DUCK project

DUCK project

Fabbricazione di autoveicoli

Atessa, Chieti 152 follower

Electric Ecological Economic Electric mobility is not the future of mobility. It is the essential present

Chi siamo

Duck, the three-wheeled electric duck signed Taumat Taumat is not just precision machining for the removal of chips for third parties. Our company of Atessa ( Ch) has in fact designed a three-wheel motorcycle called "Duck". The idea was born in early 2015. Already three years before Taumat had collaborated with the reality' Ifelv for the construction of a minitruck "green". At the basis of "Duck" the will 'to employ much of a cycling quality', but out of production, combined with the newly designed electric engine. Maintaining design and functionality, appreciable. After the study phase and the prototype the goal is now to establish a profitable joint venture between companies to move to the mass industrialization of the medium. Means that could easily be used for the service of walk inside resorts and luxury resorts, for the intra-city light transport ( the delivery of mail, medicines and food) and in the spaces of large business establishments, so that you can easily access the different departments and manage small deliveries and withdrawal operations.

Fabbricazione di autoveicoli
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Atessa, Chieti
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza



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