decorating with plants | design ramblings

by | Jun 1, 2015 | All Things Home, Decorating, Design Ramblings

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Yes, I know it’s not Friday, our usual Design Ramblings day, but our week was pretty out-of-whack with our trip to Wisconsin!  I was planning to edit and post the video on Friday, but… 1.) I was totally exhausted and had a 4:30 wake-up call the next morning, 2.) iMovie wasn’t launching, and 3.) I was using my hotspot, which isn’t high speed enough to upload a 1080p video to YouTube.  So, it didn’t happen.

 I’m back home now and was able to get some rest, get iMovie working, and I have my lightning-fast WiFi again!

We were hoping to film a Design Ramblings or two on our trip, but we weren’t sure what the topic would be.  As soon as we saw our host’s home, we knew.  Brenda, of Harvest Home, has an amazing gift with plants and plant decor.  She doesn’t just take good care of them, so they thrive, she knows how to combine them, plant them in unusual pots, and display them in the most beautiful ways.  I wanted to kidnap her and about 20 plants.

Well, and her entire store.  Everything was so beautiful.

Instead of kidnapping, Kriste and I asked her to share some plant decor tips with us and that turned into a Design Ramblings.  We also included Teresa of The Porch & Atelier, who is another gardening whiz.  (I want to kidnap her, too.)

(Sorry about the mediocre sound and video quality.  We weren’t filming with our usual camera, tripod, lighting, or mics AND we were outside, right next to a road.)  
Here are a few more pictures of plant decor from around Harvest Home… 
These were the little succulents that Kriste and I loved so much.  We actually each got one to take home.  Yes, we carried them on the plane.

These are the baby tears I was so in love with.  Does anyone know where I can buy these in my area?  (South Central PA, Northern VA, MD, etc.)

I seriously thought about trying to take a pair of myrtle topiaries along with the angel tears and this rosemary topiary, but how in the world would I have managed that?  I pictured myself cradling them like babies on the plane.

I was so inspired by Brenda’s shop and home that I did a little bit of gardening along with the unpacking and straightening up that needed to be done today.

I mixed some plants in a footed ironstone bowl, instead of having all of one variety.  I am planning to move the thyme and Irish moss outside, but I need to find some other indoor-friendly plants to fill in, first.

I also did some weeding, dead-heading and clipped a bunch of hydrangeas off my bushes to arrange in a bouquet.

I think I’ve caught the gardening bug…

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    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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