vintage ribbon & trim haul

Last Saturday, Jeff walked into the kitchen as I was making breakfast and said, "It's too hot to do anything outside, but I don't want to sit around the house all day.  Let's go somewhere. Let's...

summer shoe shopping with Walmart

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Walmart.  As always, all words and opinions are honest and my own. Just as I take a splurge and save approach when it comes to decorating my home, I apply the...

home editing | 1970 home renovation

When we live in a house for a while, it's easy to become blind to things that should be obvious eyesores.  Something that bothered us initially becomes something we don't even notice.  Such was the...

lessons from a whelk

I've already shared about my love of collecting shells that look like they have a story to tell.  I like ones with holes, imperfections, and shells that have been repurposed by new owners like...

a plush, pet-friendly wool rug

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Rugs USA.  As always, all words and opinions expressed are honest and my own. Almost ten years ago, I wrote a blog post sharing my decorating nemesis - rugs.  I...
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vintage ribbon & trim haul

vintage ribbon & trim haul

Last Saturday, Jeff walked into the kitchen as I was making breakfast and said, "It's too hot to do anything outside, but I don't want to sit around the house all day.  Let's go somewhere. Let's...

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lessons from a whelk

lessons from a whelk

I've already shared about my love of collecting shells that look like they have a story to tell.  I like ones with holes, imperfections, and shells that have been repurposed by new owners like...

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bird bath happenings

bird bath happenings

I don't have a lot of garden memories since I spent the majority of my childhood in military housing apartments overseas, but as I've shared before, the garden memories I do have are from my Oma and...

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Lucketts Spring Market 2024

Lucketts Spring Market 2024

Friday morning, my mom and I set off early to hit the Lucketts Spring Market Early Bird day.  I had scouted out some large terracotta pots for my espalier apple trees that were only available at the...

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why Annabelle hydrangeas are my favorite

why Annabelle hydrangeas are my favorite

It was our first summer in our house in Minnesota and I noticed some potted white hydrangeas at the grocery store (of all places.)  We had a lot of work to do on the garden beds before we were ready...

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Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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