adding casters to the counter

by | Sep 5, 2014 | Artistic Endeavors, Tutorials, woodworking | 20 comments

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A couple of weeks ago, I found this amazing antique counter on Craig’s List.  My mom and I cleaned it and then I sealed the paint to prevent further chipping.

I want everything in the studio to be very easy to move, so we have a lot of flexibility with the set up and I can scoot things around by myself without shredding the floors.  So, my dad came to the studio yesterday to put casters on the counter.  We thought we might need to build a frame underneath to support the casters, but when we flipped it over, we saw that the wood was thick and in good condition to accept the screws required to hold the casters in place.

Adding casters was as simple as lining the caster up and screwing it in.

I bought some vintage casters, but we ended up using new ones, so they would lock in place.  The floors in the studio are uneven to say the least, so we didn’t want the counter rolling to the corner or something.  It turns out the the counter is heavy enough to stay put, even on wheels and a severely sloped floor, so we won’t need to lock them unless someone is tap dancing on it.  You never know what can happen in a creative space.  First riding around on vintage scooters, then…?

I’m liking this counter as a place to pack boxes, but it’s really too pretty to keep it in the back room, so we’ll be moving it out into the “pretty area”, probably to use as a checkout counter for sales and workshops, but I’m not sure, yet.  The drawers are empty at this point, until I figure out what I want to use it for.

I have an organizing guru coming out on Tuesday to help me think through the functionality of the space and to get me more organized.  We settled into the studio pretty quickly and now we just need to fine-tune the space.

Jeff is going to start building some chunky farm tables for me this weekend…

In other news, I took my first riding lesson today.  It was hard and intense.  My mind is a little fried and my rear end is a lot sore, but it was fun and I’m looking forward to next week.

By the way, I’ve been so excited this week with the studio space that I entirely forgot to post FFF!  We’ll be back next week…

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  1. Terry

    Hi Marion! I love that you’ve taken up riding and doing something for you! :0) It looks like a lot of fun (except for being sore 🙂 …) I love that you have embraced change, Listening for His voice amongst inner wants and obeying! You are sooooooo blessed! Congrats on your new direction in life, I admire your faithfulness, you are a great role model in more than just home decoration and DIY! 🙂

    Thank you for always sharing 🙂

    Soooooo sad… no FFF today! It’s okay, see you next week? 🙂

  2. Shirley Wells

    I love color and chunkiness of this counter and I love putting casters on furniture!

  3. Wendy

    Hi Marian, makes me laugh every time you call it the “crusty” counter ha ha. I think its safe to say its the “beautiful” counter now 🙂 Love that you are riding now too, it is hard and intense. My daughter has a horse and my goal this past summer was to learn to ride him. I got up a couple of times, but didn’t take the time. I might just try again this fall. I’ve always wanted to learn and owning a horse may never happen again…once again, inspired by you! Have a fabulous Saturday! Wendy xx

  4. Crystal

    How creative. I have found myself wanting to add castors to anything that is heavy and I think I may want to move later!

  5. Beth Cook

    I’ve been wanting to add casters to my farm table to give it a little extra height. Ideally I would like vintage but wasn’t sure how to decide what size to use. Can you advise and maybe give me ideas of where to find vintage and new? Thanks. Love the counter and how the space is coming together. So fun to watch.

  6. Jelena

    I was wondering why you were hiding that pretty counter in the back of the studio… I’m glad to read you changed your mind and will be using it as a checkout counter. 🙂

    On a different note, is that the horse you will be riding regularly? Very pretty (or is it ‘handsome?)!

    • marian

      She is beautiful. No, she’s just the “level 1” horse the trainer has her students ride who are either beginning or to get an idea of their skill. So, I’ll be moving to different horses…

  7. Toni ehle

    So what are you doing with all that free space in your home now?

    • marian

      The boys built a pretty impressive train track in the basement! 🙂

  8. Dorothy

    When I commented yesterday about your family, I forgot to mention Dad. Thanks Mari an’s Dad.

  9. mary young

    I inherrited a bunch of victorian furniture from family and interestingly enough they all
    had buit-in casters. Most of the “other” furniture either has the felt bottoms, round plastic
    slides or the flat sliders.

    FYI, did you know that victorian furniture was the first mass produced furniture in this
    country? That is probably why it has always been so abundant.

    Look forward to your posts every day. Thank you. Mary in NH

  10. Jill Howard


    I’ve been so excited with you as you’ve begun this new adventure. We recently bought an old farmhouse. I found your book at the public library of all places and was inspired to rethink and repurpose as much as I could. It’s been hardwork and fun all at the same time!! Also, I can’t help but feel a connection with you. My husband was a youth pastor for 10 years. Praying God’s blessings on you and your family in this new season.

  11. AnnW

    good for you with the riding! I took up Tango this year. I take 4 hours of lessons a week. It’s good to learn new things.

  12. Linda

    Marion, could I just say your excitement and enthusiasm for your new shop is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing with us as you settle in and prepare your new place for business.

  13. Mary

    I love that you are in your new space and have so much more freedom and peace in your home. I have to admit, though, that I am missing seeing shots and updates from your house. Please say you’ll still keep us posted as to what your doing at home! 🙂 It makes all of your ideas really come alive and helps me create a vision for my own home.

    • marian

      Oh, of course!

      • Mary

        Yay!!! So glad! Thank you for being such an inspiration and always “keepin it real” 😉

  14. Lee

    I love the colour of the counter, its really pretty. I used to have horses and also rode when I was living overseas until a few years ago. It is very therapeutic I think as you will notice that you forget everything else that is going on..there will be no thoughts of milk paint going on in your head as all concentration is on your mount. I really miss riding, I used to do a lot of dressage and have actually been thinking of riding again but just for pleasure, simply riding along the beach, your post is a reminder that I should get back into it in some form or other.

    Lee 🙂

  15. linda

    your casters reminds me of our communion table at church. It is large and solid wood ( heavy) . I shared with my husband they need to put casters on it so the guys moving it down into the sanctuary do not have to carry the heavy. Table I went with my husband and found clear casters that hold 200 lbs. @ and needed four; two locking and two standard. They look so nice, and with the clear they do not show with the oak table.

    They guy in charge of the building dept. of our church helped my husband put them on and was thrilled to have clear not black or grey 🙂

    God always supplies our needs according to His riches in Glory 🙂

    nice job on the counter.

  16. Mida

    when buying casters, do they all indicate the weight limit on packaging? This counter looks quite heavy for the size of the casters, however, I am know you know what you are doing. Just wondering as I need add height to a on piece.


Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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