🇮🇹 IL "DUCK" NELLA CITTÀ SEDE, TRA LE ALTRE, DELLA PONTIFICIA FONDERIA DI CAMPANE MARINELLI. IL CICLOMOTORE ELETTRICO A TRE RUOTE CONSEGNATO OGGI NEL PITTORESCO COMUNE DI AGNONE. Grazie al Sindaco DANIELE SAIA, sensibile verso l'ambiente e la mobilità ecosostenibile, il comune di Agnone ospiterà il Duck, che verrà utilizzato dalla Polizia Municipale e la Protezione Civile. Alla consegna il Consigliere Mario Petrecca, Ettore Fiorito e il Comandante di PM Pietro Porfilio. Diamo così continuità alla collaborazione tra Taumat e la Regione Molise. 🇬🇧 THE "DUCK" IN THE CITY HOME, AMONG OTHERS, OF THE PONTIFICIA FOUNDRY OF CAMPANE MARINELLI. THE THREE-WHEEL ELECTRIC MOPED DELIVERED TODAY IN THE PICTURESQUE MUNICIPALITY OF AGNONE. Thanks to Mayor DANIELE SAIA, sensitive to the environment and eco-sustainable mobility, the municipality of Agnone will host the Duck, which will be used by the Municipal Police and Civil Protection. At the delivery the Councilor Mario Petrecca, Ettore Fiorito and the PM Commander Pietro Porfilio. We thus give continuity to the collaboration between Taumat and the Molise Region. #Agnone #taumat #ridetheduck #mobilitàElettrica #MobilitàSostenibile
Post di DUCK project
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Deconstructions are fast-paced activities with man-machine interaction brought to extreme. Unlike the construction process where erection processes needs to be obeyed and strict QA/QC checks may result in stop, repair and reworks, the deconstruction process requires a thorough work preparation phase. When we erect a new object the part is covered with insurance, the vendor is specifying the rigging points, relevant center of gravity and certified C.O.G and weight. Always Safety first in both erection and decommissioning processes, but when we're in a construction phase we've valuable goods to erect and we've to take extreme care of them., in a deconstruction we've just scrap. The bigger the involved machines the bigger the scrap size and hence the speed. All of this entails a ratio of the order or magnitude1:10 in terms of speed comparing construction and deconstruction phase. In the latter, once a method has been chosen and a way forward is taken starting the process the speed of scrap material production and the progressive controlled damages are irreversibly made to the object being deconstructed it will cost more and more effort to have a remedial plan. for an unwise road taken. But all of these issues appear to have been duly taken into account when we look at this very tidy and controlled process in this huge Italian (formerly nuclear) mega-site. Congrats to the whole deconstruction crew.
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