an adventure in new york

by | Nov 8, 2014 | Miscellaneus, Travel | 34 comments

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I received one of those e-mails last week.  The kind that seems sort of crazy and surreal.  It was from Pinterest and they were asking if I would be interested in traveling to NYC to be interviewed for a Fox News extra on upcycling.  It seemed a little far-fetched and I wasn’t sure if it would actually work out, but just a few days later, I was driving up to New Jersey to take a train into Manhattan.

Kriste and David escorted me there, which was fortunate, since I proved to be a bit of a mess when it came to public transportation.  I was always putting my ticket in upside down or backwards or swiping it twice, so that I had to pay again to get back.  I somehow even messed up exiting the parking lot at the train station, even though I did everything right.  They had to send someone out to fetch my ticket and reset the machine, so we could exit.  It was comical how many turn-styles I bounced off of.  I’m sure I got a lot of eye rolls from locals.

We went to the Fox building and I nervously checked in at the security desk.  The producer came to pick us up and escort us to the newsroom.  After I freshened up a bit, she motioned us into a glass room and told me to sit behind the desk.

Me?  Behind the desk?

It was intimidating, but I felt almost detached from it…like it was an “experience ride” at a theme park where you get to pretend you’re a news anchor on Fox.  I could see myself in the monitor and it was surreal.

I calmed my beating heart and tried to relax.  The producer asked questions about my blog, upcycling and how that trend has been furthered by Pinterest.  The feature will air on Thursday and will then be sent along to Fox affiliates and will be shown in over 100 countries on Fox News and Fox Business.  I hope I didn’t say anything idiotic.

Kriste and I did dork out a bit and had David take our picture.

As the producer, who was so nice to work with, escorted us out, she said I touched on all of the right points, so that gave me some encouragement that I did okay.

Since David and Kriste gave up a day to make sure I didn’t get lost, I asked if there was a special place they’d like to eat.  David answered without hesitation…YES!  He wanted to go to La Nonna in Brooklyn.  He navigated us through the subway system like a pro and we enjoyed a delicious Italian meal at the restaurants new location.  It gave us a chance to warm up and rest our tired feet.

 This is only my fourth time in New York (and they’re always quick, busy trips), but I enjoyed walking around, soaking up the juxtaposition of the new and the old.

…and houses that look like they were wedge into place…

I relished the window displays in all of the small shops lining the streets and I think I would buy fresh flowers once a week if I walked by this everyday.

I saw inspirational patterns and textures everywhere…

…and I love how many surfaces become canvases in the city…

…and how inspiration is everywhere…

I never know what’s going to come out of opportunities like this.  Maybe it’ll result in another exciting opportunity or growth for my brand.  Maybe it’ll just be another memory of a trip to New York…when I got to eat a great margherita pizza, walk through Brooklyn on a cold and drizzly day and sit behind a desk in a news room.

Either way, it was an adventure.

PS – I will share a link to the feature when it’s live.

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    1. Jeanine Okio B Designs

      Oooooh, I can’t wait to watch! How very exciting for you! NYC is a little rough. I’ve lived in NY all my life and I still get lost coming out of Grand Central. =)


    2. Betsy

      I have Fox News on all the time…I’ll look for you! How great is that!

    3. A Speckled Trout

      I grew up outside of Chicago and worked on Michigan Avenue for many years. I loved it and still feel like Mary Tyler Moore whenever I get to go back. I’ve never been to NYC but my friend keeps nagging me to go. One of these days…..

      On another note, I love your hair in these picks. Very funky. Very NY 😉

      Makes me want to go and toss a beret in the air.

    4. Nancy

      So exciting! It’s amazing what can happen when you follow your passion! So happy for you.

    5. Julia - Vintage with Laces

      How exciting, Marian!!! I’m sure you did great and look forward to watching the feature.

    6. Lana Manis

      It sounds like a wonderful adventure! Congratulations on being chosen for the segment!

    7. Kelly - Talk of the House

      I laughed out loud at your subway mishaps. I know I would have been in the same boat with you. (Thank goodness I had a friend who knew their way around when I was there.) Congratulations on the new adventure! I love how opportunities are taking you on such a journey as you follow your heart!

    8. MaryLisa Noyes

      I grew up on Long Island so the trip into NYC was a common occurrence and one I didn’t appreciate until I moved to the west coast. Now I visit at least once a year and soak in all the changes that have evolved. Brooklyn has especially gone through a makeover with “hipsters” being the cool people living in Williamsburg. I look forward to Thursday and seeing your interview.

    9. Shabby Nostalgic Girl

      Sounds life an adventure of a lifetime! Your blessings are overflowing so it’s good that you stop every time to take photos and smell the flowers! Looking forward to your segment and Congratulations again!

    10. Joanne

      Big cities make me a little anxious, too. Nice to visit but I’m always happy to come home to my little town and relaxed pace. You’re becoming a star!

    11. Kimberly H

      What a fabulous experience! Thank you for continuing to be so inspiring.

    12. Liz

      Can’t wait to see the segment! As I said once before, I think you are on your way to be the next Martha.

    13. Jill

      What a great day! That doesn’t look like the Brooklyn I visited years ago! Love how all the old has been “revived” to look old still, but new. I love all the old doors in that one shot! Looking forward to watching your interview!

    14. Peggy

      I was tickled pink when I heard earlier this week that you were doing an interview with Fox News. How incredibly exciting is that!?! Congratulations once again! I wonder if I could convince my workout partner that we “need” to miss yoga this week in order to prepare for your interview. 😉

      Ok this is is totally off subject but…. what brand/style are your “walking” equestrian boots? I have been looking for a pair for some time (think in terms of years) and am starting to become frustrated in my effort to replace my old boots which I literally walked through. Are yours comfortable? supportive?

      Thanks! Have a truly wonderful weekend!

    15. Jelena

      How exciting for you, Marian! And you are absolutely right: it was an adventure.
      In our household, we don’t watch TV but will find a way to see that segment once it airs in our area.

    16. Rhonda

      Awesome adventure !!! Can’t wait to watch the segment 🙂

    17. Diane | An Extraordinary Day

      Congratulations Marian!!
      You really are a rock star! And the sweetest…real-est one ever!
      I can’t wait to see your FOX New segment.
      p.s. love hearing how you needed help navigating the metro system. Makes me feel ‘normal.’

    18. mary young

      Are we talking about Fox TV? What time? I grew up in NYC and it is still an adventure
      to revisit…………so many changes but still the same. Thanks. Mary

    19. Joann Locascio

      I’ve been lurking in the background but I just bought some milk paint to freshen up our tired kitchen in our new home in Port. St. Joe, Fl. I can’t wait to get started. I have some preparation to do. I’m so excited for you. I love you, your blog and I wish you all the best. I hope this opens many new doors for you. I know you did great!

      • Joann Locascio

        PS If you ever go back and need help navigating NYC, I’m your girl! 😀

    20. Cindy Barganier

      How exciting for you . I know it was a fun trip to my favorite city.

    21. a bit of colour

      So happy for you! Congratulations!

    22. Tina

      How wonderful!! You deserve all the recognition! I love your blog, your paint, all your painted furniture, etc. Thank you for sharing your brilliance with us! Can’t wait to see it!

    23. Barbara Bussey

      What a life you are leading! Look how you’ve grown and where it’s taking you! One door opens another. Bravo!

    24. Janet

      That’s so very cool and you are so down to earth (and talented). I had the chance last year to be interviewed in my home by a crew from French TV and was so nervous. It’s excited when opportunities come your way via blogging!

    25. Amanda

      That is so exciting! Can’t wait to see the feature – good for you! Bennie and I could very well have bumped into you in the city. We were there too, delivering an Artissimmo painted desk to one of our clients.

    26. Amanda

      *Artisimmo, I mean. It was our color of the week…requested by more than one client. The week before it was Tricycle. Funny how it worked out that different clients choose the same colors in the same week. #mmsmilkpaintlove

    27. Rowena Philbeck

      How exciting for you. I hope its on when I can see it in Texas. What fun you must have had.



    28. Maureen

      Oh my GOSH, what a fun time!!! So happy for your newest of adventures. I have to know where you got those cute boots you were sporting on your trip. Do tell! Best wishes for continued success!

    29. Charmaine

      You and Kriste are just too darn cute for words 🙂 I love how you share your work with all of us. Congrats on making Fox news! That is such a neat thing for you all 🙂 Keep doing what you do because we all love you and your work!!! Oh, if you ever come to California, please let us all know so we can come to wherever you are!

    30. Lynn Dumouchel

      WOW OMG! how great is that can’t wait to see you on tv again

    31. Debi Fostoff

      I am sure you did fabulous!
      Have you ever visited Asheville, NC? It’s a fascinating area with loads of eye candy!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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