ironstone, a tool tote, bottles & tags

by | May 27, 2016 | All Things Home, Antiques, Dining Room, Favorite Finds, Ironstone, My House | 17 comments

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After all of the craziness of Lucketts, I decided to take the week off.  I knew I probably would, so I cleared the calendar.  Sometimes I think I’ll want a break and then I don’t. I feel the momentum and I am raring to go.  This time I thought I would want a break and I was right.  I really needed it.  So, I had a “jammie day” and splurged on a massage and I even did a little antique shopping just for me.

I thought I would share those finds as well a few things I picked up at Lucketts (when I was “walking around to warm my feet.”)

One of those Lucketts purchases was this large ironstone footed bowl.  My mom and Kriste shook their heads when I pulled it out of the bag to show it to them.  Mom asked, “Don’t you already have one like that?”

“No, not like this.”

And it’s even more beautiful filled to the brim with sweet cherries.  They are my very favorite and I eagerly await cherry season each year.

That’s a bowl full of yumminess, right there.

I also picked up these ceramic German mailbox tags…

It’s the kind of thing that can be used a million ways.  I’m not sure how I’m going to use them, but they spoke to me and I couldn’t ignore them.

I also took a leisurely stroll through an antique store yesterday and just looked for things for myself.  I realized I don’t do that very much any more.  Sometimes I keep things for myself, but I’m almost always shopping for things to sell.  It was nice to focus just on things I would like for my house.

I bought this tool tote for $30.  I liked the shape and color of it and thought it would look perfect on my dining room table.

I filled it with three pots of anouk lavender planted in antique grain buckets.  (Believe it or not, I get my lavender from Wal-Mart.  Yep, even those pretty topiaries!  I repot them to sell, but that’s my “secret source”.)

I also picked up these old glass bottles with ceramic lids for $8.00/each.

I actually bought them from Hanover, so it’s cool that they are a local find.  Antiques can travel pretty far, so it’s not always common to find ones that have stayed put (or came back home.)

The glass is just the prettiest color, isn’t it?


I’ll share a few more of my Lucketts finds in another post as well as details on the indigo dyed linen napkins…

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    1. Sue

      How did you know I was wanting to hear about those napkins – LOL! Gorgeous pictures and glad you are chilling out this week.

      • carswell

        LOL – me too. I was admiring them as I was scrolling down the post and wondering where they came from.

    2. nancy w.

      Love the sweet cherries too. I have mine in a light green glass bowl. Am enjoying both the sight & taste.

    3. DeAnna

      When I was a child, my very dear neighbors had a great big garden and in the middle of it was a cherry tree. It would drive me absolutely crazy waiting for those cherries to ripen. It was usually August before we could pick them, but oh how delicious and special they were.

      I’m loving your ironstone bowl. Out here on the west coast, I don’t really see ironstone. I’ve come across 3 small pieces from two estate sales and that’s it. I’d love it if you had more for sale on your online store 🙂

      Glad you were able to get some rest and take some time for yourself. Enjoy your weekend!

    4. Paula Britt

      I would love to know if you have t-shirts for sale. I would love one you took to Lucketts.

      • Sheila

        Me too!

    5. Ronnie Gunn Tucker

      YES! The napkins! They definitely stopped me in my blogger tracks!

    6. Janice

      The pedestal ironstone bowl is a keeper Marion. I love it! The cherries look perfect and I can see putting greenery in it as well.

    7. Caroline English

      I bought a bunch of the german mailbox tags too — and for exactly the same reason – they just spoke to me! For now I have them in a little ironstone compote, not sure what else I’ll do with them! Did you happen to research the stamp on the bottom of the footed bowl? It looked french to me! So glad your Dad was feeling better after that ordeal and got back home. Hope he continues to feel good.

    8. Chris @ Zion Springs

      My Friday morning B&B guests went to see you bright and early that morning and related that next year I just need to take the morning off! So much was gone by the end of that first day!

      You introduced me to ironstone and I love it! Can you give me an idea of how much a footed fruit ball cost you? Also, I have been hunting like crazy for those baby tear drops for the oval bowl that is just waiting for them. I’ve been checking Wall-mart, Home Depot, and Lowe’s in Leesburg. Any ideas where I might find them? And lastly, what might be the best way for me to find some of my own Ironstone?

      Just know I love reading your thoughts on living life so beautifully!

      Chris at Zion Springs

    9. Lynn Mosher

      Love it! As always! So glad you’re taking some *me time.* Hubs just bought me a big bag of cherries. I’m in cherry heaven! 😀

    10. Kay

      Oh, the cherries! Who, besides me, thought of the illustrator, Mary Engelbreit’s, famous poster: Life Is Just A Chair Of Bowlies? Anyway, I rarely buy something just for me. If I’m not getting something to repurpose + sell, I’m finding just the perfect small “just because” gift for someone (usually grandkids!)

    11. Pam

      I am always jealous of the East Coast finds! Here in So California they are pretty difficult to find, and when you do they are super expensive. I enjoy seeing them on your site!

    12. Barbara Tilton

      ANOUK Lavender?? Not just “lavender”?
      You’ve come a long way, baby.

    13. Haley B.

      First, I love it all!
      I live in the Pacific Northwest and frequent estate sales. I have never seen ironstone.
      What did you price your ironstone at the Lucketts sale?
      And I’m curious which furniture pieces were left after the the sale was over?

      Thank you for blogging so frequently. I look forward to every post.

    14. Lauren

      Love the finds, so glad you had a much needed break, you deserve it!

      Lauren | Lovely Decor


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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