Traditionally the Dhobi people were the ones who washed laundry in the Hindu world, be it India or Nepal. They are one of the lower status communities. One of their subgroups are the Kanaujia.
When a Dhobi girl marries, her dowry usually contains just a few items, but almost always an iron. After the men wash the customers' clothes, the women iron them and keep the money they earn to pay for household expenses. Mothers teach the girls to iron at an early age, and boys help their fathers by washing the smaller articles of clothing and by delivering packages of clean clothes to their owners.
Most of the Dhobis follow popular Hinduism and worship local gods as well as the washing stones. The vast majority of them remain Hindu, but they have contact with other communities. Hindus have a pragmatic view of the spirit world. Therefore, the Dhobi people often worship whatever spiritual force they believe will help them in practical ways.
Since many of their customers are starting to use washing machines, many Ajudhyabansi Dhobi are facing unemployment. They need job security and job training.
Pray that the Dhobi people will hear the gospel and discover that only Jesus Christ can wash away their sins. Pray for workers to go to the Ajudhyabansi Dhobi people in Nepal. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give the Ajudhyabansi Dhobi people such spiritual hunger that they will not be satisfied until they taste and see that the Lord is good. Pray for a Disciple Making Movement among the Ajudhyabansi Dhobi people in both India and Nepal.
Scripture Prayers for the Dhobi Ajudhyabansi in Nepal.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |