一般社団法人One Young World Japanさんのカバー写真
一般社団法人One Young World Japan

一般社団法人One Young World Japan



To create the next generation of more responsible and effective leadership.


One Young Worldとは? 世界的な 課題の原因は、 リーダーシップの⽋如にあると我々は考えています。 現代社会に⽣きる 次世代の人々は、⼈類史上、最も情報量を持ち、最も繋がっている世代です。 One Young World は、世界中の最も影響⼒のある若きリーダー達に、より多くの可能性と 世界的な課題解決のために リーダーシップを発揮していける 場を提供し、彼らのリーダーシップによってこの世界がより良くなるよう に サポートしていくプラットフォームです。 毎年 1 回開催される One Young World サミットには、様々なソーシャル・インパクトを⽣み出そうと している 世界中の各セクターから 活動的な次世代リーダーが各国代表として参加してきます。 190 カ国以上から参加する 各国代表は、世界のトップリーダー、例えば、 Justin Trudeau、 Paul Polman、 Meghan Markle のような、 産業界、政界、その他社会活動における リーダーらと対⾯し 、実際にアクションを起こして 課題解決をするための議論を⾏います。 各国代表は、4⽇間に渡りスピーチやプレゼンテーション、パネルディスカッション 、ネットワーキング、ワークショップに参加します。参加している次世代リーダー全員には、選考過程を経て 各国代表やスポンサー企業、著名なカウンセラーの前でスピーチする チャンスが与えられています。 更に 世界中のメディア も取材に来ており、 世界のリーダーに⾃らのアイデア などを提⾔することができます。 議論される内容は、 One Young World Community によって 決定され、 、次世代に影響を与えている 課題に焦点を 当てています。各国代表は、世界のリーダーによる講演やプレゼンテーションに対しても⾃らの意⾒を主張し、彼らと交流する場も設けられ、個々に指導を受ける機会も得られます。

社員 2 - 10名


  • More of our superstars making an impact.

    Emre Caglarさんのプロフィールを表示

    Founder and Executive Director of Youth For Future | One Young World Ambassador | Empowering Youth

    Happy to share that I will be speaking at Impact Shift this weekend alongside One Young World friends Tsuyoshi Domoto, Ibun Hirahara, and Yuka Imanishi (who will be moderating the session)! We will talk about our experiences and provide insightful discussions about the field of social impact, hoping to inspire others to kick off their own passion and projects. Our session is called One Young World × IMPACT SHIFT Session and will take place at Stage G at Tokyo Convention Hall (March 2nd, 2:30 - 3:45PM) If you're interested in coming to the event over the weekend, please let me know, as I still have a few free/discount tickets that I can give away. Aside from our session, the impact shift is a massive event that will allow you to network and gain great inspiration from! Check out the event by clicking here: https://lnkd.in/gX_Q9fkT Thank you, Yuka Imanishi for the wonderful opportunity to speak in hopes of inspiring others! #sdgs #impactshift #socialimpact #impact #change #npo #npoinjapan #npowork

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  • Attention to all the Junior & Senior High School Students in Japan! The Global Leadership Camp 2025 is coming ! Theme : Regional Sustainability x Leadership Date: March 24 - March 28, 2025 Place: AIU (Akita International University) During the five days of the camp, junior and senior high school students from all over Japan will work together to develop a better understanding of the challenges facing a shrinking society. On the final day, they will have the opportunity to present their ideas in English. For further details, check link below. We will close the application on January 12, 2025. One Junior World 対象の中高生の皆さん! Global Leadership Campを来年3月に開催致します! 開催場所は、教育充実度日本第2位と社会から注目を浴びている国際教養大学(AIU)。テーマは、「縮小する社会における地域の持続可能性」です。世界へ羽ばたくきっかけを作るこのキャンプ。一次締切は、来年2025年1月12日。 詳細は、こちらから! https://lnkd.in/gBWCi9XY #oneyoungworld #oywj #onejuniorworld #globalleadershipcamp #aiu #中高生対象

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  • Well done, YONYON !

    YONYON ITAIさんのプロフィールを表示

    Inclusive educator / One Young World Ambassador / Shido 10th

    I am very happy to share that I have completed One Young World Academy Offical Development Assistance Course in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Let me share some key takeaways from ODA Academy. - ODA is often overlooked, especially outside of development agencies and civil society organizarions, despite being the primary funding source for many initiatives related to SDGs. Over the past years, we've seen cuts in foreign aid budgets. This is concerning because without consistent aid, many development gains, especially those tied to global issues like health, education, and climate action, could stall or regress. - ODA is not just a gift, it is global cooperation. It is essential to understand that ODA is not a gift to a faraway country. Many challenges we face are global challenges which affect everyone, regardless of where we live. So it is vital that we, as global citizens, recognize that challenges transcend borders. We must think beyond national interests and adopt a mindset that we are all citizens of planet Earth. - We cannot achieve peace without development, nor can we have development without peace, and we certainly cannot have either without human rights. Development aid cannot be reduced. It is about people. It is about providing the tools they need for better lives. - ODA is not just financial transaction, it is an investment in a better, more equitable world. That is why it is crucial that young people like us must be involved with the conversation. We are not just the leader of tomorrow, we are the leader of today. We are the ones who will inherit the consequences of current decisions. We need to amplify our voices in aid discussions and development initiatives to ensure that they reflect our collective vision for a sustainable world.

  • Thank you for being an amazing role model for others to follow and emulate!

    Elizabeth Katherine Gamarra, MSW, MSさんのプロフィールを表示

    Mental Health Clinician | Conflict Resolution Specialist | International Relations Scholar

    Japan + One Young World (OYW) family = a reunion to remember! It was truly an honor to participate in this year’s summit debrief and reconnect with remarkable friends, mentors, and role models across the fields of AI, education, and business. At the heart of One Young World lies the unparalleled inspiration that comes from witnessing so many young changemakers—both young in age and young at heart—pushing boundaries, challenging norms, and refusing to take 'no' for an answer (especially here in Japan). I feel incredibly fortunate to have this extraordinary community in my life. I am especially grateful to Kimihito "Kimy" Okubo, Daren Afshar, and Yuka Imanishi for all their incredible support in my journey. They are not just the backbone of OYW Japan—they are its heart and soul! Question to ponder: If the sky was the limit, what would you start?

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  • 一般社団法人One Young World Japanさんが再投稿しました

    Elizabeth Katherine Gamarra, MSW, MSさんのプロフィールを表示

    Mental Health Clinician | Conflict Resolution Specialist | International Relations Scholar

    Grateful to be part of the One Young World Japan family 🇨🇦 I'm especially thankful for the mentorship of Kimihito "Kimy" Okubo, Yuka Imanishi, and Daren Afshar, whose guidance has been invaluable. Key Takeaways: 1. We can’t shape a future for our grandchildren with a system built for our grandparents. 2. You don’t need to be the most well-known; you just have to show up and get your foot in the door. 3. Global cooperation feels distant, but multilateralism is not just an idea; it’s our best hope to solve crises like mental health and climate change. 4. In this digital era, we can create global movements at a speed that has never been seen before. 5. There is a lot of responsibility that comes with being in spaces like this one, and we must keep those we are serving and representing in mind. 6. Stay bold in your actions, embrace innovative solutions, and consider the impact of your choices for four generations to come. 7. In Peru, the mountains shape one’s destiny, a lesson instilled in children from an early age. They learn to revere nature and treat it with respect. Imagine if all children embraced this attitude toward the environment. 8. Everyone has a responsibility to advocate for responsible AI deployment to build a world where technology and sustainability go hand in hand. 9. Climate change is fundamentally tied to economics and social justice, necessitating the breakdown of silos to create lasting change. 10. It’s not just funding but platforms that bring together stakeholders where they showcase innovative solutions provided by refugee youth. 11. Entrepreneurship is the engine for growth, so be a junkie for growth; it means that when you hit a barrier, you’re driven to break it. 12. Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. 13. Indigenous people shouldn’t be seen as a checkbox; we need to find dynamic ways to elevate their contributions. 14. It’s not just about creating AI experts; it’s about demystifying the field and making it more accessible. 15. We are creating technologies that reflect our own perspectives, but AI innovation is primarily concentrated in the Global North, which leads to the exportation of its inherent biases. #oneyoungworld #rethinking

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  • Excited to see you grow as a result, Emre!

    Emre Caglarさんのプロフィールを表示

    Founder and Executive Director of Youth For Future | One Young World Ambassador | Empowering Youth

    The One Young World summit was the best experience I have had in my entire life. I have never gained so much inspiration and motivation from anything this much before. It is a one of a kind community and I was shocked at how amazing each person I met was. I have never been surrounded by so much passion, drive, and inspiring people each with their own initiatives and organizations. We also had the opportunity to hear from so many great speakers such as the Prime Minister of Canada. The summit ended with me (and I’m sure many others) crying both the night it ended, when I woke up, and on the flight back to Japan today. When the ambassadors said that you would make life-long friends, I didn’t believe them, but it’s only when you experience this summit, you understand what they mean. Having the privilege to come to this summit and meet so many inspirational people, it is now our responsibility to take action. And oh my Japan- we have a lot of work and catching up to do with you. I can’t wait to meet everyone again and I’m saying this because I know we will very soon. Thank you to everyone for making this the best experience of my life ❤️ Let’s all find a way to see each other next year in Munich 👋 #oneyoungworld #oyw #oyw2024 #oneyoungworldjapan #oywj #sdgs #sustainabledevelopment #oywmontreal #yff #youthforfuture #OYW24

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  • 一般社団法人One Young World Japanさんが再投稿しました

    One Young Worldの組織ページを表示


    Get familiar with our Counsellors! 🌟 We are honoured to be joined at the #OYW24 One Young World Summit Montréal/Tiohtià:ke by: Kaniehtiio Horn, Actor on the award-winning TV series Letterkenny, Writer, and Director Kimberly Teehee, Senior Vice President of Government Relations, Cherokee Nation Businesses Scott Wabano, IndigiQueer Creative Director and Stylist, CEO and President, WABANO Matcha Phorn-in, Founder and Executive Director, Sangsan Anakot Yawachon Foundation Our Counsellors will be sharing their unique perspectives and experiences throughout the Summit, exchanging ideas and helping us to platform the incredible work of the most exceptional young leaders who are changing the world. Which of our Counsellors are you excited to hear from? Let us know in the comments! #OYW #Counsellors #GlobalCommunity

  • Our Executive Director Daren Afshar ‘s post about the Send Off event last night. It was a gathering of all passionate and inspiring people! Positive vibes only! More posts to come !

    Daren Afsharさんのプロフィールを表示

    President of Winery Productions & Executive Director at One Young World Japan

    Had another great day of One Young World Japan events. Our annual Student Pitch and Send Off events are a great chance for our young stars to meet, talk, and support one another. I also get to spend my pro bono time with some of Japan’s coolest people. Special thanks to our global partner, Deloitte, for the local location support. And to Shure Japan and Quili for the audio visual expertise. We can’t do these events without this kind of amazing support from our partners! And to the inspiring volunteers who raised their hands to help out, I love you all. Thank you so much!!!! Looking forward to hearing how our 2024 Japan delegation experiences the One Young World summit in Montreal next month!!!

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