the antique bread case

by | Mar 14, 2017 | All Things Home, Antiques, Favorite Finds | 31 comments

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I am often asked how I find such great pieces.  Well, I find a lot of them myself, just by cruising Craigslist, going to antique stores, and hitting some other favorite shopping spots.  But, I also have some great “pickers” who know me well and either sell pieces to me directly or tip me off to finds they think would interest me.

One of my pickers, Traer, found this amazing, antique display piece for me last week…

I had a similar one at Lucketts last year and it was one of my favorite pieces.

At first, I assumed it was a cheese case, but I found lettering on the inside of the bottom and it is, indeed, a bread case…

This is the back of it, but I sort of love the little door and latch.

It’s in pretty amazing condition with all of the glass intact and a sturdy frame.

I sometimes wonder how well these display cases will sell, since they are really for retail use and their residential usages might be limited, but I find them hard to resist and they always sell!

It will be a great display piece in my booth at Lucketts at the very least!

And, if I’m stuck with it?

Well, there are worse things that can happen…

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    1. Jen R

      Love!! This is so similar to what I’m looking for to store my essential oils. I only wish I could get to Lucketts

    2. Brenda

      It’s very cool! I see one problem though. Deciding which side to face out! It’s awesome.

    3. Kimberly

      That bread case is beautiful! I love the tiny latch on the back, so cute! Do you plan to paint it, or leave it in it’s original wood state? I’d love to see it stay with the wood finish! I’d bet money that that glass shelf is not original though. It looks *very* thin and delicate, like it could break very easily, or possible cut someone with that unsanded/unpolished edge. Maybe consider getting a thicker piece with polished edges cut at a glass shop? It’s actually quite affordable to do, and could avoid any unforeseen incidents at the Luckett’s market.

      • Marian Parsons

        I am going to leave it and just polish it up with some Hemp Oil. Yes, I agree that the glass shelf was a replacement and it’s really not heavy enough to be a shelf. I will replace it with something thicker with sanded edges. I actually have a list of glass I need to have cut for various Lucketts pieces.

    4. Naella

      Any chance you would be willing to sell it and ship? ? I won’t be able to make it down to Luckettes this year and will miss shopping your booth very much!

      • Marian Parsons

        Oh, I’m afraid this piece would be very tough to ship. Greyhound won’t ship pieces with glass. Sorry!

    5. Jennifer

      Oh my, just beautiful! I would love to be on the list if you decide to sell this. I am finally going to be coming to Luckett’s this year. I can hardly wait!

      • Marian Parsons

        Yes, it will be for sale at Lucketts!

    6. Donna

      This is gorgeous! And yes, trying to figure out where in my house it can go…can’t wait for Lucketts!!!

    7. Cassie

      I’ve been meaning to comment on the new design, it’s lovely! One thing is miss though is the arrows that take you from post to post. I don’t get to read every day, so I usually binge my MMS and catch up on several posts at once. It was really convenient to be able to navigate so easily and not have to go back to the home page each time. Is that a plug in you had on your previous design (if it it, I’d love to know the name to use it for my own site). Anyway, my two cents ?

      • Carla from Kansas

        If you keep scrolling down you can choose posts Articles by date then choose by month.

    8. Amanda


      I love this piece. I’m Military and in Vegas Originally from New Hampshire. I will be making a trip out that way in the fall. Any way I can purchase and you can hang onto it till then? You can still use the piece for Luckett’s and then enjoy it back at your shop for a little while till then. I can pay via paypal if that works for you. Love this piece.

    9. Lauren

      Oh its beautiful! I love it and it always amazes me how those things can stay so well in tack over so many years. I need to get picking again <3

      On a side note…you site looks awesome.

      Lauren | Lovely Decor

    10. Mary Ann

      Love It. !!! Those okd wood cars make my hesrt sing!!

    11. Nancy Haley

      Hi Fellow Birthday Girl!
      Naella was asking about this cabinet for me for my birthday! I love anything general store-ish. My kitchen in NH looks like a general store. I LOVE IT! We’re not coming to Luckett’s this year (sniff). Maybe you could bring it with you to NH and I’ll take it off your hands when you get here? I think that would be a great idea don’t you? We could take you out on our boat on Winnipesaukee in the summer (heaven) or leaf peep in the fall, you could have all the privacy you wanted or none if you chose. I could be the perfect groupie. btw-all the beauty treatments are making you look like my sister when she was a little girl. Very pretty-Adorable-I know we have the same b-day but I now feel we must be more than 20 years apart. 🙁 Nancy

    12. Pamela

      Oh my gosh, I knew I shouldn’t have opened the email. Most of the time the pieces don’t “ring my bell” especially if they’ve been painted. I am not one for painting antiques unless they’re hideous looking. Although I will say there was one a month or two ago painted with a scene on it that I quite liked a lot. But when I saw this it was love at first sight. Holy cow I adore this thing. I like the white one from last year but I absolutely LOVE this piece. My biggest problem is I have far too much furniture than I need already. (but when did that ever stop a woman, right!) I live in a 200+ year old house (the original part, you know how it is with these old houses), the second part was a tavern during the Civil War and then around 1918 or so my great-great-grandfather purchased it and added the kitchen and a Master bedroom and then several years later he added a bath off the Master bedroom and expanded the kitchen because the bathroom had to have something below it to sit on of course. Since then almost nothing (especially in furniture) has left and I keep adding. When I took the house about 20 years ago and did an 18 month renovation (the biggest it ever had) I did give my brother a few pieces. I felt as though he should have his great-grandfather’s rolltop desk and he has his great-grandmother’s school bell. She was a teacher in a one room schoolhouse (before they married of course). I’ll be honest and say when I’m at his house and see it I get a twinge of envy and wish perhaps I had it back. Problem is, I wouldn’t have a clue where I’d put it. The room where it was in his lifetime I turned into a formal dining room and we have holiday meals back here now. The desk is quite large. That’s the problem when you’re into antiques and things, there is always another piece out there that you just HAVE to have. I don’t see how you sell so many things, I’d want to keep all of it and I have a hard time selling things I don’t like. But this piece, don’t touch it! Its perfect the way it is. Oh it might need a good polish to moisturize the wood but that’s it. You just have all the luck.

    13. Rose

      Love this piece! I think it would look good oiled or painted. Can’t really go wrong with it.

    14. Jeanne

      This is a beautiful piece. Love the old oak. Love the shelf details. I would call this a Keeper!

    15. Karen K from Buffalo

      Beautiful, beautiful piece!! I don’t know how you give these things up. I know it’s a business, but I think if it was me I would have a loaded house!! LOL

    16. Karen L Chaudoin

      Okay I love this too like Pamela. Please leave it as it is! The wood is beautiful and I have a place for it, well I could make a place for it. What a way to store bread! I would need to keep making bread just to fill it! Somebody will love this. If only I lived closer. And the comment I left regarding Quilt boards on barns in the early 1960’s, it was quilt squares painted on the barn, not a board that is hung on a barn. They were so pretty and some of them big. Enjoy your trip to China. A former boyfriend went and he enjoyed his trip except for the communal squat-to-go bathrooms!

    17. Karen L Chaudoin

      I can not access your online shop. Do I have to have a passcode?

    18. KJ

      So glad you didn’t paint it ! The oiled look is perfect for this piece. Love it 🙂


      Marian, I just love this antique! It’s lovely just the way it is! Oh, how I wish we could take a trip to Lucketts! Maybe one of these years! Wish we weren’t so far away because I would just love to go!

    20. Sally Hanselman

      Wouldn’t it be fabulous in a powder room or bathroom? On top of a vanity to store towels and such? Too bad I am not close enough….

    21. Sue Pagels

      Of course it will sell – it’s lovely! You always find such amazing pieces that are so fun to read about!

    22. Mary Ann

      It is too bad I cannot proof read what I write!
      The beautiful wood bread cabinet makes my heart ❤️ sing!!! I love wooden small boxes , cabinets, guess I just love old wood!
      Love all your posts , they make me smile

    23. MaryLisa Noyes

      It would be great in a bathroom and leave the door open!

    24. Deb H.

      No worries at all. If it is there when I arrive at Lucketts, I WILL BUY IT and that is that! I have a feeling I will not win the race but hey, nothing wrong with dreaming and I did score that awesome scale from you last year! This is priceless and especially endearing as my German great grandparents owned and ran a family bakery that had a case almost identical. I am actually tearing up as I scroll thru the pics. Simply awesome!

    25. Jennifer

      I couldn’t tell if I was the first to ask to purchase this at Luckett’s, but if I am, I would love to know the dimensions just to be sure. Thank you! Jennifer

    26. Terrie

      Oh, Marian, honey! Now I know just what to look for to store loaves of bread, bagels, pita, muffins, etc. Nothing can be left on my counters in a plastic bag or container, as I have a very smart, adolescent kitty who is the Houdini of Carbs! Isn’t that funny? But this antique case would surely stump her devious paws. If only General Sherman hadn’t burned his way through Georgia, we might still find pieces like this around here. (j/k)


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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