Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University | VU TSPMI

Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University | VU TSPMI

Higher Education

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Institute of International Relations and Political Science is one of the most prominent social sciences institutions in Central Eastern Europe and the Baltic region. Institute of International Relations and Political Science has been present in the academic and political life of Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic region since its establishment in 1992, has achieved a wide range of academic accomplishments and can boast rich tradition of hosting high level politicians, diplomats and distinguished speakers at its premises. While first focusing mostly on educating the future members of Lithuanian diplomatic corps, the Institute has gradually enlarged its focus to educating people with a wider range of knowledge and capabilities which empower them to work in a range of public administration, non governmental and private institutions, to continue learning in their future carriers. Being the leading institution in the country it has set in its newest Strategic plan the goal of establishing itself as the leading education and research institution in the Baltic region.

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Employees at Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University | VU TSPMI


  • 📣 We are glad to introduce the seventh session of the Annual Lithuanian Political Science Conference “Reflections on Public Memory: Local and National Histories in Transition” that will take place on the 6th of December, 10:45-12:15! (The session will be held in English) Four presentations will be given during the hybrid format session: 📌Rūta Matimaitytė “Transformation of Little Germans into Wolf Children: A Perspective through Public History” (Vilnius University, EUROPAST) 📌Rūta Vyšniauskaitė “Voices of Public History at the National and Local Levels: the case of the Vilnius Region” (Vilnius University, EUROPAST) 📌Giorgio Ruggeri “From Propaganda to Public History: Creation and Circulation of the Footage of Lithuania’s Recovery of Vilnius in October 1939” (Lithuanian Institute of History, Vilnius University, EUROPAST) 📌Viktorija Rimaitė-Beržiūnienė “The Concept of Positive De-Sovietization and New Monument Making in post-Soviet Space” (Vilnius University, EUROPAST) Moderator of the session: Jogilė Ulinskaitė (Vilnius University) 🔗Read the programme here: 🔗Registration: We are looking forward to meeting you on 5-6 December!

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  • 🇱🇹 Šeštoji metinės Lietuvos politikos mokslų konferencijos sesija „Rinkimų geografija ir vertybių atstovavimas“ jau ne už kalnų - prisijunkite gruodžio 6 d., 9:00-10:30! Šioje sesijoje išgirsite keturis pranešimus: 📌Giedrius Kanapka „Žmonių įsivaizdavimas apie Seimo sudėtį: kas paaiškina neatitikimus?“ (Vilniaus universitetas) 📌Gabrielė Burbulytė-Tsiskarishvili „Moterų dalis savivaldybių tarybų rinkimuose Lietuvoje (1995-2023): 2011 ir 2023 metų rinkimai kaip lūžio momentas“ (Klaipėdos universitetas) 📌Dovydas Vidzbelis „2016 – 2024 metų Seimo rinkimų aktyvumo ir politinių preferencijų geografinė analizė“ (Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centras) 📌Domantas Undzėnas „Parama radikaliai dešinei rinkimų apylinkėse ir apygardose: 2020 ir 2024 m. rinkimų atvejis“ (Manheimo universitetas, Vokietija) Sesijos moderatorė: Gražina Bielousova (Viliaus universitetas) 🔗Susipažinkite su programa čia: 🔗Registracija į renginį: Iki susitikimo gruodžio 5-6 dienomis! - 🇬🇧 The sixth session of the Annual Lithuanian Political Science Conference “Electoral Geography and Value Representation” is just around the corner – join on the 6th of December at 9:00-10:30! In this session, you will hear four presentations: 📌Giedrius Kanapka “People's Perceptions on the Composition of the Seimas: What Explains the Discrepancies?” (Vilnius University) 📌Gabrielė Burbulytė-Tsiskarishvili “Share of Women in the Municipal Elections in Lithuania (1995-2023): 2011 and 2023 Elections as the Breaking Point” (Klaipėda University) 📌Dovydas Vidzbelis “Geographical Analysis of Voter Turnout and Political Preferences in 2016-2024 Seimas Elections” (Lithuanian Centre of Social Sciences) 📌Domantas Undzėnas “Support for Radical Right in the Electoral Districts and Constituencies: The Case of 2020 and 2024 Elections” (University of Mannheim, Germany) Moderator of the session: Gražina Bielousova (Vilnius University) 🔗Find the programme of the event here: 🔗Registration to the event: We are looking forward to meeting you on 5-6 December!

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  • 🇱🇹 Pasiruoškite ketvirtajai metinės Lietuvos politikos mokslų konferencijos sesijai „Sąmokslaujant rinkimuose“, kuri vyks jau gruodžio 5 d., 13:30-15:00! Sesijos metu bus pristatyti keturi pranešimai: 📌Linas Šimašius „Darnus vystymasis kaip radikalaus visuomenės pertvarkymo ideologija – Agenda 21/2030 atvejis“ (Vilniaus universitetas) 📌Gintautas Grigonis „Tropiniai ciklonai JAV kaip geoinžinerijos projektas“ (Vilniaus universitetas) 📌Mindaugas Matulionis „Didžiojo pakeitimo teorija“ (Vilniaus universitetas) 📌Vilius Mačkinis, Aurimas Petkus, Rokas Valentinavičius „Politinės idėjos „Project 2025“: respublikoniško tapatumo, konservatizmo ideologijos ir populizmo apraiškos naujausiame „mandate lyderystei““ (Vilniaus universitetas) Sesijos moderatoriai: Jogilė Ulinskaitė ir Gintas Karalius (Vilniaus universitetas) 🔗Susipažinkite su programa čia: 🔗Registracija į renginį: Iki susitikimo gruodžio 5 – 6 dienomis! - 🇬🇧 Get ready for the fourth session of the Annual Lithuanian Political Science Conference “Conspiring in Elections”, which will take place on the 5th of December, 13:30-15:00! (Session will be held in Lithuanian) Four presentations will be given during the session, including: 📌Linas Šimašius “Sustainable Development as an Ideology of Radical Social Transformation – the Case of Agenda 21/2030” (Vilnius University) 📌Gintautas Grigonis “Tropical Cyclones in the US as a Geoengineering Project” (Vilnius University) 📌Mindaugas Matulionis “Great Replacement Theory” (Vilnius University) 📌Vilius Mačkinis, Aurimas Petkus, Rokas Valentinavičius “Political Ideas in "Project 2025": Manifestations of Republican Identity, Conservatism Ideology and Populism in the Latest "Mandate for Leadership"” (Vilnius University) Moderators of the session: Jogilė Ulinskaitė and Gintas Karalius (Vilnius University) 🔗Read the programme here: 🔗Registration: See you on 5-6 December!

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  • 🇱🇹 Pristatome dar vieną metinės Lietuvos politikos mokslų konferencijos sesiją „Augimo modelių politinė ekonomija“. Sesijoje dalyvauti kviečiame gruodžio 5 d., 15:15-16:45!   Sesijos metu bus pristatyti keturi pranešimai:  📌Simonas Algirdas Spurga „Baltijos šalių augimo modelis: subalansuotas augimas EPS valdysenos kontekste“ (Vilniaus universitetas) 📌Giedrė Dzemydaitė „Ekonomikos persiorientavimas į naujas veiklos sritis: Baltijos šalių patirtis“ (Vilniaus universitetas) 📌Marius Kalanta „Apmokestinant bankų pelnus Europoje: augimo modelių perspektyva“ (Vilniaus universitetas) 📌Vytautas Kuokštis „Konvergencija euro zonoje: darbo rinkos koordinavimas, lankstumas, ar institucijų kokybė?“ (Vilniaus universitetas) Sesijos moderatorius: Linas Mickus (Vilniaus universitetas)   🔗Susipažinkite su programa čia:  🔗Registracija į renginį:    Iki susitikimo gruodžio 5-6 dienomis!   -  🇬🇧 We are glad to introduce one more session of the Annual Lithuanian Political Science Conference “The Political Economy of Growth Models”. Join the session on the 5th of December at 15:15-16:45! (Session will be held in Lithuanian)   Four presentations will be given during the session:   📌Simonas Algirdas Spurga “The Baltic Growth Model: Balanced Growth in the Context of EMU Governance” (Vilnius University) 📌Giedrė Dzemydaitė “Shifting the Economy Towards New Activities: The Baltic Experience” (Vilnius University) 📌Marius Kalanta “Taxing Bank Profits in Europe: The Perspective of Growth Models” (Vilnius University) 📌Vytautas Kuokštis “Convergence in the Euro Area: Labour Market Coordination, Flexibility or Quality of Institutions” (Vilnius University)   Moderator of the session: Linas Mickus (Vilnius University)   🔗Read the programme here:  🔗Registration:    We are looking forward to meeting you on 5-6 December!  

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  • Zamir Aiylchyev, a visiting scholar from Kyrgyzstan, is currently conducting comparative research “Comparative analysis of the experience of the Baltic States and Kyrgyzstan in preventing corruption” on the anti-corruption practices of the Baltic States and his home country. Through his research, he seeks to determine how the scientific studies and practices he explores in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia could be adapted to the context of Kyrgyzstan. Find out more about the key insights and main challenges of the study in the post!

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  • The annual Lithuanian Political Science Conference is just a week away! The keynote speech "Bringing the People Back In: From an Organisational to an Evolutionary Paradigm in Party Studies" will be delivered on the 5th of December at 9.15 by Professor Allan Sikk from the University College London. 🔗Check the conference programme here: 🔗Registration: See you 5-6 December!

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  • 🇱🇹Kviečiame į gruodžio 5 d., 13:30-15:00 vyksiančią trečiąją metinės Lietuvos politikos mokslų konferencijos sesiją „Savivaldos vaidmuo nacionaliniuose rinkimuose“! Gyvai ir nuotoliniu būdu vyksiančioje sesijoje išgirsite keturis pranešimus: 📌Audris Narbutas „Iš savivaldybės į parlamentą. Savivalda kaip rinkiminė technologija“ (Kauno technologijos universitetas) 📌Gabrielė Burbulytė-Tsiskarishvili „Nuo liberalų miesto iki Nemuno aušros citadelės: kam priklauso Klaipėda?“ (Klaipėdos universitetas) 📌Ainius Lašas „Politinis Lietuvos didmiesčių identitetas“ (Kauno technologijos universitetas) 📌Linas Kontrimas „Tikėtas netikėtumo faktorius rinkimuose: naujos jėgos politiniame žaidime“ (Vilniaus universitetas) Sesijos moderatorius: Vaidas Morkevičius (Kauno technologijos universitetas) 🔗Susipažinkite su programa čia: 🔗Registracija į renginį: Iki susitikimo gruodžio 5-6 dienomis! - 🇬🇧We are excited to present you the third session of the Annual Lithuanian Political Science Conference “The Role of Local Government in National Elections” on the 5th of December at 13:30-15:00! The hybrid format session will feature four presentations, including: 📌Audris Narbutas “From a Municipality to the Parliament. Local Government as an Electoral Technology” (Kaunas University of Technology) 📌Gabrielė Burbulytė-Tsiskarishvili “From the Liberals’ City to the Citadel of Nemuno aušra: Who Owns Klaipėda?” (Klaipėda University) 📌Ainius Lašas “The Political Identity of Lithuanian Cities” (Kaunas University of Technology) 📌Linas Kontrimas “The Expected Surprise Factor in the Elections: New Forces in the Political Game” (Vilnius University) Moderator of the session: Vaidas Morkevičius (Kaunas University of Technology) 🔗Find the programme of the event here: 🔗Registration to the event: We are looking forward to meeting you on 5-6 December!

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  • 📣We are glad to introduce the second session of the Annual Lithuanian Political Science Conference “The Politics of War and Words: Institutions and Public Sentiment in Conflict”! (session will be held in English) Four presentations will be given during the session: 📌Konstantinas Lotiuk “Wartime democracy: Ukrainian democracy and europeanisation in the context of Russian military aggression” (Klaipėda University) 📌Kirill Shamiev, Margarita Zavadskaya “The influence of military elite cues on public opinion in Russia: a survey experiment on civil-military relations during the Russo-Ukrainian war” (European Council on Foreign Relations; Finnish Institute of International Affairs) 📌Dovilė Jakniūnaitė “How to survive multiple crises: routinisation of emergencies in Lithuania, 2020-2023” (Vilnius University) 📌Thomas Peak “Talking of war: metaphor, language, modernity, and the inadvertent makings of 'international' conflict” (Vilnius University) Moderator of the session: Ieva Giedraitytė (Vilnius University) 🔗Find the conference programme here: 🔗Registration: See you on 5-6 December!

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  • 🇱🇹Pristatome pirmąją metinės Lietuvos politikos mokslų konferencijos sesiją „2024 m. rinkimai Lietuvoje ir visuomenės poliarizacija: naujos ar senos skirtys?“ Sesijos metu bus skaitomi keturi pranešimai: 📌Ainė Ramonaitė „Ideologinė ar emocinė poliarizacija? Lietuvos partinis laukas po 2024 m. Seimo rinkimų“ (Vilniaus universitetas) 📌Mažvydas Jastramskis „Vėgėlė, Žemaitaitis ir Vaitkus: kas už juos balsavo ir kaip šis balsas paveikė pačių rinkėjų įsitikinimus?“ (Vilniaus universitetas) 📌Ieva Petronytė – Urbonavičienė „Požiūrio į LGBTQ+ skirtis Lietuvoje: kaip suvokiama, kaip išgyvenama ir kaip (ne)virsta politine elgsena Lietuvos miestuose ir miesteliuose?“ (Vilniaus universitetas) 📌Liucija Vervečkienė „Centras ir periferija atminties politikos diskursuose: 2024 m. Seimo rinkimų kontekstas“ (Vilniaus universitetas) Sesijos moderatorė: Rūta Žiliukaitė (Vilniaus universitetas) 🔗Susipažinkite su programa čia: 🔗Registracija į renginį: Iki susitikimo gruodžio 5-6 dienomis! - 🇬🇧 We are glad to introduce the first session of the Annual Lithuanian Political Science Conference “The 2024 elections in Lithuania and the polarisation of society: new or old cleavages?” (Event will be held in Lithuanian) Four presentations will be given during the session: 📌Ainė Ramonaitė “Ideological or Emotional Polarisation? Lithuanian Partisan Landscape After 2024 Seimas Elections” (Vilnius University) 📌Mažvydas Jastramskis “Vėgėlė, Žemaitaitis, and Vaitkus: Who Voted for Them and How Did This Vote Affect the Beliefs of Voters?” (Vilnius University) 📌Ieva Petronytė – Urbonavičienė “Differences in Attitudes towards LGBTQ+ in Lithuania: How Is It Understood, How Is It Experienced, and How Does It (Not) Become Political Behaviour in Lithuanian Cities and Towns” (Vilnius University) 📌Liucija Vervečkienė „Centre and Periphery in the Discourses of Politics of Memory: The Context of 2024 Seimas Elections” (Vilnius University) Moderator of the session: Rūta Žiliukaitė (Vilnius University) 🔗Read the programme here: 🔗Registration: We are looking forward to meeting you on 5-6 December!

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  • Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University | VU TSPMI reposted this

    This year’s #GNBF2024 kicks off in Vilnius, hosted by Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University | VU TSPMI. After welcome remarks from Ingrida Šimonytė, Anna Lührmann, Funda Tekin, and Vilius Mačkinis, the opening discussion centred on EU and NATO security and defence cooperation. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania | #StandWithUkraine#StandWithUkraine) shared a Baltic perspective in his keynote speech which was followed by a panel discussion with Malena Britz (Försvarshögskolan - Swedish Defence University) and Cornelius Zimmermann (German Embassy to Lithuania) that brought in Nordic and German viewpoints. In light of the shifting global security architecture, bolstering the cohesion and interplay between both organisations is crucial. At #GNBF2024 experts and strategists gather to seek solutions.   #EU #NATO #Security #Defence #Democracy #Resilience #Zeitenwende 

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