The Nabasakh are one of the Nai communities of South Asia. Traditionally, Nai peoples were delegated the job of cutting hair and other jobs considered demeaning. Of the five major castes in India, the Nai are the lowest of four caste groupings, but above the outcastes.
There are an equal number of members of the Nabasakh Nai community in India's state of West Bengal and in Bangladesh.
Nai communities hold low status because they are hair cutters; anyone working with "dead" materials like hair are given low status. Since Hindu thinking affects even Muslim countries like Bangladesh, the Nai communities have low status there as well as in India. Some Nabasakh Nai people have managed to get out of being barbers so they can potentially earn more money and have higher status.
As Hindus, the Nabasakh Nai people suffer from a great deal of fear of the gods and spirits. They believe that evil spirits cause them harm, so they must be appeased. They have special reverence for Shiva, one of the main Hindu deities, and Sen Ghagat, a saint from their own community. Many Nai worship a regional deity as well.
The Hindu Nabasakh Nai people in West Bengal need the opportunity for their children to have an adequate education so they can advance beyond their lowly state.
Pray that the Nabasakh Nai people in India will find their peace in Jesus and be freed mentally from being second-class citizens due to their caste ranking.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will call many Nabasakh Nai people to Himself and use them to gossip the gospel to many others in India.
Pray for a disciple making movement among the Nabasakh Nai people in India.
Pray for Nabasakh Nai families to be blessed with the presence of Jesus Christ.
Scripture Prayers for the Nai Nabasakh in India.
Profile Source: Keith Carey |