Meeting Cerecin's CEO Charles and COO Lilian Chow was truly inspiring. Our discussion revealed a shared vision and aligned goals, opening exciting possibilities for collaboration. Cerecin is developing innovative drugs targeting the metabolic basis of neurological disorders like Alzheimer's disease. At Bredis Healthcare, we're working on ultra-sensitive biomarker detection technology to measure blood biomarkers related to neurological conditions. I'm profoundly grateful to Cerecin for their kind invitation. Bredis Healthcare Inc. wholeheartedly supports Cerecin's mission and vision. As we continue our work in neurological health, we look forward to potential opportunities where we can contribute to advancements in this field together. #BredisHealthcare #Cerecin #Alzheimer #DigitalELISA #DigitalImmunoassay
Cerecin CEO Charles Stacey and COO Lilian Chow were pleased to host Jina Kim while she was in Singapore at the MustConnect innovation roadshow. Bredis Healthcare Inc. is an exciting Korean 🇰🇷company with a sensitive immunoassay technology that can detect blood biomarkers specifically linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Bredis Healthcare Inc. have bold ambitions to develop a unique cohort of Asian dementia patients to support drug development and enhance patient care. We look forward to further engagement. #alzheimer’s #collaboration #KoreaBio #teamcerecin