design ramblings | does your house match your wardrobe?

by | Jun 20, 2015 | All Things Home, Decorating, Design Ramblings | 15 comments

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I’ve heard it said that, if ever you’re stuck in your decorating choices, you can look to your wardrobe to get a sense of your style.  Do you agree with that?  Kriste and I chat about that subject in this week’s Design Ramblings…

Help me out a little here.  Did anyone else dress like the movie Clueless in high school?  Contempo Casual?  Wet Seal?

Anyway, I was thinking about this a little more since our conversation and I do think I’m drawn to similar things in what I wear and what I buy for my home.  Just in a general sense.

For example, I think my very favorite pair of leather boots (from LL Bean)…

…have the same the same feel as the leather sofa in our family room (Pottery Barn).

It’s not that they are exactly the same, but they have the same feel…casual, warm, a bit of detail, neutral, but not boring.  Does that make sense?

I do think that I tend to dress myself more casually than I do my home, though.  Many people ask if they need to take their shoes off when they first come to our house.  I think it feels a bit more formal because of the antiques, white slipcovers, delicate French chairs and all of the breakable ironstone.  Based on my house, most people probably wouldn’t guess that I would live in sweats and a t-shirt all the time if it were appropriate!

So, what are your thoughts on this?  Have you noticed a correlation between your wardrobe and decor?

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    1. Lucy @ Patina Paradise

      I think for me there is a definite correlation. I like gingham in my decorating and am drawn to it in clothes. I like toile in every room and even in a cotton shirt print paired with a jean skirt. When I look in my closet I see mostly blue, white and aqua with a little bit of red thrown in for interest and am drawn to those colours in furniture and home accessories. I like to shop flea markets to get those one of a kind pieces and that is how I like to dress. I don’t follow trends and like my clothes and outfits, like my decor to be unique and one of a kind, like me. :o)

    2. cindy

      I finally got my wardrobe and ‘look’ settled when I discovered the Dressing Your Truth program by Carol Tuttle. It’s revolutionized my shopping and dressing. It is based on 4 Energy Types (air, water, fire, earth). I decorate similarly to how I dress, although I like to honor my husband and boys’ energy types as well, and are expressed throughout our home. Sooo much easier to understand why I’m drawn to certain colors and styles since knowing my Energy type ((‘m a Type 1 which is Air), so light happy colors, randomness, playfullness, and so forth show up in my wardrobe and decorating….but my secondary Type 4 (earth) loves classic, timeless style as well, so my antiques and such play a big role. Truly so helpful for me.

    3. beck campbell

      Sweats and t-shirts are not appropriate all the time?
      There is probably some truth to this…I love mid century furniture and I am still wearing sweat shirts and t-shirts I bought when my boys were playing ball…so yes, I like old furniture and I am most comfortable in old clothes. When you reach a certain age, you find that heals and furniture too “nice” to be used are a waste of time and space 😉

    4. Wendy from

      My wardrobe tends to heavily lean in the black and white department. My entire house would be the same if I could get away with it. 🙂

    5. Cassandra E

      I think on a subconscious level, that always seemed like a given. But maybe that’s because the language can sometimes overlap. (Traditional, bohemian, romantic.)
      I wear a lot of cream, white and denim, as does my home. (Blue for denim.) I have accents of red, pink and green, because those colors look good on me, I mean my house. My wardrobe has pieces that reflect different styles, just as my house. In decorating, I don’t have a lot of room or money. But everything in my house (Well, almost, still need to switch out a couple things) reflects me, and I’d say it’s a mix of sweats and little black dresses and everything in between. It’s definitely a mish mash, just like the way I dress.

    6. Hayley

      Yall are so adorable and both wearing your “go-to” colors!
      I think there is a correlation between one’s decor style and personal style. People more on-trend seem more likely to be on-trend in their homes. I don’t really consider myself a super trendy person in my dress, but I do like gold jewelry, skinny jeans (which really are no longer a trend), and a good pair of low-bootie heels. I have found myself bringing more “safe” on-trend things in my home- gold accents, succulents, and brighter colors. Not really a fan of macrame or crop tops though. 🙂
      I think often the more comfortable and confident you are in your personal style the more likely you are to be so in your home decor. If you don’t really love your clothes and don’t feel like you look good or things fit right or look good on you, it is likely you are making similar mistakes in your own home. When you realize that what’s important is dressing how you like, what makes you happy, and what looks good on you, you feel free to do the same in your home.
      It’s so important to realize it’s ok to experiment and change things up. You don’t have to get stuck in a style because you feel it’s what is expected or what you’ve always done or what is appropriate for your age. Taking a chance to try something new can make a huge difference in the way you, and your home, looks.
      Thanks for bringing up this topic- it has really got me thinking. 🙂

    7. Cecilia

      My wardrobe is eclectic – causal blue jean-tshirt, funky colorful, black/white dressier. My house is the same way – mostly causal with bright bits of color, with the occasional formal piece mixed in. So I guess so. Interesting thought. 🙂

    8. MaryLisa Noyes

      I definitely gravitate towards blues, greens and white but in wardrobe I will add more color. However I bought a vintage patio set in orange a couple of years ago and i have to say that set just adds a pop of color in my garden area that I never would have thought. I thought I would repaint it but the orange on the rot iron just works. Your home has taken on just the perfect balance of color and comfort. Thank you for the tour on the tour of homes…

    9. Elaine

      This rambling hit me in the face! I just picked up some teal paint for some outdoor furniture. After watching your rambling I looked down at my shirt and guess what color it was? You guessed it – teal. Keep up the fun ramblings.

    10. Alicia in California

      The older I get (and I’m 67) the more I gravitate towards colors that are uplifting, make me smile, remind me of the sky and the ocean yet can still be cozy come the holidays, furniture with some French accents, a few antiques, a little whimsy, I love neutral colored backgrounds with pops of color in stripes, checks, even a small dash of floral prints and a smidgeon of polka dots! And I love blue, aqua and turquoise! My wardrobe would reflect more of this if money was no object (you should see my Pinterest boards). Right now I’m wearing one of my favorite “outfits” which doubles as sleepwear and patio attire. I’m mostly a baggy t-shirt and jean’s gal – lots of grey and white, but I have just purchased a cheerful Michael Kors (Target bargain!) coral and white striped top! I would agree that our wardrobe – the colors that look best on us – influence what we purchase. If a color doesn’t flatter me…it doesn’t come into my home. Not even in my garden. See what a color prude I am!!! BTW loved your home tour.

    11. Alicia in California

      Oooop! The Michael Kors coral and white striped top was from T. J. Maxx. OK. Carry on.

    12. tricia

      Oh yes! My wardrobe is whites/blacks/denim/leather/casual and so is our home. I get the same reaction when people come into our house about having to remove their shoes. Um, nope- this house has oiled wood floors that hide everything, as well as furniture that you can put your feet up on and not feel guilty. The older I get the more comfy my clothing gets and the more livable my house becomes. I’m less about fuss and more about enjoying the space 🙂 Oh, and I planted my first REAL indoor plant because you inspired me. We will see how that goes!

    13. Vikki

      I am not sure my clothing match my furnishings, but I do like formal yet comfy both in furnishings as well as clothes. I love my recycled sweater pillows and comfy leather couch. Just like I love my sweaters and comfy leather boots. But I do like to kick both my wardrobe and house up a notch with a few blingy things. Silver is everywhere in my house and I love to wear silver jewelry. Upcycling is in in my house as well as my wardrobe. I make up cycled jewelry and up cycle everything I can think of for my house.

      My look in high school was very Brady Bunch. Yes I am of that era.

    14. Laura

      I don’t really subscribe to the idea your clothes and decor are (or should be) the same. For my home I love filling it with treasures handed down from family members or treasures I find myself in thrift stores. Light painted furniture, French provincial sofa and lots of vintage china and silver. To me that seems like it would translate to a very feminine wardrobe and while I love that look on other people it just doesn’t work for me. I saw a picture on Pinterest that solidified to me what my wardrobe style would be if it was a living room sofa and it was a modern, thin arm, low, super soft brown leather couch surrounded by white walls, a fiddle leaf fig and a beautiful Turkish carpet. Something about that said relaxed and cool to me, which is more the look I want for my clothes. Again, I like that breezy California style for interiors but it’s just not the one for me. Maybe you guys can relate? Marian and Kriste it would be fun to see your clothes style translated into home decor too since you said they are different!

    15. heather

      I loved this guys. After watching it, I gave it some thought, and I think there are a ton of similarities b/twn my wardrobe and my home decor style. Just did a post on it for the blog. Thanks for the inspiration, as usual 🙂


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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