QUESTA E L'ITALIA BELLA - Non quella  dello scervellato bagnino del "Papeete"​ e altri cialtroni
Foto Alesandra Tarantino/AP

QUESTA E L'ITALIA BELLA - Non quella dello scervellato bagnino del "Papeete" e altri cialtroni

Nella foto: picchetto d'onore dei leggendari Corazzieri. Palazzo del Quirinale, 21.08.2019

Metaxia Georgopoulos

Cultural Resource Manager at Odyssey Resources and Culture

5 anni

Amazing heritage. Thank you for the modern history, particularly about the horses breeding ans origin. I recently acquired what I believe to be a photo of the elite French version (19th century, Napoleon III, CentGardes). Its unique in that it depicts the pride of being a member of a cavalry unit by having a uniform made for the child of the Gardes. Your post has inspired further enquiry..

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