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Sri Lanka Standards Institution

Sri Lanka Standards Institution

Government Administration

Colombo 08 , Colombo 2,674 followers

Guardian of Quality

About us

Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) is the National Standards Body of Sri Lanka, established under the Bureau of Ceylon Standards Act No. 38 of 1964. The Institution functioned under the name of Bureau of Ceylon Standards until the Act was repealed and replaced by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution Act No. 6 of 1984. The Institution now functions under the Ministry of Technology and is governed by a Council appointed by the Minister in terms of the above Act. SLSI by virtue of being the National Standards Body in Sri Lanka is a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) which is based in Geneva. As members of the ISO, National standards Bodies exchange on reciprocal basis copies of their National standards and is responsible for disseminating information on standards, technical regulations and standards related activities to the community at national level.

Government Administration
Company size
201-500 employees
Colombo 08 , Colombo
Government Agency


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    Colombo 08 , Colombo 00800, LK

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Employees at Sri Lanka Standards Institution


  • TRAINING PROGRAMME ON GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES (GMP) FOR COSMETIC INDUSTRY 🔴 Introduction Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are highly important for Cosmetic Industry. GMPs are particle and organizational guidelines setup ensure reproducibility and the quality of the manufacturing processes of Cosmetic Products. Our local Cosmetic Manufactures requires to follow acceptable guidelines on GMP in their industry in order to deliver Quality Products. Sri Lanka Standards Institution has published a guideline on GMP for Cosmetic Industry, SLS ISO 22716:2017. This programme is mainly based on the above standard. 🔴 Objectives ⭕ To give awareness on SLS ISO 22716:2017 Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetic, for Local Cosmetics Manufactures ⭕ Improve the manufacturing practices in Local Cosmetics Manufacturing through GMP ⭕ Ensure access to global market 🔴 Course Content ⭕ Introduction to Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetic Industry ⭕ Guidelines as per the SLS ISO 22716:2017 on Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetics ⭕ Installation and implementation of GMP Systems ⭕ Certification of GMP Systems #slsi #training #qualityeducation #cosmeticsindustry #srilankastandardsinstitution #gmp #srilanka #cosmetics #education #cosmeticindustry

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  • WORKSHOP ON INTERNAL AUDITING FOR ISO 9001 :2015 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS   🔴 Introduction Once you have set up your ISO 9001 Quality System you will need to perform internal audits. This shows how the system is working and how you can improve it continually. This workshop provides the information on how to prepare an audit plan, conduct opening meetings, auditing techniques, how to find objective evidence and how to raise non conforming reports and to take follow up actions. 🔴 Objectives ⭕ To provide knowledge on audit techniques based on ISO 19011 standard ⭕ To develop qualified Internal Auditors ⭕ To support organizations for implementing effective Quality Management System by conducting Internal Audits 🔴 Course Content ⭕ Overview of ISO 9000 Standards ⭕ Requirement of Quality Management System as per ISO 9001 :2015 standards ⭕ Use of ISO 19011 Standards in Quality Auditing ⭕ Planning and Scheduling Audits ⭕ Audit Checklists and Performing the Audit ⭕ Reporting Audit Results and Follow-up Activities ⭕ Skills of the Quality Auditor   #slsi #training #quality #qualityeducation #srilankastandardsinstitution #qms #iso9001 #qmstraining #srilanka #isostandards #qualitymanagementsystems #internalaudit #internalauditor

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  • WORKSHOP ON INTERNAL AUDITING FOR ISO 45001 :2018 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 🔴 Introduction  Take the next step in occupational health and safety management today. Become an Internal Auditor with our workshop on ISO 45001 :2018 internal auditor and reap the rewards of a robust management system, achieving the highest standards of health and safety. Build employee confidence through optimum working standards and continuous improvement. Learn how to deliver structured internal audits in line with ISO 45001 :2018 requirements. 🔴 Objectives ⭕ To provide knowledge on audit techniques based on ISO 19011 ⭕ To develop qualified Internal Auditors  ⭕ To support organizations for implementing effective Occupational Health and Safety Management System by conducting Internal Audits 🔴 Course Content ⭕ Overview of ISO 45001 :2018 Standard ⭕ Requirements of ISO 45001 :2018 Standard ⭕ Use of ISO 19011 Standard in Auditing ⭕ Planning and Scheduling Audits ⭕ Audit Checklists and Procedures ⭕ Performing the Audit ⭕ Reporting audit Results and Follow - up Activities ⭕ Assignments #slsi #training #quality #qualityeducation #isostandards #srilankastandardsinstitution #ohsms #iso45001 #iso450012018 #ohsas #ohssafety #ohs #srilanka #safetymanagementsystem #internalaudit #internalauditor #occupationalhealthandsafety

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  • CERTIFICATE COURSE IN FOOD QUALITY MANAGEMENT 🔴 Introduction Food quality management assures the health and safety of food products and has become increasingly important in today's society due to changing consumer needs, increasing competition, governmental interests and global requirements. This has resulted in a turbulent situation on the food market and in the food chain. The situation is further complicated by the complex characteristics of food and food ingredients, which include aspects such as variability, restricted shelf life and potential safety hazards; as well as many chemical, biochemical, physical and microbiological processes. This course is designed to provide required knowledge for continuous improvement in food quality management methods with application of modern technologies and management methods. 🔴 Objectives ⭕ To impart basic knowledge on Food Quality Management ⭕ To build confident personals in Food Industry ⭕ To develop Junior Managers for implementation and maintaining of Food Safety and Quality Management Systems ⭕ To provide a platform to enter the Diploma in Food Quality Management 🔴 Course Content ⭕ Basic concepts of quality and TQM for Food Quality ⭕ Standardization, Food Standards and Regulations ⭕ 5S Housekeeping Practices ⭕ Sampling, Data Collection and Summarization ⭕ Quality Control Tools (Q7) and New Seven Management Tools (N7) ⭕ Problem Solving Process ⭕ Nutritional Aspects of Food ⭕ Principles of Food Microbiology, Food Chemistry, Food Analysis and Food Preservation ⭕ Sensory Evaluation Technique ⭕ Food Packaging ⭕ Food Plant Layout ⭕ Food Safety Management Systems - GMP, HACCP, ISO 22000 ⭕ ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS, Organic Certification and Internal Auditing ⭕ Measurement Assurance, ISO 17025 Laboratory Accreditation ⭕ Product Certification #slsi #training #quality #qualityeducation #foodquality #srilankastandardsinstitution #qm #srilanka #qualitymanagement #foodqualitymanagement #education #certificationcourse #undergraduate #postgraduatestudies #foodsafety #catering #restaurants #foodandbeverage #foodhygiene #haccp #fsms #gmp #iso22000 #foodindustry #online #onlineeducation

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  • අවන්හල්, හෝටල්, භෝජනාගාර සහ ආහාරපාන සැපයුම් සේවා සදහා මනා සෞඛ්යාරක්ෂිත නිෂ්පාදන පිළිවෙත් භාවිතය (GMP) පිළිබද පුහුණු පාඨමාලාව TRAINING PROGRAMME ON FOOD HYGIENE & GMP FOR RESTAURANTS AND CATERING ESTABLISHMENTS 🔴 Introduction Food Poisoning at restaurants and catering establishments is generally caused by negligence or ignorance and consequently most experts in food hygiene believe that a reduction in the high level of food poisoning cases will only be achieved by the education of food handlers. The correct handling of food at all stages in its receiving, preparation, serving, storage, distribution and sale is essential to ensure that the food remains safe and wholesome. This in turn will ensure a profitable operation by reducing food spoilage and exposure of customers to food poisoning. The training will also equip participants with the knowledge on crucial elements of the prerequisite programmes (PRP) of food and beverage industries and aid the company towards future implementation of a HACCP system/FSMS. 🔴 Objectives ⭕ To impart knowledge on Food Hygiene and GMP ⭕ To create the platform for HACCP and Food Safety Management System certification ⭕ To strengthen Restaurants and catering establishments for Legal compliance 🔴 Course Content ⭕ Introduction to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) ⭕ SLS 143:2022 and SLS 956:2016 Requirements ⭕ Food Act and its Regulations, Documentation of GMP System ⭕ Installation and implementation of GMP System ⭕ Certification of GMP System #slsi #training #quality #qualityeducation #srilankastandardsinstitution #gmp #srilanka #foodsafety #foodquality #catering #restaurants #haccp #fsms #sls #foodandbeverage #foodhygiene

  • AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON ISO 14001:2015 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 🔴Introduction Having effective Environmental Management System is highly important for any business. ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for Environmental Management Systems. It helps organizations to improve their environmental performances through efficient use of resources and reduce waste giving a competitive advantage and trust of stakeholders. This one day programme enables participants to familiarizes with the requirements/ refresh the requirements of ISO 14001 :2015. 🔴Objectives ⭕To provide awareness on the requirements of ISO 14001 :2015 ⭕To facilitate industries for continual improvement of their Environmental Management Systems ⭕To facilitate Industries for International Trading 🔴Course Content ⭕Overview of Environmental Management System ⭕Detail requirements of ISO 14001 standard ⭕Documentation of Environmental Management System #slsi #training #quality #qualityeducation #srilanka #srilankastandardsinstitution #isostandards #iso14001 #ems #emstraining #environmentalmanagementsystem

  • TRAINING PROGRAMME ON TEAM WORK AND ROLE OF QUALITY CIRCLES IN TOTAL EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION 🔴 Introduction "When teamwork kicks in, nobody can beat you". Whether it's two people, a department, or an organization, teams are the means by which great things get done. Unfortunately, not all work groups exhibit teamwork. So, how can groups develop this sense of community and cohesiveness? When and how does teamwork kick in? The key is effective teamwork training. This course will show the delegates the basics of teamwork and problem solving. The course will ensure that all team members have a unified approach to problem solving. Although this effort appears simple, unless delegates have the same approach, there will be undue waste of time since employees cannot agree on a common method of problem solving. The course shows how the 7 QC Tools are used in problem solving through Quality Circles. 🔴 Objectives ⭕ To impart knowledge on teamwork and Quality Circles ⭕ To promote total employee participation through teamwork and Quality Circles ⭕ To facilitate organizations for effective problem solving techniques ⭕ To support organizations to improve Productivity and Quality 🔴 Course Content ⭕ Teamwork ⭕ Concept of Quality Circles ⭕ Application of Seven Tools of Quality Control ⭕ Problem Solving through Quality Circles ⭕ Assignments #slsi #teamwork #qualitycircles #training #employeeengagement #problemsolving #qualitymanagement #productivity #leadership #teamdevelopment #continuousimprovement #workplaceexcellence #qc #collaboration

  • Diploma in Quality Management 🔴 Introduction Quality Management will ensure the effective design of processes that verify customer needs, plan, design and develop products or services. This also incorporates monitoring and measurement of all process elements, analysis of performance and the continual improvement of the products, processes and services which are delivered to delight the customer. Quality Management is also referred to as business management or integrated management. 🔴 Objectives ⭕ To impart comprehensive knowledge on Quality Management ⭕ To build qualified, confident Quality Managers in Industry ⭕ To develop professionals for establishment, implementation and maintaining of Quality Management Systems ⭕ To enhance the understanding of management principles, disciplines, techniques and quality management methods which are necessary to apply to sustain the organizational strategy ⭕ To enrich the knowledge to understand the impact of quality for organizational performance 🔴 Course Content ⭕ Basic Concepts of Quality and Standardization ⭕ Human Aspects in Quality Management ⭕ Statistical Process Control (SPC) - 01 ⭕ Statistical Process Control (SPC) - 02 ⭕ Management Techniques in Quality ⭕ System Approach for Quality ⭕ Organization for Quality ⭕ Productivity and Special Topics #slsi #training #quality #qualityeducation #srilankastandardsinstitution #diplomacourse #qm #srilanka #diploma

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  • The Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) participated in the exhibition and business clinic held as part of the “New Exporter Development Program,” organized by the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) on February 18, 2025. The event, centered around the Eastern University in Batticaloa, aimed to support entrepreneurs in the Eastern Province.   During the event, SLSI provided valuable insights into the certifications required for entrepreneurs supplying goods and services to international markets and highlighted the range of services offered by the institution. 2025.02.18 දින ශ්රී ලංකා අපනයන සංවර්ධන මණ්ඩලය විසින් නැගෙනහිර පළාතේ වෙසෙන ව්යවසායකයින් ඉලක්ක කරගනිමින් මඩකළපුවේ පිහිටි නැගෙනහිර විශ්වවිද්යාලය කේන්ද්ර කරගනිමින් පවත්වන ලද “නව අපනයන ව්යවසාය සංවර්ධන වැඩසටහන” ට සමගාමීව පැවැත් වූ ප්රදර්ශනය හා ව්යාපාර සායනය සදහා ශ්රී ලංකා ප්රමිති ආයතනය සහභාගි වන ලදී.  මෙහිදී විදේශීය වෙළෙඳපොළ වෙත භාණ්ඩ හා සේවාවන් සපයන ව්යවසායකයින් සඳහා අවශ්ය වන සහතිකකරුවන් පිළිබඳ හා ශ්රී ලංකා ප්රමිති ආයතනය විසින් ලබාගත හැකි සේවාවන් පිළිබඳ දැනුවත් කරන ලදී. #SLSI #Standardization #ExportDevelopment #QualityMatters #Entrepreneurship #BusinessGrowth #EasternProvince #Batticaloa #SriLanka

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  • 🌙 Wishing You a Blessed Maha Sivarathri 🌙 Maha Sivarathri is a sacred night of devotion, reflection and renewal. As we honor Lord Shiva, may this day inspire inner peace, strength and harmony in our lives. May you and your loved ones be blessed with wisdom, prosperity and spiritual growth on this auspicious occasion. 🕊️🙏 #SLSI #Quality #SriLankaStandardsInstitution #SriLanka #MahaShivaratri #Shivaratri #Sivarathri #Peace #Harmony #Reflection #Blessings #Devotion #CulturalCelebration #SriLankanTraditions #TempleVisit #Meditation #SpiritualGrowth #Enlightenment #Shiva

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