a beginner’s ironstone collection

by | May 26, 2022 | All Things Home, Antiques, Ironstone | 14 comments

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Yes, moving is a pain, but I have to say that there are aspects of it that have been very enjoyable for me.  I’ve loved going through all of my things and deciding which ones are my current favorites and which ones are ready for a new home.  (You can read my thoughts on letting go HERE.)  It’s been fulfilling to see a fresh excitement about pieces I’ve had for a while.  And it’s been satisfying to clean out the cabinets and thin things down.  I’m looking forward to shopping for new pieces that are just perfect for whatever house we end up in. But, I’ve also gotten to do a bit of “elfing” for a few people who have reached out to me to surprise their loved ones.  One of those projects was putting together a beginning ironstone collection for someone who has some empty shelves to fill and loves my style.

This request came in when I had already sold and packed a bunch of my ironstone collection, so I really wasn’t sure if I had enough pieces to put together a nice starter collection that could stand on its own or slowly be added to overtime.  I had packed up the ironstone on the butler’s pantry shelves, so I decided to use that free space as a place to style a collection.  It seemed like a good amount of shelf space and I could play around with how the pieces in the ironstone collection worked together.  I played around for a while as I would styling my own shelves.  I swapped and fiddled, traded, and tweaked.  I was looking for a nice variety of height, shape, and function.  I was also looking for pieces that felt like they belonged together.

beginners ironstone collection | miss mustard seed

This is the final ironstone collection I came up with.  I feel like it’s just perfect.  There are a mix of pieces from the 1800s – 1900s and a mix of patterns and shapes, but they all feel cohesive.

I also thought about functionality.  Plates can be stacked, set up along the back of the cabinet, or hung on the wall.  Sugar jars and pitchers can be used as vases for flowers.  The small bowl, large footed bowl, and mould can be filled with seasonal items like pinecones, moss balls, greenery, nuts, ornaments, and found items.

beginners ironstone collection | miss mustard seed

I’m often asked about using pieces in an ironstone collection for serving and eating food.  My everyday dishes are ironstone, but they are from the 1970s, are dishwasher safe, and do not have lead in the glaze.  Old pieces are not dishwasher safe (ask me how I know) and they may contain lead in the glaze.  For this reason, I don’t use them in the way one would traditionally use serving and dining pieces, but I do still use them.  I just use a piece of parchment paper or a tea towel to separate the food from the glaze.  I’ll also use the larger plates as chargers.

beginners ironstone collection | miss mustard seed

I use sugar jars to hold utensils if I’m setting up a buffet and I use them all over the house to hold small plants, pencils, brushes, scissors, and toothbrushes.

beginners ironstone collection | miss mustard seed

So, I feel like I put together a thoughtful beginner’s ironstone collection.  I just wish I could see it being gifted to the recipient since I know it’ll be a big surprise!  I’m glad I got to be a part of the curation process.

And, don’t worry, my own ironstone collection is still extensive!  And maybe I’ll even get to add a few new additions once we’re settled.  I’ll definitely be hitting my favorite antique honey holes when I’m visiting PA.  You can read about those HERE.

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    1. Addie

      Hello Marian,
      I for one cannot wait to see your next home!!! I am giddy with excitement!!! ….yes, I have a boring life!!
      I am probably late to the party BUT by any chance are you selling that BEAUTIFUL scale in the picture? Ahhhh….it is pure perfection!!! I would LOVE to purchase!!! I don’t live close so mailing would be involved. Willing to pay. I am sure it would have snatched up fast….never hurts to inquire!!!
      May God Bless you all in your next adventures!!

    2. Cynthia Johnson

      What a great starter set. I love the simplicity of it on your shelves! I wish it were coming to me. 🙂

    3. Nora

      Lucky the person on the receiving end of this pretty collection. I’m more than a little jelly.
      Hope the packing is moving along nicely.

    4. PJ

      This is a beautiful arrangement. I love that each piece has room to breathe and to be appreciated.

    5. Ljrobi

      So sweet of you and the giver for surprising the lucky recipient. I too cannot wait to see your new home. I have read your blog from start until now, and anxiously wait for each post. You are so gifted, and I love your style. Thanks for the hours of entertainment.

    6. Carol

      I have loved following your blog in your current home but I am also excited to see your next adventure. I am always excited to see your new acquisitions. I can’t wait to find my own antique clock, scandinavian mittens and unique cleaning brushes! Love the variety in the chosen ironstone pieces. Pure perfection! Always the element of surprise with your blog!
      God bless,

    7. Michele M.

      Oh that is a perfect collection – and someone will be so so happy to receive that gorgeous lot!

    8. Donna Burke

      I must say I’m in awe of your ability to separate emotions from your collections and found pieces. I feel so emotionally attached to every item and parting with them or leaving them and starting over would break my heart. You are a bit younger than I am and perhaps that helps- knowing you can start over fresh and being excited about that. I do wish I could be so brave- I can’t wait to see your new house and how you make it a home. I admire your bravery and ability to move forward.

    9. Connie

      What a special good deed Marian! And a beautiful collection anyone would be proud to display!

    10. SueA

      I have two lovely ironstone small pitchers with the grapes design–one is even fluted! These I found in my grandmothers things and grabbed them before I knew what they were. You taught me that. I suppose it qualifies as a beginner’s collection!

    11. Micki

      I love all your decorating and collections. Ironstone, especially holds a special place in my heart. When moving and downsizing homes, I made the mistake of selling my entire collection of ironstone — over 400 pieces. Serious seller remorse. But, I’m rebuilding my collection with pieces that really speak to me. That’s the beauty of collecting — there’s always more out there so I’m enjoying the hunt to bring home those beauties.

      Love, love, love the scales. Gorgeous!

    12. Karen Keller Eyer

      What a lovely collection and lucky recipient !
      That large footed bowl has me on the hunt for something similar to add to my ironstone grouping !

      Writing this and thinking of you as I ice & elevate my broken leg from my 1860 farmhouse in Pennsylvania !

      Best wishes in your recovery and move east !

    13. Krista

      That’s a beautiful collection! What a thoughtful gift! I’ve loved your blog for many years and so admire you and your family, lifestyle and faith in taking chances and making big changes. Anxious to follow along on this next adventure. Wishing you good health and healing and a wonderful summer!

    14. Annmarie

      Your collection is just perfect as well as the color of your hutch!!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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