Basil Pecorino Corn Recipe

by | Sep 15, 2015 | a slice of life, Recipes, summer | 10 comments

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I shared this picture of one of our Plated dinners a couple of weeks ago on Instagram and a few people asked for more details on the corn side dish.  This Basil Pecorino Corn was so delicious and easy, that I decided to make it again with the summer’s last corn and share the recipe.


Hello dinner… #platedpic #dinner @plated

A photo posted by Marian aka Miss Mustard Seed (@missmustardseed) on



  • three ears of corn
  • 1/8 cup grated pecorino cheese
  • 1 T mayonaise
  • 1 clove garlic
  • coarse kosher salt
  • pepper
  • fresh oregano, parsley and basil

Cut the kernels off three ears of corn and saute in a pan with a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, for about 3-5 minutes or until corn is tender.

I always use Kosher salt out of a little salt crock when I cook.  I pinch and drop in what I want.  I find I get a much better feel for how much salt I’m adding as opposed to shaking in some table salt.

Put 1/8 cup of grated pecorino cheese in a bowl…

…add a tablespoon of mayo…

Mince one clove of garlic and sprinkle some coarse kosher salt over it…

Mash the garlic and salt with the flat edge of a knife to make a paste…

Add garlic paste to bowl along with chopped fresh basil, parsley (flat leaf Italian) and basil.

Once corn is tender, dump it in the bowl and stir.

Oh, my word.  It is creamy and packed with flavor!

While I’m talking about Plated, I wanted to give an updated review now that we’ve been getting meals for a few weeks.

That initial post did cause a bit of a debate because some of you thought that $12/plate was too expensive for a meal you have to prepare yourself and I totally get that.  We’re all in different circumstances, though, and for us, it’s perfect.

We have a seven-year-old son with Type 1 Diabetes.  He is insulin dependent and cannot be left with someone who doesn’t know how to administer insulin and count his carbs.  This means that it’s rare for me and Jeff to have a date night.  We haven’t been able to leave him with a babysitter since his diagnosis almost two years ago.  My parents are the only reason we’re able to take trips or have a night out now and then, but we don’t want to abuse that.

So, Plated is a way for us to have a special, restaurant-caliber dinner, at home.  We both love trying new farm-to-table restaurants, so this is our way of being able to do that without having to get a sitter.

And all of the food has been restaurant caliber.

I follow the instructions exactly and have learned so many “secret” cooking techniques and ingredients that take each dish to the next level and I have carried over into the rest of our meals.  I’ve also tried a lot of spice/flavor combinations that I never had before, so I’m learning more things I like.  (Where has Boston bib lettuce been my whole life?!)

I’ve also been pretty impressed with myself!  I was sort of dreading cooking skirt steak, because I’ve always heard that it’s a tough cut of meat and, if you don’t get it right, it’ll be like shoe leather.  I set my timer and followed their instructions exactly and it turned out great.  And now I know how to cook skirt steak.


Yes, I made this. The cute dish is from @anthropologie #platedpic #yummy #getinmybelly

A photo posted by Marian aka Miss Mustard Seed (@missmustardseed) on

Here are a couple of upcoming Plated dishes I’ve ordered that I’m really looking forward to…


I think Plated is great for…

  • Foodies who want to try new techniques, dishes and flavor profiles
  • Someone who wants to learn to cook in a hand’s on way
  • The primary “cooker” of the family who’s run out of dinner ideas

I said before that there were no downsides, but I thought of a few and wanted to share them for the sake of balance…

  • Because of all of the sauces and ingredients, I notice I do make a lot of dishes!  I try to wash them as I go and Jeff will pick up the rest after dinner, so we’ve figured that one out.
  • Most of these have not been “quick dinners”.  They take me about 30-45 minutes to make, so I have to make sure I time everything well.  After being in a “dinner slump” for a few years, it’s helped me find a joy in it again and I think that’s worth the time.

I hope this more in-depth review will answer some questions some of you may have had!  If you are interested in trying Plated, follow THIS LINK to get two free plates when you order your first four.

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored posts, but it does contain affiliate links.  I am a big fan of Plated and I wanted to share more about it.


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    1. Rita C at Panoply

      Well, I must’ve missed your post where you mentioned you signed up for Plated, but it sounds good to me (even better if they’d send the cook, hehe). Your IG photos didn’t show up in the post, at least not in my viewing.

    2. katie near chicago

      What a convenient way to have a ‘farm to table’ meal at home! Glad your parents can take care of your boys occasionally. Sometimes we don’t know the pressures someone else faces, just looking in from the blog window. You are a good woman.

    3. Georgianna

      I have been reading your blog for a while. I don’t think I’ve ever commented before. But I wanted to tell you that when you posted about your son’s diagnosis, my husband was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes just a week or two later. So I’ve always felt like we got to go through this diabetes thing together. Although my husband is an adult and not a child. I think it would be much scarier with a tiny little person. It sure is life changing.

    4. Amber

      So question, how do your plated meals keep you aligned with your health goals? Only reason I ask is I’m currently dieting, and I know one day I’ll have to switch over to maintenance mode. I know in the past, you’ve followed different diets and had great success. Do you find that Plated has meals that can help you maintain?

      • marian

        All of the ingredients are whole, real, organic ingredients, so I feel good about putting that in my body. The calories are listed for eat meal and they do have vegetarian/vegan and some meals that are lighter than others. I think you definitely could incorporate this into a healthy weight loss or maintenance diet.

    5. Karen

      Marian, Katie mentioned ….you are a darned good woman….I second that! Have a happy day.

    6. Lisa

      This looks really delicious and I’d like to try it. I am wondering what a good substitute for mayo would be though. Any suggestions?

      Also, what are the greens? Is that a butter sauce? YUM!

      • marian

        Mm…maybe a greek yogurt or creme fresh?

        The greens were arugula in lemon and olive oil and the sauce on the meat was walnut romesco.

    7. MaryLisa Noyes

      These meals look incredibly delicious and food is about all the senses. I think these are a great way to try new things. I get the feeling that you get some grief about costs of things on here. I really think your blog is about doing things with a budget in mind but that shouldn’t mean there is no spending involved. You have been so frugal in the journey you have shared in how you have decorated your home and started in your business. Enjoy your success and Bravo for taking some special time for your husband….

    8. Diane

      Love nesting trays


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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