Post di Joule

Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Joule, immagine

3.056 follower

🗣️ Una voce può essere potente. Tante voci possono esserlo molto di più.   Per questo oggi, in occasione della Giornata Internazionale per l’Eliminazione della Violenza contro le Donne, manifestiamo il nostro sostegno alla campagna di UN Women. Perché ogni azione conta. #NoExcuse #HearHerStory #UNiTE4Change

Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Eni, immagine

1.320.955 follower

Every action counts. Every voice makes a difference. On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, we stand united to break the silence, challenge stereotypes and create a culture of zero tolerance against violence. This mission begins within our walls. Through internal initiatives like “Free To Be”, we’ve launched a program that will continue over time to help us provide critical support and ensure a workplace built on safety and respect. Beyond them, strategic partnerships expand this commitment further: thanks to Versalis, Eni Rewind , Enilive, Plenitude and our entire family we contribute to raising awareness and bringing support where it matters most. Each of these projects reflects a deep commitment to lasting change. By working together and embedding respect into everything we do, we move closer to a future where every action truly counts. Discover how we're fostering change: #NoExcuse #HearHerStory #UNiTE4Change UN Women

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