blooms and roots | encouragement

I'm going all in on the hydrangeas in the backyard around the pool.  I've planted mostly limelight hydrangeas because they are such reliable bloomers and, in my experience, seem to be pretty...

vintage ribbon & trim haul

Last Saturday, Jeff walked into the kitchen as I was making breakfast and said, "It's too hot to do anything outside, but I don't want to sit around the house all day.  Let's go somewhere. Let's...

summer shoe shopping with Walmart

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Walmart.  As always, all words and opinions are honest and my own. Just as I take a splurge and save approach when it comes to decorating my home, I apply the...

home editing | 1970 home renovation

When we live in a house for a while, it's easy to become blind to things that should be obvious eyesores.  Something that bothered us initially becomes something we don't even notice.  Such was the...

lessons from a whelk

I've already shared about my love of collecting shells that look like they have a story to tell.  I like ones with holes, imperfections, and shells that have been repurposed by new owners like...
Artistic Endeavors
Creative Business
A Slice of Life
All Things Home
Furniture Makeovers

Artist Brushes on a Budget

When I first got into decorative painting about 9 years ago, I went out and dropped about $150 on all kinds of brushes, most of which I have never used. I really didn't know what to buy and I went...

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More Mustard Seed Creations

I have a ton of projects that are in the works, but none of them are completed for me to show you. I should have new before & after pics in a couple of days. Until then, I wanted to share some...

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I Forgot My Favorite Find!

I forgot to highlight my favorite find from today! This is an antique scale (balance, actually) that I found at a yard sale for $20. Now, that's a lot to spend on something that's not a piece of...

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Saturday Morning Finds!

Well, I headed out this was gray and chilly, so I didn't have high hopes. Today was a good reminder to me that you just never know what treasures you're going to find when you head out...

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All Things Blue & White

Today it's raining here in PA, so using my paint sprayer is out (I have to open my cellar doors for ventilation), so I thought I would share my love of blue and white. I love Delft, Willow Ware,...

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Paint free before & after

You don't always need to paint a piece of furniture...sometimes it just needs a little love. This chair was a $4.00 auction buy that looked like it had been stored in a shed or barn. It was rough...

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My First Feature!

I am so excited to announce that I was just featured on Better After! Please go and check it out!

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“Garbage” sounds better in French

You know those oak country trash cans from the 80's & 90's? Well, this was one of them. I bought it at a yard sale for $2.00. It's actually hand made, very sturdy & useful. So, I painted it a bright...

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One of my favorite before & afters

I purchased these side tables (originally a vanity) at a yard sale for $3...for the pair. $1.50 each! They were in rough shape and sat in my basement for several months before I gathered the courage...

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My family room before & after

This was my family room right when we moved here about 3 years ago. I was not into the beige with mauve undertones on the wall, the side door with only primer on it and the furniture was a mish-mash...

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Mixing your paint

First of all, thank you to everyone who has started to follow me! I have big plans, so please invite your friends and keep the comments coming!I have been thinking about tips and tricks I could...

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Some of my favorite finds

Decorative painting and murals is my main business, but I also buy and sell antiques & home decor. I LOVE thrifting, junking, yard saling, fleaing (I'm making up a lot of words, here), attending...

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Folk Art Mural – Before & After

~BEFORE ~I've been posting before & after pictures of furniture so far, so I wanted to change it up a bit and put some before & after pictures of a mural I rendered in a client's home. Above is the...

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Luckett’s Fair

This past weekend was an exciting one for Mustard Seed Creations and me personally. I went to The Old Lucketts Fair in Lucketts, Loudoun County, Viriginia. I've been to this fair many times in the...

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Adventures in yard saling

I am an avid yard saler. I wake up Saturday mornings with anticipation of what I might find that day. Last Saturday I didn't get the chance to set out early, but I was able to stop at a few on my...

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Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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decorating, projects, and recipes for summer


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