Stephen Nagyさんのその他の記事
President Biden and the rebuilding the US and a rules-based order2023年5月2日
President Biden and the rebuilding the US and a rules-based order
President Biden came into office following the unorthodox Presidency of his precedessor Donald Trump. Alliances were…
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Interview on Brexit and Japanese Security partnerships2016年6月29日
Interview on Brexit and Japanese Security partnerships
Japan seeks to calm uncertainties stirred up by Brexit As the implications of Britain's decision to withdraw from the…
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Recent article written for "The National Interest" Japan's New China Strategy Has Ancient Roots2016年6月7日
Recent article written for "The National Interest" Japan's New China Strategy Has Ancient Roots
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日本の対中外交姿勢は遣唐使の時代に回帰している The Divergence of Sino-Japanese Relations: Returning to Japan’s traditional approach to managing relations with China "2016年5月26日
日本の対中外交姿勢は遣唐使の時代に回帰している The Divergence of Sino-Japanese Relations: Returning to Japan’s traditional approach to managing relations with China "
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A short article I wrote on "The many messages of Obama’s visit to Hiroshima"2016年5月25日
A short article I wrote on "The many messages of Obama’s visit to Hiroshima"
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The South China Seas (SCS) as a Global Public Good?: Why what happens in the SCS is in everyone's interest2016年3月21日
The South China Seas (SCS) as a Global Public Good?: Why what happens in the SCS is in everyone's interest
2件のコメント -
China - US (East Asian countries too):Misinterpretation, miscalculation or astute observation concerning SCS machinations???2016年3月9日
China - US (East Asian countries too):Misinterpretation, miscalculation or astute observation concerning SCS machinations???
Attended an event at the Carnegie Tsinghua Center for Global Policy called "US China Relations in 2016: S Critical…
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Interview: How China is driving Japan closer to Southeast Asia2016年2月25日
Interview: How China is driving Japan closer to Southeast Asia
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What to do about North Korea?:The upside of Japan's precarious regional relations2016年2月25日
What to do about North Korea?:The upside of Japan's precarious regional relations
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Interview synposis: Japan's island building and China's nuanced response2016年2月3日
Interview synposis: Japan's island building and China's nuanced response