antique haul | 8.22.16

by | Aug 23, 2016 | All Things Home, Antiques, Favorite Finds | 24 comments

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Late last week, I hit a wall.  I love my work, but sometimes I need to step away from my house and the studio and recharge creatively.  A day out shopping usually does that for me.  So, my mom and I hit a craft store for more watercolor and sketching supplies and we also hit one of my favorite antique stores.

I was shopping mostly for inspiration, but I also kept an eye out for things I could sell in the online shop and I found quite a few goodies.

Here’s a video showing my “haul”…

And here are some detail shots of a few of the items…

That huge ironstone platter has the most amazing pattern on it…


I did decide to keep the linen napkins.  Just for a little while, anyway!  They are just too sweet to not use in a few photo shoots before I sell them.


And here is the dresser I mentioned, but didn’t show in the video.  It really is pretty as is, but it’s going to be painted as a landscape dresser.  I really enjoy those and I have lots of requests for more.  I’m trying out some different things with this one, so we’ll see how it turns out…

I’m back in the studio this week, making progress on the flooring and working on some freelance projects along with some design work.  It’s a busy and exciting time…

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    1. Erika Geddes

      What a lot of pretty things you found! I love these posts- almost as good as finding treasures myself, without spending ?

    2. Liz

      May I buy the Tonka Horse Trailer? It’s so darn adorable!

    3. sandy

      You have such a good eye! Thanks for sharing.

    4. Janet (shabbyfufu)

      Love it all and it’s fun to take a creative day to shop!

    5. Jennifer

      I hope you know that you are one of my most favorite designer, mom, entrepreneur, painter, stylist gals ever…..and I LOVE painted furniture.
      But PLEASE, don’t paint that dresser!!!!!!!!!! It is a perfectly aged and beautiful piece.
      Save the landscapes and painting for wood that is not quite “right” — and again, I am a huge painted furniture fan!!!!!!!!

      • marian

        I know, I know! I totally agree with you, but it is getting painted. I actually made Kriste paint it, since I couldn’t bring myself to do it!

        I am leaving some elements wood, though, so we don’t totally lose that pretty patina.

      • Becky

        You should buy it so you can NOT paint it. 🙂

    6. Karen Keller-Eyer

      The scalloped compote is screaming my name !

    7. Heidi

      I love love love the server with the blue flowers. When will it be on your online store?

      • marian

        This Thursday at 8:00 pm EST.

    8. Sue Pagels

      Did I miss when you were going to put these in your online shop? Looks lovely!

      • marian

        Sorry, this Thursday at 8:00 pm EST.

    9. Cheryl McIntire

      Marian. When will they be listed? I love the horse trailer

      • marian

        Sorry, this Thursday at 8:00 pm EST.

    10. Angie Boughton

      I would love to have a chance to purchase the horse trailer! Do you know what day you will be listing it or is there a chance I could purchase it before you list it? Thank you!?

    11. Alicia Quiles

      I must have that horse trailer for my horse crazy daughter!!!

    12. Ellie

      I am in Maine now, where we have a house full of painted chests such as the one you are going to paint. Others here have them, too, since there is so much vintage here. If it is in good shape, it really is a shame to paint it. These wooden chests look gorgeous in wood paneled rooms in particular, but also in painted rooms.

    13. Ruth

      You are so lucky to live on the East Coast. You have an abundance of antiques. In Minnesota there are antiques but not the amount you have to choose from. I think a lot of things didn’t make it this far when people came in covered wagons.

    14. Alison G

      Design work…Good I miss those posts about design.

    15. Patricia

      Are those jars with silver tops ? Do they screw on just lay on top? They’re precious!

    16. Kathy Nelson

      My four year old grandson was sitting next to me while I was watching your video and he said that you sound like you’re very nice 🙂 I told him that I’d met you once and you were very nice.

    17. Naomi S.

      I don’t know how you find so much ironstone. I see it in antique shops and thrift stores very infrequently here in mid-Michigan. I’m so jealous! I love the little pitchers and you are so right; one can never have too many!

      The dresser is a beauty. I wouldn’t be able to paint it, for sure. I agree, though, it is a good style for landscape painting. Can’t wait to see your next one.

      Glad you were able to get out and do some shopping. I find it really therapeutic when I am feeling at loose ends or just plain sick of being in the house. Somehow it is kind of soothing. I guess that’s why they call it “retail therapy”!

    18. Teresa

      Wow… I need to have a Etsy shop! I have two of the same identical Tonka horse trailers and they are in really good shape. Seems, everyone wants those trailers! I only use them once a year for my Fall vignettes.

      BTW.. those linen napkins are really beautiful. I don’t blame you, I would keep them too.


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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