backyard pool renovation | one year later

When we were first looking at moving back to the East Coast from Minnesota, I told Jeff I would have to have a pool if we were moving somewhere with hot, muggy summers.  I didn't mean that we had to...

blooms and roots | encouragement

I'm going all in on the hydrangeas in the backyard around the pool.  I've planted mostly limelight hydrangeas because they are such reliable bloomers and, in my experience, seem to be pretty...

vintage ribbon & trim haul

Last Saturday, Jeff walked into the kitchen as I was making breakfast and said, "It's too hot to do anything outside, but I don't want to sit around the house all day.  Let's go somewhere. Let's...

summer shoe shopping with Walmart

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Walmart.  As always, all words and opinions are honest and my own. Just as I take a splurge and save approach when it comes to decorating my home, I apply the...

home editing | 1970 home renovation

When we live in a house for a while, it's easy to become blind to things that should be obvious eyesores.  Something that bothered us initially becomes something we don't even notice.  Such was the...
Artistic Endeavors
Creative Business
A Slice of Life
All Things Home
Furniture Makeovers

Vignette Party

When I heard about the Vignette Party for Funky Junk Interior's Saturday Night Special, I could hardly resist participating. I was really looking forward to running around my house with a camera,...

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Award & an ER Visit

Well, I've been out of commission since late yesterday afternoon with a virus and I just spent the morning in the ER hooked up to an IV. I'm doing better, but, for the first time in years, I am...

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Stone Fruit & Previews

A few years ago I was browsing through a new Goodwill near my old home in Virginia. As I snooped through the shelves, I spotted the usual thrift store garb - 1970's dishes, floral vases, enormous...

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Lovely Little Lamp

I saw this lamp at my neighbor's yard sale for $3.00 and had to buy it. I just loved the shape of it and the flower-like shade. (As a side note, I bought an absurd amount of stuff at their yard...

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Rainy Days & Sneak Peaks

I took this picture out of my kitchen window and this is what my view has been for 2 days...cold and rainy. Cold and rainy is not good weather for painting. Although I do my spraying in my basement,...

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Ornate Mirror Becomes a Chalkboard

Today is a good day for my little blog. First of all, my Desk Make Over was chosen as a favorite at Kimba's DIY Day and my post on Rub On Poly & Glazing Techniques was featured at Funky Junk...

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Foot Stool Revealed!

A few of you have reminded me that you're waiting for the happy union of the footstool and burlap feed sack I introduced last week. Well, here it is! As a reminder, this is how it started out. Not...

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Oldies, But Goodies

Ok, so I've got nothin' for you today. I have a lot of things primed in the spray booth and things that are in the works, so I will have some great after picture for you very soon! Since I didn't...

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Finds & Fabric

This morning I had to deliver furniture to a client and then head over to a mural job. I couldn't stop at any yard sales, so I rubber-necked my way past a whole slew of them. It was just killing me....

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Welcome to the New Blog Design!

We are very excited to welcome you to the newly redesigned Mustard Seed Creations blog!You can now grab my Furniture Feature Fridays button found on the sidebar to link back & share the fun.Also,...

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Rub On Poly & Glazing Technique

I received a lot of questions about some of the finishing details on the table I posted about a couple of days ago. First, I'll introduce all of you to Wipe-On Poly. This product is made by Minwax...

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Bulletin Board Makeover

Here is my Wal-Mart bulletin board that I purchased for my office. I think it was about $7.00. I wanted to make it fit my style and decor better. Just because it's a functional piece doesn't mean it...

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Saturday in a Small Town

Three years ago my family moved from the busy suburbs to a small town (borough) nestled in the rolling hills and fruit orchards of Pennsylvania. We absolutely love it and only occasionally miss the...

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Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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