blooms and roots | encouragement

I'm going all in on the hydrangeas in the backyard around the pool.  I've planted mostly limelight hydrangeas because they are such reliable bloomers and, in my experience, seem to be pretty...

vintage ribbon & trim haul

Last Saturday, Jeff walked into the kitchen as I was making breakfast and said, "It's too hot to do anything outside, but I don't want to sit around the house all day.  Let's go somewhere. Let's...

summer shoe shopping with Walmart

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Walmart.  As always, all words and opinions are honest and my own. Just as I take a splurge and save approach when it comes to decorating my home, I apply the...

home editing | 1970 home renovation

When we live in a house for a while, it's easy to become blind to things that should be obvious eyesores.  Something that bothered us initially becomes something we don't even notice.  Such was the...

lessons from a whelk

I've already shared about my love of collecting shells that look like they have a story to tell.  I like ones with holes, imperfections, and shells that have been repurposed by new owners like...
Artistic Endeavors
Creative Business
A Slice of Life
All Things Home
Furniture Makeovers
wabi-sabi shells

wabi-sabi shells

We've been spending Spring Break at Isle of Palms, a beach in South Carolina we've visited with extended family a few times over the past four years.  The thing my mom and I most love about this...

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living room lamp remote

living room lamp remote

When I shared the new wall sconces/lamps in our living room, the thing I was asked most was about turning them on and off.  With a deep sofa sitting in front of them, they are a little awkward to...

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front porch confessions

front porch confessions

On Instagram over the weekend, I shared a confession.  I posted, "I don't know who needs to hear this, but I still have pumpkins on my porch."  Of course, I meant it to be a bit of self-deprecating...

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studio moments

studio moments

I spent some time last week moving the new bookcases in (you can read about that HERE) and getting the studio tidied up and I realized I hadn't shown my studio in a while.  Last year, I tried out a...

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Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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decorating, projects, and recipes for summer


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