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Agostino Oliverio 7 anni -
Verso un quadro strategico europeo sulle plastiche bio-based, biodegradabli e compostabli
Paolo Azzurro 3 anni -
Single-use Plastics and the Marine Environment: new Report
Paolo Azzurro 7 anni -
Single-use plastic beverage bottles – EU rules for calculating, verifying and reporting on recycled plastic content
Paolo Azzurro 2 anni -
The "new plastic economy" - progetti LIFE tematici
Paolo Azzurro 5 anni -
Agave Azul
Cuauhtémoc Navarro 7 anni -
Agricom: end of waste dei sottoprodotti alimentari
Aurora Sacchi 2 anni -
18.03.24 - Global Recycling Day
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Newsletter ICC Agri-Food Hub Dicembre 2023
ICC Italia 1 anno -
Seizing the opportunity: Using plastic only where it makes sense
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