Cupcakes & Craig’s List

by | Jul 15, 2010 | Painted Signs | 25 comments

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First of all, I am a guest contributor over at The Design Confidential today, so be sure to check it out!
I know it’s cruel, but I couldn’t help sharing this picture.
I have taken a lot of flack from the teenagers who hang out at our home ( my hubby is a youth pastor) for having a “Fresh Cupcake” sign hanging in my dining room with no fresh cupcakes to back it up.  So, I finally came through.
In addition to baking treats that I had to get out of the house immediately, I’ve been trying to unload some furniture (for a change) on Craig’s List.  My furniture stash is out of control and overwhelming, so it’s time to thin the herd.
I put this Ethan Allen cherry wood dresser up for sale and yesterday I received an e-mail from someone who wanted to take a look at it.  I recognized immediately that it was a couple from our church, so I responded and told them it was theirs for free.  They suggested a “trade” instead.  So, they got a dresser (that lived through middle school, high school, college, and ten moves) and I got space in my basement…
…fresh zucchini and fuzzy green beans…
…home grown potatoes and jarred preserves…
…farm fresh eggs…
…and a bouquet of flowers.  All grown, picked, laid, and made on their property.  I even received an invitation to enjoy their pool whenever I wanted.  I think I was on the better end of that deal!
I also sold my husband’s old dresser to a sweet couple expecting their first baby.  She is a DIY blog addict, checked out my blog, and realized she had been there before.  These two are doing a total gut job on their home.  I encouraged her to take lots of pictures and start her own blog.  With a baby on the way, though, this girl does have enough on her plate already without my encouragement. 

I put this headboard up for sale as well and was surprised when the first e-mail I received asked, “Is this Miss Mustard Seed?”  How funny!  And Heather, the new owner of the headboard,  happens to be a finalist for my free design consultation!  I put two and two together when we were talking about her blog.  It’s such a small world.

Don’t forget to leave a comment to vote for your favorite design consultation finalist.  The winner will receive a free full consultation from moi. 

Miss Mustard Seed

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    1. Erin

      Marian, I love that you traded! I love when my clients share the fruits(or veggies) of their labor, lol. How awesome that people are recognizing your items and your work!! I think this(and those pieces you just shipped) will start to open new opportunities for you. Hugs to you lady! One question, where is my cupcake?

    2. Becky K.

      Bartering is always fun. We have friends that are good at helping us out with our cars(him) and designing my marketing materials (her). We trade back with free candles (me) and computer/electrical work (Warren).
      I works out very well.

      Becky K.

    3. Cassie @ Primitive & Proper

      don't you love a good barter? that was so nice of you to offer. i trade with one friend for babysitting services- she gets new furniture, and i get a day at the auction! another friend makes hairbows and girl's dresses and cute clothes, so i trade with her. i paint her existing pieces and in return get hairbows and skirts and dresses for emmy. i love it! i have often thought about letting people know i am open to bartering because i am always happy with the trade! fresh home grown vegetables- nothing beats that! and don't tempt me with those cupcakes- i have to be in a wedding in 2 weeks and fit into a dress! (ok, you know where my brain is because i typed fit into a "dresser" and had to change it!)

    4. Sarah AKA The Thriftress

      I think you got a fabulous deal on that dresser. The produce and eggs look spectacular. I love fresh and local. Also you must be getting pretty famous to be recognized from Craigslist ads….Congrats! 😉

    5. elise

      i just commented yesterday on my blog about how awesome your house stays for being a mom AND youth pastor's wife… we've worked in youth ministry and those big kids can be rough on stuff almost as much as the littles!
      I love how the dresser deal worked out for you! like a trip to the market with out leaving. yum yum yum:O)

    6. Ms. Bake-it

      I love the barter system! It really is a small world! So amazing that they recognized you and your work! Just goes to show you how you and your blog touch so many people!

      ~ Tracy

    7. Janell @ Isabella and Max

      Ha! Of course teenagers would notice the lack of advertised goods!! Janell

    8. Ellen

      Well….you know…anyone who make cupcakes has to be sweet….
      and you are right, the trade was a sweet deal!

    9. Laura PARING DOWN

      Your fame has stretched far and wide!

      I love the trade you made for the fresh homegrown goodies – that is a super exchange!


    10. Laura @ Just For Love

      OOoh the cupcakes look great! Loved the photos today–so pretty!

    11. Empty Nest Full Life

      Wow! I would have traded for those veggies,flowers and eggs any day. I will say you got the best of both worlds fresh veggies, and more space. Jackie

    12. Kim @ Cheap Chic Home

      What a heart-warming post. Where do I begin? I'm so glad you made some cupcakes for the teens ;). Receiving all of those fresh goodies in a trade for the dresser was such a wonderful bargain-in the nicest sense.

    13. This Little Nest

      Craigslist is my go to source when looking for unique vintage and antique pieces. Although I've never traded there, that's a great idea!

    14. Simply LKJ

      Too funny! We often have cupcakes/cake in our house, but usually for only as long as it takes for my sweet daughter to bake, ice and take to her friends. She has lots of friends…wonder why? LOL

    15. Julie @ followyourheartwoodworking

      That is so funny about the sign and the expectations!

      That is a beautiful dresser, and cherry… drool. I hope they don't paint over it.

    16. Diane Cayton-Hakey

      I need to open up a few of my closets and get some things listed on Craigslist too. Lighten the load in this house so to speak.


    17. Angela Freda

      What is the secret to your success selling on Craigslist? I have had items listed forever, and it seems the only interest they get are from tire kickers.
      I even added that purchases generate a donation to a local charity, something I was doing anyway but had not publicized, and… nothin'!

    18. Marilyn Holeman

      I agree–you definitely got a great deal from that couple at your church! Hope you enjoy all that wonderful produce and the nice flowers.


    19. Sandra

      Aw, how sweet that you gave the dresser to the couple from your church. 🙂 And I also think how sweet of them to share their veggies and all. I think everything you sold is beautiful. Blessings,

    20. Benn's Wife

      Goodness, couldn't believe it, but your last picture – I have that same bed cover on my bed! I have never seen another like it, but I love it. I like yours too! =-)

    21. Tamra

      I've really got to work on my photography skills. Your photos are dreamy. Those eggs! Just lovely.

    22. Van

      Beautiful photos! I desire a cuuupcake!

    23. Denise Marie

      great post! small, small world.

    24. Leslie @ Farm Fresh Fun

      Love this! When are you coming down for MORE junk??? Or I can deliver… I really want to see your store (and take you to lunch)! I too am clearing out. Shoulda entered for a design consult – I'm overwhelmed!
      Always a reader, now a follower – bet you top 2000 any day- CONGRATS!!!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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