La soluzione per ricordare parole nuove in #inglese? Ci viene in soccorso la nostra coach Kate Howden! Per questo e altri consigli utili, potrete incontrarla LIVE il 26/09 alle ore 19 nel nostro breve #webinar dedicato alle tecniche per uscire dall'empasse nel parlare in lingua. Vi aspettiamo! Per registrarsi 👇 #speaking #livellointermedio #formazionecontinua
Online Business English Teacher | Supporting Professional Women to Master English and Unlock Career Success. Consulting | Workshops | Bespoke Training
Learning new vocabulary is easy.... 1) Try to only use a monolingual dictionary and not an online translator! Even better go old school and use a "real" paper version, I am sure most of you have one in the house! 2) Check synonyms in a thesaurus (I will add my favourite in the comments) 3) Keep a notebook of new words. I recommend grouping them and writing complete sentences so you remember them more easily. When you have a spare 5 minutes have a read. 4) Contact me for more vocabulary lists, tips and advice!😊 Happy Learning! #BusinessEnglish #Communication #SoftSkills