guest room to boy’s room

by | Jul 26, 2016 | Boy's Bedroom, Guest Room, My House | 33 comments

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My boys have been sharing a room from the point when my youngest, Calvin, was sleeping through the night.  They are 19 months apart and both boys, so it’s just made sense to have them share a room.

Now that they are nine and almost eight, I’m seeing that they are both craving their own space.  Since they have the same interests and are so close in age they pretty much share everything.  While they are best friends and get along most of the time, there is definitely a little too much togetherness and that’s showing as they pick at each other.

So, we have decided to turn the guest room into Calvin’s room.  We only use it a few times a year for guests, so it really makes sense to claim it for one of the boys.

I honestly resisted the idea for a while, but I thought back to my own childhood, when we lived in 900 square foot military housing and I had to give up my room and bunk with my brother whenever guests came.  Having a dedicated guest room may feel like a “need”, but it really isn’t.  Especially when that space can be used every day.


I admit that I will miss having it as one of my “pretty rooms”, but that’s a silly reason to have a room go unused most of the time.

We’ll keep the same bed, so that guests can still stay there when they visit.  I’ll swap out the bedding, curtains and accessories, though, so it looks more boyish.  That means the raspberry buffalo check curtains are coming down, along with the paintings, etc.

He is going to use the dresser that’s in here, but we’ll reorient it in the space.  The dresser and the mirror currently cover the opening to an empty, very small and impractical, 1940’s era closet.  (Which is why it’s covered up.)  We’ll move some of his clothes, shoes, etc. in there.

This switch means I’m most likely going to be selling some things, but I’ll have to shuffle stuff around and see what’s left without a perfect place in our home.

I’m a little excited to have a good excuse to rework a few things in the house.  You know how I am when it comes to moving furniture…

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    1. Gayle

      Dibs on the raspberry Buffalo check curtains! Can’t wait to see your latest update.

      • Patricia

        I’m in line right after you!
        Marion, do you remember where you the fabric for those curtains came from? I have the worst time finding buffalo check at a reasonable price!

    2. Karen from

      I know he will love having his own space. What fun it will be to re-decorate!! I love how their shared room turned out and am confident this new room will be just as charming!

    3. Karin

      Hi there Marian. If you will be selling the bedside sconces I would love to purchase them as I have admired them for quite some time. If not would you tell me where they came from? Additionally, if the blue and white long pillow would be available I would love to here from you. Even better if it is a Marian original! I read that you may be selling some items and I just wanted to inquire. Many thanks! P.S. – Your son will love his new room (but I bet he will miss his brother a little bit too).

    4. Becky

      Ahhh…you are such a good mom! My boys loved having their own space, too. They do need their own space as they get older. Though I’m happy for them, I will surely miss seeing your beautiful guest bedroom. It has been an inspiration to me. May I ask you where you found the goldish colored bed linens?

    5. Kimberley

      Marian – I think you should sell the curtains on eBay this time, I think you will be shocked at how much they will go for ;). Can’t wait to see what you do. It will be amazing as always!!!!

    6. Penny

      Hi I absolutely love everything in the guest room but sadly live in the other side of the world so it wouldnt help if I begged for a chair !! :-)( maybe you could tell me what paint you used for the boys room? Its absolutely stunning

    7. carol

      Just don’t go crazy and make the new room Va Tech themed….we Wahoo’s love their joint room so!

    8. Sharon

      I would love to buy the yellow quilt and shams, if you are selling

    9. Anne

      I just saw your list of events on the right side of the blog and for the first time it clicked that you live in Biglerville! I’d never even heard of it until we started buying apples at Hollabaugh’s a couple autumns ago. I’ve pictured you near Gettysburg all this time. What a beautiful corner of Pennsylvania you have!

    10. Wendy from

      Our youngest is moving to college next month. So we are finally changing from boys room to guest room!

    11. Nancy @ Slightly Coastal

      This is such a smart decision. I’m a firm believer in using all of your house every day and not creating spaces that are “just for show”or used so infrequently. I have a four bedroom, two boys, and we opted to make our 4th bedroom a hang out space for them rather than a spare room. Best decision ever.

    12. Lori W.


      I would love to purchase the buffalo check drapes for my daughter’s room as well as the wedding ring quilt if you are selling those. She has my great-great aunt’s white cast iron bed which has been passed down from my Grammie to me and now to her, and these would look beautiful in her room. I cannot wait to see what you do with this room for Master Calvin! I am sure he will love it.

    13. Paula

      I would love the yellow quilt and shams if yiu are selling 🙂

    14. Heidi

      Dear Marian, I am sure you could make that cupboard into something special and practical. I live in a 1960’s bungalow with absolutely no cupboards, only those installed after the build. I have wondered why that should be. I have come to the conclusion right or wrong, that the bungalow was built in a time when we all had less stuff! Which reminds me if kne if your recent posts. I am open to new ideas as to why there is a kack of storage here. In the mean time I kniw you have the vusion and skills to make a wow out if thar cupboard. Maybe you could ask readers hiw they have dealt with similar spaces in their own homes. From recent posts about the landscape dresser i know you are pishing the boundaries and i am fascinated to see what you come up with!

      Much love


    15. Susan Guillebeau

      First dibs on the picture with the blue eggs. There is NO DOUBT you will find a place for it but I have loved that little picture since the first time you showed that room.

    16. Jessica | Petal + Ply

      I love that your boys are besties. I’m sure that even so they will love to have their own space.

    17. Bshane

      You are wise to convert your seldom-used guest bedroom into a separate bedroom for one of your boys. For one thing, it sends a message to them about how much you value their well-being.

      It’ll be interesting to hear about the family dynamics around the shift (in addition to your creative ideas about the spaces, of course).

      I grew up in a family of seven in a three-bedroom house, so I can sympathize with your boys growing tired of the forced familiarity that a shared room entails.

    18. Jenn A

      I currently have two teen boys sharing a room who would love to have their own space – but only sometimes. They really miss each other when separated. I think it’s a great decision since you have the space. I’m excited to see what you do with the room. I’m sure it will be wonderful.

    19. Mary Ann

      Hi Marian. You mentioned taking down the checked curtains. I have black/white ones in my DR and would love to buy these for my LR. Please let me know if you would consider selling them to me!
      Thank you.

    20. Donna Doble-Brown

      Marian, is that a queen headboard? Possibly for saleeeeeeeee? Oh my goodness . . . Gosh I love this room . . .the quilt, the curtains, the pillow shams (color). Your use of color is EXCEPTIONAL! I just love seeing what you put together . . . Hmmmmm maybe I should save a pic of this room! I’d love to duplicate (somewhat) in my master . . . .

    21. K. C. Jackson

      I know you will miss that beautiful room, but I’m happy for your boys to see that you are putting them first as any really great mom does. My youngest just moved out of state and for the first time, I’m taking over his room to turn it into a sewing room that I’ve always wanted. I have had to accept that at 23, he’s never going to live here again and I might as well make good use of his empty room. Thanks for your blog. It’s my very favorite!

    22. Shelly

      I think you could find a buyer for dirt in a bag as long as it was from your yard! It is crazy how the mention of you changing things around brings out the vultures wanting something from you. You clearly stated that you were going to shuffle things around first! I am happy your son will get his own room. I am sure he will love it!

    23. Kathy

      i would love to see this impractical closet, it sounds very interesting.

      i have 5 children(2 boys, on the ends and 3 girls in the middle) and 5 bedrooms, so the 2 younger girls had to share, for years the younger girl kept griping she wanted her own room, Where would you like me to put it i’d say, i did offer her the shed, but she did not want it LOL. well they are all out on there own except our youngest, he is 24 and autistic, so it will be a while before he’s in a group home, now we have made one room into our walk in closet, and one into my sewing room, and one into a man cave. it all worked itself out. good luck with your reno.

    24. Breezy Mason

      As fab as this guess room is I am sure the redo as your son’s room will be just as fabulous. If the bergere chair is something you consider selling I would love to purchase it. I have been trying to find one in my area and have had no luck.

    25. Naomi S.

      Fun, fun, fun! Changing things around can be exhilarating. Don’t be surprised after each of the boys is settled in his own room if half the time they are sleeping with each other in just one room or the other! It happens. Eventually they will come to love having their own special space.

      I love those raspberry buffalo check drapes! Red, no I wouldn’t like, but raspberry, yum, yum. But, like one of your other readers I never find buffalo check in my area fabric stores and so far not on line.
      Not a big demand probably.

      Will be interested to see the guest room make-over.

    26. Kim

      I remember when I got my own room after sharing a pink ballerina bedroom with my two younger sisters for years. It was so exciting! Sounds like you will have no trouble selling any items you wish to purge. Those paintings are precious and I have tried in vain to find some like them…but bet they will find new homes somewhere else in your house! Can’t wait to see the bedroom re-do!

    27. Tracy @ The Uncoordinated Mommy

      I love your guest room but I totally get it! I have two boys as well (3 and 5) who are twenty months apart. 🙂 Our guest room is our bonus room above the garage and pretty big, I finally decided that it made no since to have one of the largest rooms in the house go unused the majority of the time. I hope to move both boys in eventually but it may be a while before I’m ready for that!

    28. Deborah Plapp

      Can’t wait to see what you do with Calvin’s new room!

    29. Regina Downing

      Funny, am going to do the same thing except it’s for my my 2 Grandsons and occasional visits with my adult special needs son. Had made up the room for my Mom, but sadly she never got to use it. I do have a granddaughter on the way, hmmm…I have another small bedroom to do a makeover. They are very small bedrooms in our 1850 cape. I would love my walls like yours. Can’t wait to see what you do. And by the way, you are scheduled to appear in my area in October, which I would love to see you, but my granddaughter is due at that time. Another time I hope.

    30. marylisa noyes

      Your guest room pieces are lovely and I wouldn’t let them go unless you have given up on moving and possibly having a guest room there. Having said that, I think I would give the room to your youngest son and start from scratch except for the bed. He could pick the paint colors and you could really make it fun for him.

    31. Colleen

      We live in a 100 year old home with three bedrooms. Like you, I had a guest room but it was rarely used for guests. My sister, who was my frequent guest, told me to do away with the guest room. Great decision! Now we are happy using all the bedrooms and we shift when guests come giving them a room. I can’t wait to see how you decorate for your son.

    32. Nancy

      Remember Marian, man (and decorating woman) plans and God laughs…. we just moved to a bigger place so my boys could have their own rooms and they balked when it came down to it- they still want to be together. Have fun decorating but don’t ditch that second twin bed too quickly…!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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