachy Soletanche UK

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